Inside the Worldview of a Middle Eastern Muslim
Date: 17 Mar 2008
Inside the Worldview of a Middle Eastern Muslim
Recently, one of our members forwarded us an email thread containing correspondence she had with a Middle Eastern Muslim, who professes not to support any anti-American organization. The email from the Muslim is a stunning window into the thinking of Muslims in the Middle East. While one cannot generalize the views of one Muslim to all Muslims, other empirical evidence, such as survey research, confirms that much of what this Muslim is expressing is commonly held by Muslims in the Middle East.
We have inserted commentary in red where appropriate. What you see below is the exact text and layout of the email as it was sent to our member. As you read it, keep in mind that this is coming from someone who professes to be peaceful and not anti-American.
my dear girl with all do respect, u seem to like and support every anti islamic, anti arab site in America's and admire people like pipes and Brigitte who r racist and fanatic. [this is a common ad hominem response by Muslims to those who speak out against militant Islam. They are unable to dispute the facts that support the critique of militant Islam, so they resort to name calling and attacking the person]. I don't support any anti christian or anti american site or group. Yes i disagree with american policies in the middle east, but i wish no harm to anyone. there is no islamic authoritarianism in me on that, there no hidden extremist or sleeping cells. [a remarkable disregard for publicly verified facts; sleeper cells in America have been uncovered and some broken up]. this all the creation of the Israeli propaganda machine in order to keep Islam the new enemy and to keep attention from israel crimes in the middle east and from the real threat to america, the jewish zionist sleeper cells, who have caused so much damage to america. [the preceding is standard anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli conspiratorial rhetoric]. examples of these cells,richard perl, wolfowitz, doug fieth,allan dershweitz,and eliot abrams in the nsc.most of these people at one time of another spied for Israel and passed american secrets to israel. these people were in power to drag america into war in iraq, causing the death of a million iraqi and thousands of americans soldirs.they are the real threat to america, not to mention the billions of dollars they made america loose. as for cair, its doing wat jewish american organization did 30 years ago but to a lesser scale.cair is defending muslims because of the hysteria against islam in america now.but unlike jewish organizations, cair does not work against america.who do u think is against prayers in schools, and christmas decorations in public buildings? its jewish organizations in america.although i think cair over does it sometimes but it has no agenda.[CAIR has no “agenda”? Its actions demonstrate it is intent on manipulating public opinion, stifling debate, and shutting down criticism of militant Islam. What’s more, in spite of CAIR claiming it is a “mainstream” organization, numerous leaders of CAIR have been investigated, some arrested, some indicted, for ties to terrorism. In December papers were filed in federal court alleging CAIR is in fact tied to terrorist groups and has attempted to deceive America about those ties]. NO BODY WANTS TO CHANge AMERICA AND MAKE IT MUSLIM, I CHALLENG U AND UR FRIEND BRIGITE TO GIVE ME THE NAME OF ANYBODY WHO IS TRYING TO ISLAMIZE AMERICA.or the extremist hiding in order to destroy america, its rubbish. [For just one example, how about the D.C. Imam who has called for the replacement of America with the North American State of Islam?] as i told u, after 9/11 and after thousands of man hours of investigations the FBI found no connection to any muslim in america with the hijackers. [this is a widely held, and completely unfounded, conspiracy theory among Muslims, that the Mossad, in league with the Bush Administration, are the ones who were really behind 9/11.]now not all muslims in america r perfect same as christians.if anyone breaks the law he should b charged. I don't understand why u r surprised why i don't like Brigitte? i dont because she is ignorant and racist. [another ad hominem attack] how would u feel if i will start a group tomorrow called wake up will focus on extremist christians-since most american are- and dangerous characters who r likey to kill, rape, steal, attack and might harm other americans.all the statistics say I am right, the crime rates is high, for sure people will b killed and robbed. wat do u think,,just like brigit, but ill replace muslim with christian in her site. then u always say i have muslims friends and u don't want to hurt their feelings, i do believe u, but then u associate with all muslim haters and bashers. How about this...i like american and i like u, but ill be friends with operators of alqaida sites and bin does that feel? ill never do that. I like america and like for america to have a fair policy in the middle east.I like america the way its. i dont want america to turn into a 3rd world country.i want all faiths to b in america in respect each others. Islam has been in america for a hundreds years, how come we heared nothing about it before 9/11.why they did not change america before
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