Date: 20 Jul 2008


It is sad and unfortunate that Indian MPs are being sold for Crores of Rupees to assist and make it feasible for Sonia led Congress to remain in power over the Nuclear Energy issue.
Some MPS have been lured to back the minority Govt. to stay in power with the same technique as a dog is lured by throwing bone towards him. This is happening, when a 'Clean' man like Manmohan Singh is its head.  Manmohan Singh is proving it right that he is indeed a puppet in the hands of Sonia and will the tow the line infested with unscrplous and corrupt means.
The Communists (KAUMNASHTS) are coming out in true colour and are prepared to lick their own spit by allieding with the BJP, which they untiringly branded as Communal and at the same time are licking the boots of other adversaries to make them their bed-fellows to defeat their allies, now sworn enemies.
Ajit Singh has been offerred the renaming of Lucknow Airport after his father's name: Charan Singh, the Master of Floor-Crossing and bringing Governments down.
Shibu Soreen, the convicted Murderer and former Coal Minister is also being wooed with Cabinet berths and Monies.  Shibu Soreen has the credentials of making fortune through the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha movement.  And now Langra Ghora(Deve Gaura) is also being approached.  The former 'highly able' Prime Minister of India and deserter of the allies of Karnataka Govt.  woud be an asset to Sonia and MMSiongh in this fray.
Poor, unfortunate and wretched Country can go to dogs!
How to act is the dilemma of the three Mischievous Ms at present: Mulayam, Maya, and MMsingh.
They are  watching the situation with an eagle eye to wash their hands in the trying and difficult situation which is harming the prestige of India and its democratic Institutions.
Who Cares!