Let Us Never Forget

Date: 17 Sep 2008


Let Us Never Forget

Dear Rajinder, 

It seems hard to believe that it’s been seven years since the horrendous attack on America by Islamic terrorists. 

On the one hand, it seems like ages ago. 

On the other, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing, and it seems like only yesterday. 

As I reflect on that day seven years ago, tears well up in my eyes. 

Let us never forget the lives and families that were shattered. 

Let us never forget the courage and the tenacity of the first responders, many of whom were killed or injured. 

Let us never forget the cost our country endured. 

Let us never forget how we as a nation pulled together and overcame this tragedy. 

Let us never forget that we have a sworn enemy who wants us either dead or subjugated. 

And let us never forget that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

Always devoted, 

