Date: 24 Mar 2008


Ruling by Fooling
By The Truth Detector
ONLY a short while ago, I had occasion to speak before an august gathering at a banquet in Los Angeles, California. Understandably, the time allotted to each speaker was short, as it had to be, to enable a number of speakers, some coming from faraway lands, to say their say. The occasion was the aftermath of the very successful FHA meetings held prior to the banquet. Each speaker chose his own subject, but the theme was more or less similar, namely, to urge the people of India to wake up. 
Our current rulers were stealing us blind!  There is a saying: 'Ignorance is weakness' followed by another, 'Self-inflicted ignorance is suicide'. Then a writer-friend wrote from Oxford, suggesting a third one: 'And the mortality rate is very high'. Such is the sad state of affairs today in our ancient land, that should concern every patriotic Indian. 
What's in a Name?
IN order to drive home my point to the good and simple people gathered together on the occasion, I put one question to the diners and asked for their reply. The question was: "Who was the paternal grand-father of Rajiv Gandhi, the late prime minister of India?" Promptly the reply came: "Jawahar Lal Nehru". The reply was symptomatic of a reflex action in which one's brain or thinking faculty had no part. It was when I drew attention of the audience to the fact that each of us has two grand fathers, a paternal and a maternal grandfather, it dawned on the crowd that indeed they did not know who was the paternal grand-father of the prime minister of India who went by the name of Rajiv Roberto Gandhi. 
The fact of the matter is that the ruling clique has been overtly secretive of the identity of Indira Priyadarshini Nehru's father-in-law. It is not true that everyone was ignorant of this fact but the ordinary people, the common public of India, were kept uninformed of this valuable information. The Indian media too played its part in suppressing the name of Nawab Khan, the father of Feroz, who was Motilal's liquor supplier. The question naturally arises why was it necessary to keep this information hidden from the people? Was it because Nawab Khan was a Muslim? But then we have been told loudly so many times that India is a secular country and the matter of personal religion did not count in such matters. Obviously, it is not so. The matter of religion is very much in the minds of our rulers, the Gandhi's and the Nehrus and all their sidekicks. They will do anything at all to hide the Islamic roots of India's rulers just to keep the Indian public, which is overwhelmingly Hindu; and we know that the centuries-old persecutions meted out by Muslims to the ancestors of Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains of India, still rankle the native people of India. 
Why was it necessary for the old Gandhi, the apostle of Truth, to force the newly wedded couple in London to change their 'Khan' name to 'Gandhi' by an affidavit (see K.N. Rao's The Nehru Dynasty), unbeknown to the people of India? And to make matters 'fool-proof' after the civil marriage in London of Feroz and Indira, Jawahar Lal organized a 'Vedic' wedding between the two, which was unlawful and a sham; but our people were too polite  to  ask  embarrassing  questions  to chacha-ji. What was wrong with Indira Khan's becoming secular India's prime minister? The facts on this 'Vedic' wedding have been described in extenso by Jawahar's Christian Private Secretary from Kerala, M.O. Mathai, in his books Reminiscences of the Nehru Age and My Days with Nehru (both books published by the Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.). However, it is not easy to procure a copy of these volumes, thanks to the GoI's picking up all unsold copies and the threat administered to the publisher that any further printing of the books will be summarily thwarted. Such is the state of our national motto: Satyameva Jayate or Truth will Prevail.
 The whole idea was to suppress the fact that India was being ruled by Indira Gandhi, a Mussalmani or wife of a Mussalman. (That explains many things including the attack on the Harimandir Sahib!) And the GoI did not want to take any risk of alienating Hindus of India if simple fooling will do the job! In the mean time, Indira went about with gusto to fool the people some more. Although a married woman with a 'Vedic' Hindu husband, she used to visit Hindu temples, all by herself. Quite clearly Feroz could not stand such hypocrisy and had refused to accompany his wife on such visits, with his forehead smeared with vermilion! The first cracks had already appeared in their married life. However, not all Hindu temples were happy to greet Indira with her quaint ways; Puri's famous Jagannath Temple refused admission to her. Mind you, a lot of people have tried to hold a brief for such suppression of fact and argued that it was not intended to keep the people ignorant. It is hard to buy that; and the next episode to be related, will prove without a shadow of doubt that here we have a case of sustained effort to cheat the people. And it has been so always only the people did not perceive the body-language of our rulers.* 
Oh! Let us never doubt, What nobody is sure about!  - (Hillaire Belloc) 
A children's encyclopaedia was pub-lished by a Chicago outift which had featured a section on Rajiv Gandhi. In that section, it had said that Rajiv was a Cambridge student where he  studied  for  three  academic  years;  that  at the end of the three years, Rajiv Gandhi, came out of Cambridge as a qualified graduate Mechanical Engineer. 
A smart Gujarati school boy in Chicago area did not buy that. He asked his father if it was indeed true that Rajiv was a qualified Mechanical Engineer from Cambridge! The father's letter, asking the same question in letters column, appeared in a local Weekly. I made inquiries with the encyclopaedia pub-lishing company and was brow-beaten by one Mary Norton of that company for having doubted material appearing in print in one of their publications. Didn't I read about Rajiv's academic accomplishments, which had been splashed across newspapers like the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun etc.? I had a sneaking suspicion that the high priced PR guys like Satchi & Satchi had perhaps a hand in this trickery. 
I wrote a simple letter to the Registrar of the Cambridge University. Pronto came the reply from the Registrar. In three simple sentences, the Registrar of the venerable institution said: (1) Rajiv Gandhi of India was an inmate of the Cambridge University for three years. (2) During these three years, Rajiv did not pass a single examination. (3) Rajiv's subject of study was NOT Mechanical Engineering but Mechanical Sciences and after the three years he was told to leave Cambridge, which he did sans a single certificate. 
I brought this matter to the attention of the encyclopaedia company by sending them a photocopy of the Registrar's letter. All hell broke loose and I received a letter from the top honcho of the publishing company. His letter was full of milk and honey. The gentleman promised that they would change the text of the write up on Rajiv Gandhi in its very next edition, etc. etc. I could, for the first time, see the innate charm in the picturesque Yankee metaphor that describes such situations quite aptly: 'to make the shit hit the fan'. That is the fastest way to spread the news, unpleasant news, and at a very short time! The Cambridge Registrar's letter did just that and all the good work done by Satchi & Satchi or whoever else was paid to do it, went down the drain. Our poor people lost a great deal of money in the bargain. But fool's gold does not remain with the fool for a long time either! Our simple, honest and God-fearing people could not foresee that they would be victims of such shameless swindlers! In the meantime, whole of India was agog with the news of Rajiv's return as a qualified Cantab or Cambridge Graduate. He was portrayed as a bright man of vision, an honest politician, a worthy son of the Nehru dynasty. That India was very fortunate to have such a man at the helm of our country's affairs! We were told that some day Rajiv would be anointed as India's first Mr Clean! 
What amazed me at the time was the fact that for three years this young man didn't study, failed in all his examinations and we all know Cambridge is not situated near Piccadilly Circus where he could have gone out and while away his time attending night clubs! It intrigued me considerably. What was he doing all these, not one, not two but three long years? Some one suggested that perhaps he was a great admirer of British Dailies' comic pages but even comic pages, sooner or later, become stale. What kind of an intellect this future prime minister had? It was later, much later, that I came to know that he was gallivanting around with his Italian girl friend of unknown pedigree. He met her at a pasta place in the back streets of Cambridge. The girl had come to Cambridge (not the University) to learn spoken English and was working as an 'au pair' girl with a local English family, helping the missus with her household duties. (This information too was obtained from the Registrar's office at Cambridge). 
One wondered how in heaven's name will this man, son of Indira and Feroz, rule a nation of 900m people of all kinds, if ever such need arose? How much does he know about India, her literature, her traditions, her scriptures, her great and ancient religions and above all her history? To everyone's relief, Rajiv announced that he was not interested in the business of politics and he was left in peace to work as a co-pilot in Indian airlines and raise a family, (with her Italian woman who still held on to her Italian passport). Let us not ask ourselves how did Rajiv acquire a pilot's license! 
Since Rajiv Ratan Brijesh Nehru Roberto Gandhi was not interested in Indian politics, his younger brother Sanjiv (aka Sanjay) filled the vacuum. Mommy dear was getting old and she needed help and a successor to carry the Gandhi name! Now the first question that should arise in an inquisitive and healthy mind is how come Sanjiv became Sanjay and that too, all on a sudden, without any previous announcement? It happened this way. Sanjiv's buddy in his youth was Mohammad Yunus's son Adil Shahriyar; yes, he was the guy that Uncle Sam had arrested, tried and put into prison with a 35-year sentence for felony. With such company Sanjiv became unruly from his early days. In the absence of a strict father in the house (Feroz was sidelined by Indira, in the meantime) and the mother's free time taken up by the multifarious obligations of the Indian government, the boy grew up like a weed in the jungle, all on his own. No morals, no self-control, no respect for the elders and nothing! He grew into a young man whose primary interest was in stealing other people's cars. And every time he was arrested, Mommy dear would come to rescue him. Sanjiv thus grew up to become a confirmed car thief and a Lothario besides! He too was sent to England, the land of spiritual bliss of the Nehrus. But then bad habit dies hard. Sanjiv was caught by the British police for having stolen a car. Unlike the Indian police who always let him go free out of respect for the mother, the prime minister, the London police arrested him and sent him for trial. Mommy dear intervened and Sanjiv was released but the British police impounded the passport so that the youngman could not flee the country like say Ottavio Qattrocchi (of the Bofors swindle), Daud Ibrahim (of the Bombay blasts) or even Al-Saghi (the Arab mechanic of the Ameena notoriety). 
Man is practiced in disguise, He cheats the most discerning eyes.  -  (Hillaire Belloc) 
Once out of prison, Sanjiv, at the advice of his mother, ran to see the Indian High Commissioner in London. That post was held at the time by India's Defence Minister-to-be, Krishna Menon. By international law even Krishna Menon could not re-issue another Indian passport to Sanjiv. He was told by Menon that the Indian High Commission could issue another (a new) passport to Sanjiv but not in that name. He had to change his name to something other than Sanjiv. But that was no sweat for a boy born and brought up in a family where changing names by affidavits, was no big deal. His own parents had done that. And pronto, Sanjiv became Sanjay (it was important to keep the first initial 'S' for practical reasons) and India received the new incarnation of Sanjiv Gandhi. 
The purpose for which Sanjiv or Sanjay had been sent to England was, however, not served. He was sent to learn auto-engineering in a reputable automobile manufacturing company. He had to leave for India without learning the trade he had come to learn in England! Thus India was burdened with another costly parasite at the top! Sanjay became a menace. He used his position of the prime minister's son, in seducing young ladies, promising marriage to them, and then abandoning them after having made them pregnant. His bad manners, lack of viable education, total lack of respect for even his own mother, whom he once slapped in the face, made life miserable for anyone who had to deal with this abomination. He made his future wife, a girl from a good Sikh family, also pregnant. Only this time, the father, a colonel of the Indian army, would not take this kind of swine-like conduct lying down. He ordered Sanjay to marry Menaka or face the ultimate consequences. The matter went right upto the ears of Mommy dear. She too sided with Col. Anand and the braggart had to marry Menaka.  Now, Menaka is the name of a court-dancer of Indra, the King of Gods, in Hindu mythology and this bothered the car-thief! He forced Menaka to change her name to Maneka). Coming from Sanjiv, the car-thief, turned into Sanjay, the philanderer, it came as a surprise. 
The marriage of Sanjay with Maneka took place in Mohammad Yunus's house in New Delhi. And eventually, when Sanjay died in an accident for which he only was to be blamed, it was Mohammad Yunus who wept the most. Apparently, Yunus had a Muslim girl in mind for the bride of Sanjay but that was not to be. These incidents and events gave rise to the rumour that Sanjay was the natural son of Mohammad Yunus. No one can prove or disprove such allegations for the simple reason that so many things have been covered up by the Nehrus and the Gandhis that it has now become difficult to make counter claims to remove public perception. Mohammad Yunus used to live in Anand Bhavan as a house guest for many years and it is quite likely that the Pathan had his eyes on the pretty Priyadarshini, now a lonely widow (Read Yunus's Persons, Passions & Politics!) 
The accidental death of Sanjay was a relief for Indira but then she needed another heir-apparent. Pressure was brought to bear on Rajiv now to take to politics. Willy-nilly, Rajiv agreed. He was projected as Mr Clean, the visionary, the great emancipator of India! Now several things happened in quick succession. Sonia Gandhi (née Maino), who was still of Italian nationality, was forced to give up her alien citizenship and accept Indian nationality. This was hard for this woman hailing from a very ordinary Catholic family from Turin (Torino in Italian), whose self-respect is traditionally rooted in their religion, the Pope and of course in the European racial heritage. Sonia thus became the wife of the future prime minister, quite reluctantly. But she did not give up her religion. She had several visits with the Pope and if the current events are any indication, she decided to serve the cause of Rome from New Delhi. 
It was about this time that I had the occasion to stop in a village in Bihar. There I happened to meet an old farmer. He was tall, well-built and quite clearly proud of his Hindu heritage. On the subject of Sanjay's accidental death he had own theory. He explained in good Hindi: "Woh accident nahin hai, Babu! Woh Bhagwan ke ghusse se mara hai; nahin to is tarah ka nidhan kiska hota hai? Hiranya Kashipu ka hota hai, jo asman men bhi nahin, zameen par bhi nahin, magar in donon ke beech men hua." (Babu! It was no accident! It was God's curse. How can he otherwise die like Hiranya Kashipu died, neither on land nor in the sky, but in between?) 
The farmer went on: "Bhagwan yeh bhi bol rahe hein, 'Dekh beti! Samhal ke chal, samhal ke chal; nahin to teri bhi aisi hi halat hogi!'" (By this accident, our God is also telling to Indira, 'Listen young girl, behave yourself; otherwise you too will meet the same fate!') I was thunderstruck. I could feel that Hindutva is still fresh and fully existent among our poor, the grass-roots, and wondered how come our leaders have not yet been able to inspire these people for the cause of the nation! And no doubt, as we all know, Indira was gunned down just a few years later, in her own residence not by Pakistani agents, not by Chinese communists but by her own guards. The farmer's reading of the body language of our leaders proved to be absolutely correct and his prediction quite true! 
We will skip here the years of India's suffering under her own leader, during the Emergency Period, imposed by Indira Gandhi. Apart from anything else, this clearly proved that all talk of 'democracy and Nehruvian/ Gandhian socialism' was just hogwash. In the case of Nehru, his true undemocratic nature was NOT discovered by the general public, but he too was an autocrat of the first water, exactly like his daughter Indira. And so was the old Gandhi when he blurted out "Sitaramyya's defeat is my defeat", when Subhash defeated Pattabhi in an open contest held democratically inside the Indian National Congress. The things Nehru did to calumniate Netaji Bose (of which we will speak later) behind the public's back is diabolical! And what kind of democracy is that where the government is underhandedly turned into a dynastic outfit; never mind how unfit the inheritors are! 
Rajiv Gandhi, a steak, bigger than the animal
RAJIV'S installation as the prime minister, soon after his mother's assassination was a sight for gods to see. There was no election, nothing and the dumb co-pilot of Indian Airlines was put up as the prime minister of some 900m people just like that! True, India had a living president, Zail Singh; it is also true that this president was not an extraordinarily strong man, like Babu Rajendra Prasad for instance. His hands were weakened by virtue of the fact that Indira was gunned down allegedly by two Sikhs and Zail Singh was a Sikh himself. Not that he had a hand in the assassination but his enemies, the criminals  like  H.K.L. Bhagat  et al would have cons-trued any attempt by  Zail Singh to establish democratic order as his partiality to the Sikhs. And behind the scenes acted so-called leftist intellectuals like Mani Shankar Aiyars, Kumaramangalams, et al. 
Be that as it may, this stupid man Rajiv became the new prime minister of unfortuante India. In stead of finding out what really provoked the assassination, what motivated it and who were indeed involved in the killing, the mafia around Rajiv went for an all out extermination campaign against one of India's valued components, the Sikhs. Wholesale killing started, like in Mughal days, of unarmed men women and children of the Sikh community in Congress-held provinces. No doubt, the country had to pay dearly (and is still paying) for this thoughtless action by men around Rajiv, ostensibly with his blessing. "When a big tree falls, smaller plants get crushed", he said, or something to that effect. The Home Minister then was Pamulaparti Venkataraman Narasimha Rao, who will later earn a name for himself as a soft-porn artist. He just sat around and did nothing to establish law and order. In fact, Rajiv was an ideal scapegoat for string-pullers behind the scene. The same gang that acted like morons in Indira's court now became invisible, all powerful manipulators from behind the scenes. Can one imagine that the dumb Rajiv, on his own, would approach Zail Singh to request a presidential fiat enabling him to open private mail? The fellow could hardly write himself. Where did he get this vile idea from? From his behind-the-scene mafia men, of course. Zail refused and since then Rajiv would not talk to him. The country was being handed over on a platter to unholy goons and all that in the name of democracy, Nehruvian/Gandhian socialism! 
The country was going through difficult times. The verdict on the Shah Bano case had just been given by India's Supreme Court and this went in favour of Shah Bano. The Indian Muslims, who are shamelessly pro-Pakistani, were up in arms. One mafia don named Haji Mastan threatened that if the Muslim Personal Law was not passed within two days, Rajiv would be slaughtered, this time by the Muslims, the people of his own grand-father's faith. Within 36 hours the Muslim Personal Bill was passed into law by the Rajiv Government in contravention of the Supreme Court verdict. 
Festival of India
WHOEVER would have imagined that the Netaji  Papers  had  a  direct  connection  with the various Festivals of India, which were instituted by Rajiv?  It  all  happened  this  way. Jawahar Lal had given custody of the Netaji Papers to Mohammad Yunus, a Pathan family friend. Yunus's son Adil Shahriyar was in a Florida prison for felony. He was to serve 35 years there. Father Yunus was very cross and he asked Rajiv (then the prime minister of India) to devise some means, any means, to get Adil out of US jail. Otherwise, Yunus threatened that he would release the Netaji Papers to the public. Clearly, that would be a disaster for the entire dynasty. The entire country would come to know all the vile deeds Jawahar had done against Netaji. 
Rajiv was at his wit's end, if he had any wits of his own. The mafia brigade hatched a plan. All the Funny Shankars, Kumara-mangalams, Chidambarams got together and hatched a magnificent plan. Now Rajiv had to execute it, if he wanted to save his skin from the wrath of Yunus. Rajiv immediately started the Festival of India. The country was starving but crores had to be spent to get Adil released. The year-long festivals started almost simul-taneously in Britain, France, Germany and North America, ostensibly  to  teach the  westerners  the  finer points of Kuchipudi, Bharatanatyam, Dhrupad, Malkaus, etc. In the US Rajiv was told by his mafia-men to choose Mrs. Nancy Reagan as the co-chairperson along with Rajiv as the other co-chairperson, for the festival. The lady agreed, not that she had the slightest desire to learn the subtleties of Indian dancing. Millions of dollars were spent and eventually, as all things finally come to an end, the Festivals of India too came to an end. On that day or thereabout, Rajiv requested Nancy that he wanted to meet President Reagan personally. Nancy is a nice lady. She requested her husband to meet Rajiv. 
At the very first meeting with Reagan, Rajiv asked for the release of Adil Shahriyar. Reagan was taken aback with surprise. It is not easy for an elected president of a democracy like America to release a convicted felon before time. But finally Reagan agreed to free Adil under the condition that he would never ever set foot on US soil. And so Adil was released and pronto all activities of the Festival of India were dropped. Rajiv was relieved that the Netaji Papers were still kept away from the people of India, in Yunus's custody. 
Gali gali men shor hai, Rajiv Gandhi chor hai. 
NO doubt a great deal of money was squandered in the many Festivals of India. No country can sustain that kind of splurge and not diminish the solvency of a nation, much less India, a poor land exploited for so many years by ruthless aliens. Quite clearly Indian economy was in a shambles. And it must be said that it was God's blessing that Rajiv and his henchmen were finally dislodged from the position of power to ruin the country, once for all. Even half a dozen Manmohan Singhs could not have helped, even if they were there then! 
However, before the final flickering and snuffing out of the Rajiv lamp, this 'scion' of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty had a last go at winning of the hearts of the people, by fooling them once again of course, and a great noise was made through the captive media that Rajiv was the Mr. Clean that the country had been waiting for. And behold, as our gods would have it, the Bofors scandal burst forth. Everyone in the country came to know of it, not so much in details but certainly in the outlines. And those who knew the details kept quiet for fear of reprimand from the GoI agencies which were all in the pockets of the Nehru-Gandhi dynastic milieu. 
In spite of that, attempts were made by the Door Darshan to hold meetings with school children under the camera, singing hymns in praise of Rajiv. In one such TV scene, when a small kid was asked to recite something in the praise of the prime minister, he recited: "Gali gali men shor hai, Rajiv Gandhi chor hai" (All that they talk about, Rajiv's a thief - no doubt!) This scene was unwittingly broadcast all over the country and it was in fact a repeat of the story of that boy who had cried out "The King is naked"; that was the beginning and with the crooks all around, the country has still not been able to get at the money. In the meantime, Rajiv's wife Sonia has removed the bulk of the loot out of the country!  
Mohammed bin Qasim/Hafez al Assad and Rajiv Roberto Gandhi
THE mad Arab hostage takers attacked Beirut's renowned American University and kidnapped a number of Americans. By mistake, they took also an Indian professor wrongly thinking that the gentleman was also an American. He had lived a long time in the US, not as a naturalized citizen but with a legitimate Green Card. The news went out to the world that there was an Indian among the hostages. That the Arabs would kidnap a citizen of India, the self-proclaimed friendly nation to the Arabs and their cause, was inconceivable to the GoI. But Rajiv, the eternal partisan of the line of least resistance, did not toe that line at all. The GoI, under Rajiv's mis-direction, announced that the gentleman was a naturalized citizen of the United States and therefore the question of his release devolved on Uncle Sam and NOT Mother India. Rajiv, as was so often the case, had his facts wrong because of his ill-informed advisers. 
The inevitable shock came when the State Department publicly announced that the US government will not pursue the question of release of the Indian professor for the simple reason that he was NOT a U.S. citizen. Mind you, the US government had its hands full with so many other bona fide US nationals! Rajiv was in a jam. Now that it was a clear case of an Indian's being taken hostage and given the widely advertized claim of Arab friendship for Hindu India, Rajiv was at least morally responsible for his release from the 'friendly' Arabs! Huge ads were taken out in practically all important Arab Dailies of the Middle East, re-questing the kidnappers to release the Indian professor explaining that it was all a mistake; India was a friend of the Arabs, and so on. 
Quite clearly the requests fell on deaf ears! The professor was NOT released. Rajiv's own prestige was on the line! One can easily imagine the predicament Rajiv was in. The man who in three years could not pass a single test in Cambridge but had the gall to get his name published in US encyclopedias as a qualified Cantab, was steeped in despair. On the advise of his pseudo-secular Mafia think-tank working behind the scenes, he secretly approached Syria's President Hafez al Assad. Everyone knew that it was Syria that financed the Arab kidnappers; it was hoped that perhaps Assad could be persuaded to get the Indian professor released, not because Rajiv's government cared a damn about the Indian but only to save its face! 
Rajiv secretly visited Assad. No one knows exactly how much Rajiv pleaded at his feet or cried and wallowed in front of him; at long last Assad instructed the kidnappers to release the Indian professor. This news was released in the form of a riddle; it did not specify which one of the hostages was going to be released. Everyone thought, even Ronald Reagan thought, that it was going to be an American who was going to be released first. But lo and behold! It was the Indian professor! Reagan was disappointed and perhaps even a little cross with Rajiv. On that night, Rajiv spoke on Damascus radio. It was beamed toward India (and Asia, of course). What did Rajiv say? Many in India were tuned in to the Damascus radio to listen to Rajiv at the time, the man who could get something done that even the Americans could not do! In that broadcast, in order to praise Syria Rajiv said something to the effect that Mohammed bin Qasem was a great man; that he brought the message of Islam to the shores of India, etc. As soon as it was heard, the All India Radio, shut it off. Those who were listening in, were disappointed. In India, people were prevented from hearing what else this bright star of India had to say about that barbarian bin Qasem, who had destroyed our Somnath Temple. The Nawab Khan's grandson was in his elements. He had not heard of Somnath! Rajiv did not realize what kind of a furor would have been caused in his own country if the entire speech had been beamed toward India. In this case at least, 'ignorance was bliss' for the prime minister of India! The people of India were again fooled by their ruler! 
The Prevaricator
SOON after he was made the prime minister of India by the back door, Rajiv called a press conference in London. In that press conference, buoyed by new-found glory, the erstwhile co-pilot of the Indian Airlines announced for the first time, that he was NOT a Hindu but a Parsi. Mind you, he had already embraced Catholicism secretly in Turin, Italy but asserted that he was a Parsi. Researchers found out that his grandmother, Nawab Khan's wife, was indeed a Parsi woman. But that was BEFORE she married Nawab Khan, a Muslim. Just prior to the Nikah ceremony, she had embraced Islam and thus was married to Nawab Khan as a Muslim woman. This eliminated any claim of Rajiv's or his dad Feroz's, to the Parsi faith. But he said that only to fool the people and also, at the same time, to distance himself from the Hindus of India. It was a repeat performance of his maternal granddad Jawahar's assertion that he was western by education, Muslim by up-bringing and Hindu only by accident. In any other country, just for that contemptuous comment, chacha-ji would have been thrown out of his 'gaddi' of prime minister. No doubt, Hindus are a very polite people; they don't show it even when badly insulted. Thus Rajiv's insult went unretributed. No one asked him why did he then, along with his orthodox Catholic wife, go all over the country to visit Hindu temples with large tilaks on their foreheads! Parsis don't do that! We, Hindus should not repeat that error! 
But Rajiv had played the game a little too far. His Italian-born wife (reluctantly made an Indian later) made her hobby now to build, not clinics or hospitals for the poor, with the crores of rupees donated by Hindu outfits, but Catholic convents throughout our ancient land. She took up the challenge to build even more convents than the Albanian nun (as mentioned in Hitchen's Hell's Angel of the BBC documentary) who is reported to have already surpassed building more than 500 such convents. It was Sonia's idea to invite the Catholic Pope to India, the 'land of the heathen Hindus'. Sonia had perhaps thought that as soon as the Hindus would see the Pope's face, they would all run for baptism! 
Rajiv's PR outfits, paid from the people's purse, broadcast the news that Rajiv, although of Parsi origin, will clean the Ganga, unpollute it. What could be more dear to a Hindu heart? From then on, for some time, whatever Rajiv did or said, took on a special flavour, the flavour of a good son of India. It was then announced that the secular government of India had officially invited the Pope for a visit. It was also made clear that the Pope was NOT being invited as the Head of the Catholic creed but as the Head of the City State of the Vatican. Didn't India have diplomatic relations with the Vatican, we were told? And thus the Pope came and went back and behold the Ganga-cleaning projects, so widely advertized, were summarily abandoned! Once again the Hindus of India let themselves be fooled by the grandson of Nawab Khan. 
ISRAEL had always wanted and taken action to contain the Islamic bomb anywhere. When Pakistan's Kahuta atomic station was under development, the Jewish State offered to bomb it out of existence, exactly like the Ossirak atomic plant of Iraq. But to do the job, Israel needed a refuelling station. India was the natural choice. It was thought that India too wanted to reduce the danger stemming from Islamic Pakistan. The Israelis requested Rajiv for permit to land and refuel Israeli bombers for the purpose. 
Unfortunately, Israelis were unaware of Rajiv's Islamic roots and were disappointed by Rajiv's unwavering 'No'. If Israel had thought that it was doing a good turn to India by knocking out Kahuta, then they were badly disappointed. After all, Kahuta was primarily made to attack India and not Israel, at least not in the immediate future! But Rajiv did more than just refuse refueling rights to Israel. He readily informed the Pakistan government of Israel's proposal. One sometimes wonders why did not Rajiv receive the Nishan-i-Pakistan award too, like did Morarji from Zia of Pakistan! 
Abe Lincoln/Jawahar Lal
ABRAHAM Lincoln was a great American president. He had the vision and the courage to fight out a bloody civil war to keep the country united and emancipate the slaves at the same time. His contribution to America's future greatness was immense. Abe Lincoln had small beginnings. Born in a tiny log cabin, brought up almost in abject poverty, Lincoln grew up to be a great man and a greater leader. All this is nothing new to our readers. Nevertheless, we must not forget the love this country showered on him after his death. The little log cabin is still preserved for posterity with due care, to serve as a source of inspiration to future generations. Greatness need not necessarily flow from an ostentatious palace; it can have its origins in a log cabin as well! Americans were not ashamed of the fact that their great president was born in a log cabin; they did not destroy it but on the other hand preserved it for the nation! 
Now let us look at Jawahar Lal, a self-proclaimed leader of another great democracy. He was the first prime minister of free India. But the man had something to hide from his own people. Up till now, the people were vaguely told that Nehru was born in the Anand Bhavan in Allahabad (literally, the city of Allah). Now that he had become the prime minister of India, it was more than likely that public attention would be drawn to his beginnings. As soon as Nehru became the prime minister, he issued orders to demolish a building in Mir Ganj. Not that the building needed to be demolished for structural reasons; it was still in a good condition and tenants were using that building for habitation. It transpired later that Nehru was the owner of that building. He had inherited it from his father, Moti Lal. It also further transpired that it was in that building that Jawahar was born. So, what was the problem? Instead of being born at Anand Bhavan, Nehru was born in that building at Mir Ganj! In fact, had Nehru not demolished that building at Mir Ganj, no one would have asked awkward questions! 
The fact of the matter is that Mir Ganj was not just any other residential area in Allahabad. It was a notorious red-light district of the town, a brothel area, exactly like Lahore's Hira Mandi. It is here that Moti Lal, Jawahar's father had settled down with his second wife, the future mother of Jawahar. Moti Lal's first wife died at childbirth. The first child too had died at childbirth. Jawahar, thus was not Moti Lal's first child but first living child. 
Motilal had two other children who were also born there, both girls. The girls were brought up in that house in the red-light district of Mir Ganj while Jawahar was removed to the house of the Nawab of Oudh. He was reared there. At the age of ten, Jawahar was sent to England for studies. It is this background of his life that had once prompted Jawahar to say boastfully that he was educated in the west, reared in Islamic culture but born in a Hindu family just by accident. A man who can heap such contempt to his own people should not have been made the prime minister of India ever, nor honoured every year as national chacha-ji! 
Nehru came to know later the truth about his birth and no doubt the truth rankled him; suffering from a strong inferiority complex, he wanted to hide that fact from his people; and hence the attempt to remove all trace of the building at Mir Ganj! The demolition of the house was Nehru's first measure in order to rule by fooling! A few words here about the Anand Bhavan. This palatial house was NOT built by Moti Lal, a resident of Mir Ganj. The large building belonged to Mobarak Ali, a renowned lawyer of Allahabad. Mobarak Ali had the building built for his family. It had a different name then; it used to be called Ishrat Manzil which in Persian means almost the same thing as Anand Bhavan. 
Why did Moti Lal change the name of the building from Ishrat Manzil to Anand Bhavan? Was it out of any national pride prompting him to see his house named with a good Indian or Sanskrit name rather than the alien Persian designation? No such thing! The main reason for the change was that at the time, in Allahabad, there was another palatial building which was owned by Akbar Allahabdi, a renowned Muslim resident. That house too was named Ishrat Manzil. In those days, they did not have PIN (or Zip) codes and the mail used to get mixed up, both houses having the same name and that was a nuisance. So, as soon as the house changed hands and Moti Lal became the new owner, the first thing he did was change the name of the building. 
In England, Jawahar went for the bar. He was not a bright student. His main subject of study was Botany. Has anyone heard of a botanist being a good barrister? In any event, Jawahar returned as a qualified barrister. He decided to start his practice in Bombay. He rented a chamber at the Malabar Hills, not too far from where Mohammed Ali Jinnah plied his trade. A smart, highly qualified barrister, Jinnah had a roaring practice in Bombay. Jawahar was no comparison and he never had a decent law practice worth the mention. One thing followed another and Jawahar was entrenched in Indian politics. He had certain similarities with M.K. Gandhi, who too was a qualified barrister from England but hardly ever practiced law. He too went into politics. Gandhi took Jawahar under his wings in the Congress party. There were a number of rich Indian financiers who looked after Gandhi. The eminent ones among them were the Birlas. The Birlas had made a great deal of money by selling opium to China through British merchants. At the time, under the Birlas (and the Tatas too) a lot of opium used to be grown in India for export primarily to China and also to a few other south Asian countries such as Burma, Malay, etc. A huge part of that ill-gotten money went into the coffers of the Congress party. One often wondered later when the sources of income of the Birlas and the Tatas became common knowledge, how come the great humanitarian Gandhi did not have any reservations in accepting that tainted money!  
Eventually, India became free, not so much because of Nehru's antics or Gandhi's non-violence and fasting but primarily because of the rebellion in the Indian navy and of course due to the exploits of Netaji Bose. One has only got to go through what then British prime minister Clement Attlee had said on the subject! The glory of the Azad Hind Fauj (the Indian National Army or the INA.) was reverberating throughout the country. Although Nehru hated Netaji and was extremely jealous of him, he too, in order to benefit from the popular sentiments, started shouting 'Jai Hind' in public. But from the secrecy of his prime minster's office, Nehru started a letter writing campaign against Netaji. Te following letter was written by Nehru to Clement Attle, the then the prime minister of Britain: 
"To Mr Clement Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain, 10 Downing Street, London. - Dear Mr Attlee, I understand from a reliable source that Subhash Chandra Bose, your war criminal, has been allowed to enter Russian territory by Stalin. This is a clear treachery and betrayal of faith by the Russians. As Russia has been an ally of the British-Americans, it should not have been done. Please take note of it and do what you consider proper and fit. - Yours sincerely, Jawaharlal Nehru." 
The above copy of the letter has been taken from Samar Guha's (Member of Lok Sabha) Netaji - Dead or Alive? page 16. Mr Guha continues: "One has to rub one's eyes many times to read and then to appears as unthinkable that Pandit Nehru could stoop down so low as to ask Mr Attlee to see that 'their war-criminal Bose' was buried alive in India..." 
But then Samar Guha did not quite read the body language of Jawahar Lal. If he had he would have noticed that this man, who never ever visited the battle fronts when India was fighting a mortal combat with the treacherous Pakistan and later with communist China, was spending a great deal of time in bed with Edwina Mountbatten. The subject was an open secret. It even came out in British papers quite openly but our rulers tried their best to keep it a secret from their own compatriots. Nehru had no self-respect; he showed a great deal of contempt for his countrymen. His abominable conduct in getting a Hindu nun pregnant and then trying to suppress the entire episode by burning the bundle of letters that the Catholic nunnery (of Bangalore) sent him from the mother of his bastard son, delivered at the nunnery, clearly displayed the man's moral bankruptcy. The episode has been written in detail by Nehru's long-term private secretary, M.O. Mathai, a Kerala Christian, in his two books mentioned in an earlier chapter. Nehru's love for communism and socialism was well known. But that did not prevent Chou en Lai, the Chinese communist, to see through Nehru's true nature. In spite of all the Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai slogans, Chou en Lai called Nehru 'the running dog of imperialists'. Nothing could be more apt! 
Roe pair babul ke aam kahan se aye? 
(When you plant the cactus, don't expect mangoes from it) 
NEHRU was a very weak man, both morally and spiritually; he loved to be surrounded by sycophants and incompetent people. One such sycophant (there were many) was Krishna Menon, who eventually rose to be India's Defence Minister. A confirmed communist and traitor, he immediately set upon changing the Ichapore Gun Factory near Calcutta into a coffeepot making plant. China was knocking on the door at the northeast, but never mind, Menon was busy with his suicidal project and in Nehru's full view. The inevitable happened. China grabbed thousands and thousands of our territory and the Indian army was totally demoralized not having supplies from our supply factories. 
All these days, Nehru and Menon had been telling lies to the Lok Sabha; they implied that everything was fine and dandy. When the news of the fall of Bongdi-la came, Nehru tried to explain it away to the members of the Parliament that it was not much of a loss. He said:"...after all nothing grows there, not even a blade of grass. We do not have much use for this area..." And our members did not even ask for his blood! It was a repeat performance of what had happened in Kashmir. There, Nehru, practically on his own, ran to the United Nations to call a cease-fire when our army was winning on all fronts. And since then we have Pakistan sitting there like a leech and till now we have not been able to dislodge the enemy. Can one imagine in what kind of predicament India would have been, if Nehru had handled the Hyderabad affair too? 
Nehru was once invited by the Indian residents of Singapore to unveil a statue of Netaji Bose. Remember, the Indians of Singapore lent a big helping hand to Netaji's Azad Hind Fauj and in fact, Singapore was under the Azad Hind Fauj control during the Second World War. Nehru agreed to unveil the statue. People were eagerly waiting for Nehru's arrival but he never arrived. It transpired that Lord Mountbatten had advised Nehru not to go for the unveiling ceremony. He warned Nehru that soon enough the people of India would not even look at him; they would put a follower of Netaji Bose in charge of India. Nehru developed cold feet and did not turn up. Like a chaprassi, Nehru said "Ji Huzur" and went home. Later the British army demolished that statue in front of Singapore's Indians. And Nehru was witness to that! 


Bharat Gajjar <> wrote:
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:06 PM

COMMENT : The only solution to Gandhimania is to educate the public                    that in a democracy like India, dynasties have no place!! Nehru himself once quoted,"HISTORY TELLS US THAT HEREDITY BREEDS FOOLS IN POLITICS AND EMPIRES." Sonia and Rahul need to be reminded of this fact. If people cannot be discriminated based on caste, why they have to be favoured based on family name?

Demo-narchy of India @

-------Original Message ------

In a message rashtra1947 of writes:

In Delhi alone, the following have been named after Rajiv KHAN (aka Gandhi)
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation.  It is Chaired by no other person, but Sonia.
Rajiv Bhavan (the Airport Authority of India Offices).
Rajiv Chowk (Connaught Place) 
His Statue also appears in the Parliament Complex

Rajiv Cancer Research Hospital in Rohini District of Delhi
Various Academies are attributed to his name
Certain Awards are also given in his name
His face (as with other members of the Clan) has appeared on Currency Coins
The country is littered with streets, bridges, offices, institutions with Nehru/-Gandhi names. This includes several Universities.
Now Hyderabad Airport has been named after him.  
Delhi Airport is already called Indira Gandhi International : 

ignoring Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Prithvi Raj Chauhan, even Guru Tegh Bahadur.

Earlier, we were bombarded with the slogan "Indira is India" and "India is Indira" (and nothing else). 

Now the dynasty's off-spring declares that there has never been just India, and never will be plain India, but always only Nehru/Gandhi India.
Rahul Gandhi recently declared that it was his great grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru who won Independence of India and it was his grandmother Indira Gandhi, who brought victory to India against Pakistan. 

He further claimed that it was his father, ("BOFORS") Rajiv Gandhi, who brought the technological revolution in India. 

This Gandhi Guy does not know the price India is paying for Nehru's TREASON and BLUNDERS starting with the unconditional surrender of five provinces on one day (Partition) in 1947. 

The Kashmir problem is Nehru's deliberate "gift of poison" to India.  

The China debacle and his treacherous remark that not even a single blade of grass grows there (the sacred soil of Bharat, occupied by China) were shocking and most humiliating to the real patriots in Bharat.
The treacherous Nehru/Gandhi Dynasty has no regard for our valiant and brave soldiers, who laid down their lives for Motherland. 

General Jagjit Singh Aurora got 92,000 enemy soldiers by their necks.  Yet this Hero has been forgotten, not honoured. He has been obliterated from public memory like Subhash Chandra Bose, and pushed into oblivion.
There were other tall stalwarts, too, even within Congress Party, such as Rajan Babu, Rajaji, Shastriji and Sardar Patel but they were relegated and undermined.  

Chief Justice Khanna, who recently left for his heavenly abode, will also meet with similar fate.  This illustrious son of India faced the brunt of Indira Gandhi's draconian Emergency laws and vouched vigorously for Human Rights in India.
Text books all over India are working day and night in order to brainwash the younger generation by glorifying, and offering gratitude only to, Nehru - Gandhi Dynasty.