Article 3516
Date: 07 Jul 2008
Please read COMMENT on the excellent posting below (India's Biggest Rubber Stamp);
In 1989 the persecution of HINDUS in Kashmir took on new ferocity. Within weeks the Valley was cleared of them. There was NO stir or reaction anywhere in the rest of Partitioned Indian Secular State. I regarded the Supreme Commander, who also happens to be President, a mere rubber stamp.
Earlier when FIVE PROVINCES were cut off by violent strike of SWORD OF ISLAM there was no reaction among the HINDUS.
India did not even have a Rubber Stamp that could be called President.
When BOFORS CHOR Rajiv Khan (aka Gandhi) imported his useless White Elephant from Italy there was no reaction in the vast HINDU nation though she defied us all and REMAINED A COMMITTED CATHOLIC with spiritual loyalty to Vatican in Italy.
The man at the top was the President. Did he feel the slight- both as a Hindu and as an Indian? No, he did not. He "lumped" the insult to his nation without a murmur.
When a Muslim, under very visible secular credentials called ABDUL KALAM, became the Supreme Commander of India's Armed Forces, not one Hindu stalwart reminded his nation that "As per Act of Partition, 1947, each and every Muslim in India is a PAKISTANI." (NB: India was divided between Muslims & the Rest, not between Sindh and Bihar, etc., for example.)
At that time "INDIA'S BIGGEST RUBBER STAMP" was reminded of the plight of Hindus in Kashmir. Someone dared to post on Internet, "Mr. President, you ought to move your BHAWAN" to Srinagar and STAY PUT THERE until the last Hindu refugee returns and feels safe in Kashmir."
Mr. PRESIDENT neither moved his BHAWAN to Srinagar nor did he visit a single refugee camp to console the HINDUS who had become refugees in their own Land of Gita and Granth.
Now the present President and SUPREME COMMANDER of India is an unknown female whose only qualification for the highest post seems to be DOG'S (or to be correct, BITCH'S) LOYALTY to Italian born Rashtramata SONIA GANDHI.
Those who know the inner fears and the sense of insecurity of Madam Sonia, notice that the post of President in India is always subject to her approval. A criterion for the post has emerged. The incumbant should be "non threatening" to India's First Lady.
So all is well if the incumbant is Catholic like KR Narayanan, or if he is single without wife like Abdul Kalam or in the best case if she is a FEMALE. In that respect India now has a perfect President who is a female, approved of by Sonia Maino.
By the way there were many other occasions when I thought of the President as Rubber Stamp. For example when Sonia entered the Prime Minister's House straight from Italy, she could attend any meeting or discussion. She was country's biggest security risk. The President, who was also the Supreme Commander, remained no more than a rubber stamp.
When Indians were very badly treated and forced to leave Uganda and Fiji, the Supreme Commander (the President) looked the other way. One expected him to despatch an aircraft career with a brigade of infantry to wipe out the dictators. But he remained a mere rubber stamp.
Today this useless "Rubber Stamp" is motionless when it comes to removing Article 370 from Constitution and to OPENING UP Kashmir to the INDIANS (who cannot buy a shop or house there).
One ought to be concerned with the very survival of Hindu nation, and ask, "What is the Rubber Stamp doing about the mounting ISLAMIC terrorism in Bharat?" After all she is the SUPREME COMMANDER.
In a message dated 07/07/2008 19:10:08 GMT Standard Time, xxxxxxxxx writes:
Presidential Traffic Jam..!
Every once in a while, from the President's abode in New Delhi, our country's greatest rubber stamp lifts her head wearily from tediously tiring task she is involved in: Stamp! Stamp! Stamp! Stamp!
"I'm tired!" she wailed.
"Tell Sonia!"
"Madam I'm tired I need a break! I have been stamping all you've sent me night and day from the day Kalam left, most times with my eyes closed!"
"Oh my poor leetle president! Go out of town! Take a leetle break! Inaugurate a jewelry store, open a beeg mall, lay some foundation stones, pray at a few mandirs, a church, throw in a masjid for good measure!"
"Thank you madam! Thank you!"
The greatest rubber stamp in the country looked up happily. "I'm going on vacation! Madam said so!"
"I don't know whether the people anywhere want you! You cause too many traffic jams! Go to some little town out of India! Kathmandu maybe!"
"No, I like India; seeing my own people looking at me enviously! Ah what pleasure!'
"Then take a helicopter! Get off at the airport; take a copter to town, no traffic jams, no inconvenience for the people!"
"I will ask madam!"
The greatest rubber stamp in the country lifted her phone and rang Sonia on the presidential hotline. "Madam I was wondering whether I can take the helicopter. No, no not from Delhi to my holiday place, ha, ha, ha, Madam cracked a joke, yes, yes, from airport to the city only!"
"Mama mia! But you have work to complete! You have to rubber stamp hundreds of documents I will be sending you!"
"But I am going on vacation madam!"
"Mama mia! I bring teeny- weeny portable stamping machine from Italy. Now you can stamp in the plane, in the train, in the airport, in the station; it belong before to Mussolini but I bring it for you, you can stamp on your journey!"
"But the plane ride is only an hour and a half, and the helicopter.."
"Yes madam from airport to the city?"
"Do not take helicopter! Then you will not have time for stamping work. Take the road!"
"But that will inconvenience the people!"
"Mama mia you think I don't know? Madam knows everything! But that will give enough time to rubber stamp the nuclear deal, the Samajwadi deal, the communist leaving us deal…. Do it all in the car ride!"
"Yes madam!"
So all you people caught in jams anytime because of a Presidential visit; remember it's for a national cause.
Hush! Listen carefully as the motorcade passes you:
"Stamp! Stamp! Stamp!"
"Stamp! Stamp! Stamp..!"