Date: 29 Dec 2007
It has finally happened.
On Thursday, December 27, 2007, the shocking news hit the world that
Pakistan's final and only hope of ever becoming a truly democratic
nation was murdered in a hail of bullets followed by the
ever-redundantly familiar suicide bombing. Former Prime Minister
Benazir Bhutto has been barbarously and cowardly murdered, only two
weeks away from national elections, and Pakistan has now entered its
final descent into political anarchy and dissolution.
On November 6, 2007, after Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf
declared the end of fair elections by imposing martial law on his
nation's citizens, I wrote the following short piece titled "Accepting
Pakistan as a Failed Nation-State." In it, I sadly predicted that we
would soon witness the dissolution of the artificial state of
"Pakistan" in the very near future. Now more than ever, that day
seems upon us. And now more than ever, I would urge you to please
read this short article once again, and to do the needful to help
alleviate the suffering of the innocent people of this
long-traumatized region of the world.
A true leader is willing to die for their people. May we always
remember Ms. Bhutto's courageous sacrifice for her people.
Accepting Pakistan as a Failed Nation-State
Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.
Center for the Study of Religion and Civilization
On November 3, 2007 Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf declared a
state emergency across Pakistan, imposed martial law, and suspended
that nation's Constitution. In the capital of Islamabad, soldiers
forcibly entered the Supreme Court, surrounded judges' homes, put
opposition leaders under house arrest, and began rounding up thousands
of peaceful political activists and politicians. On Monday, November
5th, thousands of lawyers took to the streets to protest the illegal
imposition of martial law in their country. Musharraf's response was
to have hundreds of these peaceful lawyers violently dragged through
the streets and arrested. In the last two days alone, an estimated
minimum of 3,500 people have been forcibly incarcerated as political
For those Pakistan watchers who are familiar with the tragic history
of this artificially created state, this latest brutal crackdown on
democracy and freedom by a governing Islamist elite that has imposed
dictatorship on its citizens for most of its 60 years of existence,
comes as no surprise.
Originally constituting the western provinces of India, Pakistan's
artificial establishment came about on August 14, 1947 as an Islamic
bulwark against what the British feared would be an eventually
powerful and prosperous Hindu India that could in the future possibly
rival its own colonial interests. Previous to 1947, there was never
an historical political entity known as "Pakistan" (indeed, the very
term "Pakistan" itself was coined from an acronym of Punjab, Afghania,
Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan). In the last 60 years, Pakistan has
instigated three major wars and one minor war against its democratic
neighbor of India. Pakistan is a country that has been riddled since
its manufacture with a unsettling history of perennial dictatorships,
martial law, political and religious repression, persecution of
minorities, horrendous ethnic strife, state-sponsored terrorism, and
an irreparably failed economy deceptively propped up by the infusion
of multi-billions of U.S. tax-payers' dollars.
To the tremendous bewilderment of many, the Bush administration has
insisted upon making Pakistan a key ally in the war on terror despite
the fact that Pakistan has always been itself one of the most
insidiously unremitting state sponsors of terrorism in the world. It
was the infamous ISI secret intelligence agency of Pakistan that
founded and supported the Taliban in its initial take over of
Afghanistan and in its ruthless reign until its final overthrow at the
hands of the U.S. military. Pakistan has harbored Osama bin Laden and
his al-Qaeda minions in its northwestern frontier territory for the
last five years, and refuses to allow U.S. military personnel into the
area to capture him. Pakistan has waged a proxy terrorist war against
the Hindu civilian population of Kashmir for decades, making hundreds
of thousands of Kashmiri Hindus refugees in their own country and
devastating a region of India that at one time was one of the most
beautiful and peaceful places on earth. By the sheer weight of the
sum total of its destructive terrorist actions over the years,
Pakistan has brazenly shown the world that it not only deserves to be
placed squarely within the so-called Axis of Evil formulated by
President Bush in 2002 – but that it belongs in the prime spot of
prominence in that notorious list!
By every measure of what constitutes a successful nation-state,
Pakistan has shown the world since its inception that it is incapable
of meeting even the minimal standards of surviving as a viable unified
political-social entity.
Pakistan is an artificial political construct in which several diverse
and historically rival ethnic groups were arbitrarily forced together
into what was supposed to become an Islamic melting pot. Rather,
Pakistan has been faced with calls for independence by many of these
various ethnic groups, which has in turn led to decades of brutal
oppression by the central authorities against ethnic activists. Like
Yugoslavia in the 1990s, Pakistan is destined to be rent asunder by
these contrasting ethnic interests in the very near future.
Pakistan's 165 million long-suffering people would be significantly
better off if this natural process of political devolution were
allowed to occur.
Rather than continuing to support the notion of an
impossible-to-salvage central state, Pakistan should be allowed to
naturally devolve into the several smaller states historically
comprising the territorial demarcations of its multiple ethnic
divisions. Rather than a failed Pakistani state, there should be four
independent states of Balochistan, Afghania (the present "North-West
Frontier Province" that constitutes the traditional home of the
Pashtun people), Punjab, and Sindh, with "Azad" Kashmir reverting back
to India.
Nothing less than the naturally occurring disintegration of the
present-day Pakistan will ensure the political stability of the
region, the assurance of the human and civil rights of the people of
Pakistan, and the eradication of the world's most unstable and
dangerous terrorist state. The latest crippling blow to democracy in
a long history of such blows must be enough to starkly persuade us
that it is time to move on from the failed "Pakistan" experiment.
I would urge all concerned readers to immediately contact their
Congress and Senate representatives, or their parliamentary
representatives, and demand an end to any continued support to the
Pakistani dictatorship.
Please forward this to every person, forum, website, and news-outlet
you know.