Date: 04 Jan 2009
Dear Friends,
The book, Mahatma Gandhi, by D Kheer is worth reading. Please see the contents below.
Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 7:08 AM
Dear All,
Mahatma Gandhi by Shri Dhanjay Keer is considered as the best biography on Gandhi. The book contains 820 pages and hence is difficult to read the same by busy readers. I have therefore made a summery of facts narrated in the book as GANDHI INDEX, so that common readers may have an idea of Gandhi’s life and deeds. If it helps the readers forming a personal opinion on Gandhi, I shall consider my effort a success.
Jan 3, 2009
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Gandhi Index
From Mahatma Gandhi By Dhananjay Keer
1. Spent 21 years in South Africa
2. Earned about Rs 40,000 per year in SA.
3. Blood group (1927) …. 188, 484.
4. Height 5’ 5”.
5. Weight 114 lbs in 1922.
6. Passed Matriculation in 3rd division…11
7. Left Bombay for London , 4.9.1888…14
8. Reached London on 28.10.1888 ……15
9. Spent Rs 13,000 in during his stay in London ….....23
10. Went to SA to fight a case of Dada Abdulla & Co, against Tyab Haji Khan Muhammad …….28
11. Appointed as a lawyer by A. K. Zaveri ……………………..32
12. Vedas, Koran and Bible are inspired ……………………… 41
13. Returned to India from SA on 4.7.1896 ……………………. 51
14. Left Bombay for SA again on 30.11.1896. ………………….56
15. Thrashed by the whites in SA. ………………………………60
16. Loyal Gandhi sings British National Anthem………………..62
17. Boer War, G forms an ambulance corps, 1100 strong, G goes to War front in Dec.. 1899……….65
18. Expresses utmost loyalty to the Br Crown……………………65, 520
19. Br Empire for the welfare of the wprld……………………….66
20. Br presents gold medal for his service to the empire…………66
21. G expresses loyalty to the Br on the death of Queen Victoria …………………………………….67
22. Meets Acharya P. C. Roy in Calcutta …………………………70
23. G returns to SA on 20.11.1902………………………………..73
24. Indian Opinion, a bulletin, founded………………………… 75
25. Starts brahmacharya (celibacy) in 1903 ………………………77
26. Influenced by the writings of Ruskin …………………………80-83
27. Studies Islam and Hinduism ………………………………….87-88
28. Meets Bhai Paramand ……………………………………… 89
29. Influenced by writings of Tolstoy and Gorky ………………..90-91
30. Supports Partition of Bengal and repudiates nationalist leaders for opposing the Br plan…………91
31. Helps Br during Zulu Rebellion and presented gold medal by the Br for his support ……………..98
32. Further description on brahmacharya…………………………98
33. Interested to translate ‘Spirit of Islam’ by Syed Amir Ali…….109
34. Expresses deep loyalty to Br on the day of coronation of the king George-V… 185,218,220, 239,253,262
35. His ideas about morality ………………………………………110
36. Hindus are lazy and cowerd……………………………………115, 130
37. Wanted to translate a book on Life of Muhammad in Gujarati...117
38. Influenced by the writings of Thoreu and comments on him…..119-120, 225
39. Meets Veer Savarkar …………………………………………..121-122
40. On SATYAGRAHA……………………………………………122, 142
41. Reads Gita and Koran while in jail …………………………….125
42. Afghan Mir Alam beats G severely…………………………….127-129
Denies English education to his son ……………………………132,159,160
43. Deplores Khudiram and other freedom fighters and condemns violence………………………… 135
44. Condemns Bal Gangadhar Tilak ……………………………….136
45. British Raj was good for India ………………………………….138
46. False promise of SWARAJ WITHIN A YEAR………………..139, 336
47. MAHABHARATA is a true story, praises Draupadi……………144
48. Prahlada was a real Satyagrahi……………………………… 144
49. On Swami Dayananda Saraswati………………………………145
50. Discards sacred thread and shikha …………………………… 145
51. Islam or any evil should be fought with good…………………..147
52. Hindus should give everything to the Muslims…………………150
53. No swaraj without Hindu-Muslim unity……………………… 150
54. Travels in the First class in a ship 151
55. Every Hindu should learn Sanskrit………………………………151
56. Condemns Madan Lal aadhingra for violence………………… 152
57. Supports violence committed by the British……………………..155
58. Condemns SAVARKAR for supporting Dhingra………………..155, 157, 168
59. Satyagraha not to hurt Br or it does not hurt Br. …………………158
60. Biography of Gandhi written by Rev. Joseph…………………….158
61. Why Br chose G for leading the Freedom Movement……………159
62. Writes letter to Tolstoy……………………………………………161
63. Makes self propaganda through the biography ………………… 163
64. Denies slaying of Ravana by Lord Ram………………………… 165.
65. British Parliament is a PROSTITUTE…………………………….169
66. Ignorance of ISLAM or failed to understand Islam……………….170
67. His ignorance of history……………………………………………170, 172, 217
68. Condemns Western system of medicine and hospital………………171, 376
69. Takes help of Western system of medicine to cure himself………...278, 279(piles), 430, 438, 474.
70. One should give everything to a robber……………………………172
71. Condemns machines and industry…………………………………172
72. On non-killing of animals………………………………………… 175
73. Comments by BRIJ Narain on Gandhi……………………………..176
74. Takes un-cooked food and fruits ………………………………… 181
75. Gokhale goes to SA and asks G to return to India ………............ ..... 188-190
76. Condemns Biplabi Rashbehari Bose ……………………………….190
77. Swami Shraddhanda- victim of Islamic barbarism………………….199
78. Among Rama, Krishna and Buddha, Buddha was the greatest………202
79. Returns to India via London *………………………………………..203-206
80. Struggles and compromises………………………………………….207
81. Arrives Bombay (via London ) on 9.1.1915………………………….208
82. Promises Governor of Bombay to abide by his instructions…………211
83. Addressed MAHATMA for the first time……………………………212
84. Changes his dress and on dress code…………………………………214, 549
85. Gokhale predicts G’s absolute leadership in Freedom Movement……215
86. Meets Tagore………………………………………………………….216
87. Four MAHATMAs……………………………………………………218
88. Railway is an evil………………………………………………………220
89. Kaiser-i-Hind medal awarded………………………………………….225, 226, 249
90. Servants of India Society rejects G’s application…………………… 231
91. Revolutionaries are anarchists …………………………………………232-233
92. .G’s views pleases British …………………………………………… 234
93. 500 revolutionaries butchered in Punjab ………………………………..235
94. India is a country of nonsense…………………………………………...236
96. Vaccination is a sin , similar to eating beef…………………………… 237
97. Praises the Br for giving the message of NON-VIOLENCE……………238
98. Lala Lajpat Rai explains AHIMSA……………………………………..240
99. Ambedkar on Ahimsa, and his criticism of G………………………241, 449, 450, 453
100. Foreign authors on G’s doctrine of non-violence……………………241
101. Bogus economic ideas o G………………………………………… 242
102. G double speaks on Urdu…………………………………………….245
103. Assures Br that he would never adopt violent means……………… 253
104. Hindus should die but never should kill a Muslim………………… 258
105. Writes to Br to set Ali Brothers free…………………………………262, 272, 283
106. Recruits soldiers for Br to fight in World War-I…………………….273, 274, 277
107. Praises Br for its taking part in World War-I………………………..273
108. There is no need to end Br rule in India …………………………….274
109. Speaks in favour of using arms and violence………………………..274
110. Protection of British Raj is necessary for the interest of Swaraj*……275
111. G’s name recommended for NOBEL PRIZE……………………… 593, 436
112. Jalianwala Bagh massacre …………………………………………..290-292
113. On hand woven cloth (khaddar) ……………………………………..295
114. G opposed in Maharastra ……………………………………………..296
115. Swami Sraddhananda opposes the doctrine of SATYAGRAHA …….297
116. SATYAGRAHA resulted into more killing of innocent men ……… 298
117. G supports the KHILAFAT MOVEMENT ………………………… 302-303, 310-311
118. Ali brothers released………………………………………………… 304
119. Gandhi versus Tilak……………………………………………………307-309, 310-312
120. Gandhi more pro-Muslim than Jinnah…………………………………317
121. G pleads for Hindustani i.e. Urdu………………………………………316
122. G a politician trying to become a saint…………………………………320-321
123. Indian Muslims welcome invasion of India by the Afghans……………323
124. Tilak denounces G’s policies……………………………………………326-327
125. G gives call to the Muslims to rise……………………………………..329
126. Death of Tilak, the main enemy of G (in 1920)……………………….329 ; & nbsp; ; & nbsp;
127. Asks students to boycott schools and to spin thread with spinning wheel……………..330
128. Admits that Gita preached violence for good………………….. …….…331
129. G advocates violence…………………………………………………….333
130. Violence is the law of brutes……………………………………………..333
131. India should not take up arms…………………………………………….333
132. KHILAFAT cause is greater than SWARAJ……………………………..337
133. Br won India from the Hindus, says a British…………………………….340
134. ALLAH HO AKBAR is a national slogan………………………………342
135. Keeps mum when a Muslim murders an European………………………343
136. Silent about crimes committed by Muslims………………………………344
137. Admits that Koran does not teach Hindu-Muslim unity………………….347
138. Br rule is SATANIK, RAVAN rajya and Godless Empire………………..351-353
139. Gandhian Swaraj is mystical …………………………………………… 355, 372, 415
140. G on caste system…………………….……………………………………358-362
141. Jinnah refuses to call Gandhi a mahatma ………………………………365
142. C. R. Das turns into a follower of G………………………………………...367
143. G on violent verses of the Koran …………………………………………..367-368
144. S. A. Dange refutes G………………………………………………………369
145. Advises BENGALI YOUTH and students to adopt Satyagraha…………..370-371
146. Swaraj within a year or death ………………………………………………371
147. Gokhale the guru and the INNER VOICE…………………………………375
148. New class of patriots having blind faith in Gandhian policy ……………….377
149. G raises a fund of Rs 1 crore, mainly from the Parsees …………………….378
150. Spends crores on political campaign ……………………………………… 379
151. G opposes creation of Israel ……..…………………………………………..380
152. Call to raise Rs 1 crore, 1 crore members & 20 lakh spinning wheels …… 380, 396
153. New National Flag, Tri colour (red, white & green) with charka in 1917…..381
154. People, who MADE GANDHI GREAT……………………………………384-385
155. G criticized …………………………………………………………………..386-388
156. Advises Indian Muslims to ASSIST the Amir of Afghanistan if he INVADES INDIA ………388
157. Advises Muslims to be violent……………………………………………….389
158. G promises help to Amir of Afghanistan, announces publicly……………….390-391, 393
159. Asks AMIR not to make peace with INDIA ………………………………….391
160. He is to create history but not to READ HISTORY…………………………391
161. Sir JADUNATH SARKAR on ISLAMIC JIHAD…………………………..391
162. Ambedkar’s criticism of Gandhi………………………………………………394, 564
163. MOPLA REVOLT & MASSACRE OF HINDUS…………………………401-402
164. Criticism of TAGORE on Gandhi…………………………………………… 403-404, 470
165. SARAT CHATTERJI on G…………………………………………………..404,
166. GANDHI versus TAGORE…………………………………………………...405
167. TAGORE ridicules G………………………………………………………….591
168. Gandhi described as an INCARNATION OF KRISHNA ………………… 406.
169. G SHAVES HEAD, discards cap, adopts a new DRESS……………………407, 413
170. Ali Brothers arrested, G declares self immolation……………………………..409
172 WAS GANDHI A MAHATMA ?........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .....409
173 Prince of Wales arrives on 17.11.1921……………………………………….410
174 BOSE and C R DAS deplores G…………………………………………….412
175 Gandhi, the DICTATOR OF CONGRESS…………………………………...414
176 Demand of INDEPENDENCE is DENIAL GOD …………………………..415
177 G opposes independence……………………………………………………….416
178 G blames Andrews for demanding INDEPENDENCE ………………………..416
179 G’s confession that HE DID NOT WORKED FOR INDEPENDENCE ……..416
180 Violence at CHAURI CHARA and etc………………………………………..418-419
181 And the role of his INNER VOICE……………………………………………420
182 Arrest of Gandhi- An intrigue between GANDHI & BRITISH………………..421
183 G sentenced to 6 years in prison…………………………………………………422
184 GOAT MILK & DAILY RATION in jail……………………………………426-427, 555
185 READS KORAN in jail……………………………………………………… 428
186 Miss BLANCE WATSON on Gandhi…………………………………………429
187 COMMUNISTS ON Gandhi…………………………………………………..429
188 Released from jail after 2 years………………………………………………….432
189 Jail was a REWARD FOR LOYALTY TO British…………………………..432
190 21 Shikhs die out of police firing on 21.2.1924…………………………………437
191 SWAMI SHRADDHANANDA and the MUSLIMS…………………………..439
192 G INFERIOR than a FALLEN MUSLIM & FALLEN Christian……………..440
193 G’s mishandling of Rs 1 crore fund……………………………………………..441
194 G on Buddhism, Jainism, Aurobinda and GITA………………………………..442-443, 742
195 G’s Biography by ROMAIN ROLLAND ………………………………………444
196 MUSLIMS are BULLIS and HINDUS are COWARDS………………………445
197 G inspires MUSLIMS to ATTACK the HINDUS………………………………445
198 Hindus should not defend the attacks by the Muslims………………………… 445
199 G critical of SUDDHI but silent on TABLIGH……………………………….446
200 Delpores RANGILA RASUL but silent on SATOKA CHHINAL…………..447
201 Asks Hindus to STOP PHYSICAL EXERCISE & DISTURB the MUSLIMS…448, 462
202 Veer Savarkar deplores G’s non-violence……………………………………….448
203 G asks Hindus not to follow SAVARKAR……………………………………..449
204 GREAT DEFEAT OF GANDHI………………………………………………452
206 G opposes Compulsory PRIMARY EDUCATION…………………………….455
207 M N ROY criticizes Gandhi……………………………………………………..456, 544
208 Poona Conference REJECTS CHARKHA………………………………………456
209 Hindu-Muslim RIOT in Kohat, Punjab ; Muslims killed Hindus. G asked Hindus not to kill Mus..457
210 G proposes SWARAJ within BRITISH EMPIRE …………………………….459
211 People rejects Gandhi, but BRITISH TRIES TO PUSH HIM UP…………….460
212 SWARAJ does not mean END OF BRITISH RAJ…………………………..461
213 By his DRESS, G wanted to show that he was the POOREST of the POORS….464, 480
214 But he lived like a RICH MAN…………………………………………………..464
215 Rana Pratap, Shivaji etc. were MISGUIDED PATRIOTS………………………..465
216 J L N’s apology for G’s comment on SHIVAJI……………………………………466
217 Spoils Freedom Movement in Bengal ……………………………………………..466
218 America helps G to regain his position in the Congress……………………………472
219 GANDHI would KISS the FEET of the MUSLIM VIOLATOR of his sister ……473
220 What G would have done had he been the EMPEROR OF INDIA ……………….476
221 Gandhi OPPOSES BIRTH CONTROL……………………………………………478
222 ABDUL RASHID, the killer of Swami Shraddhananda, is G’s BROTHER……….479
223 Muslims hail ABDUL RASHID……………………………………………………480
224 Famous RATNAGIRI ADDRESS………………………………………………….481-482
225 G meets Viceroy LORD IRWIN……………………………………………………490
226 Opposes JNL’s proposal for complete FREEDOM………………………………….492
227 Opposes call for INDEPENDENCE by the MADRAS Congress………………… 493-494
228 Proves that he was a BRITISH AGENT…………………………………………….501
229 Gandhi ANNOUNCES HIS DEATH on 27th March, 1928 ……………………….495
230 Tolstoy, Ruskin and Gokhale, THREE GURUS of Gandhi………………………..496
231 Advises to KILL MONKEYS……………………………………………………….499
232 Death of LAJPAT RAI due lathi-charge by the police………………………………499
233 G wanted DOMINION STATUS…………………………………………………..500
234 Lord IRWIN promises DOMINION STATUS………………………………………511
235 G CONFUSED people by the word SWARAJ……………………………………..501
236 Bose’s proposal for Independence defeated………………………………………….501
237 Gandhi says that SWARAJ is INDEPENDENCE ………………………………….515
238 Gandhi burns and boycotts foreign cloth……………………………………………504-505
239 Gandhi praises ISLAM and denounces CHRISTIANITY……………………………505
240 Denounces revolutionary violent struggle by the YOUTH OF ANDHRA…………506
241 Violence increases SPENDINGS OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT…………..506
242 G deplores RAJPAL, the author of ‘RANGILA RASUL’………………………….507
243 G writes a commentary on GITA in 1929……………………………………………507
244 GANDHI COMPARED WITH A COW…………………………………………...508
245 Gandhi collects HUGE MONEY……………………………………………………..510
246 Congress promises COOPERATION WITH BRITISH CROWN…………………..512
247 G’s autobiography published in October, 1929……………………………………….512
248 Shooting on Viceroy’s train in Mysore , G leaves Wardha to meet Viceroy………… 513
249 Gandhi fasts for the violence… ……………………………………………………….513
251 Gandhi astonishes J L Nehru………………………………………………………… 518
252 G SUPPORTS the Independence proposal to GAIN CONTROL over CONGRESS… 519
253 REJECTS the Independence proposal on the BEHEST of the VICEROY …………….519
254 G diverted FREEDOM STRUGGLE to struggle for SALT TAX and DANDI yatra….520
255 G’s unwavering LOYALTY to BRITISH CROWN…………………………………..520
256 G admits that his NON-VIOLENCE is a SAFETY VALVE …………………………521
257 JAIL GOING of Gandhi was a SAFETY VALVE………………………………….525
258 LUXURIOUS LIVING OF Gandhi in JAIL …………………………………………529, 531
259 Luxurious living of M. L. NEHRU IN JAIL ………………………………………….530
260 Round Table Conference…………………………………………………………………532, 533
261 GANDHI described as a CAPRICIOUS WOMAN……………………………………537
262 A comparison of GANDHI AND SAVARKAR in JAIL…………………………….531
263 Basically, GANDHI was a BENIA ……………………………………………………537
264 WINSTON CHURCHILL on GANDHI ………………………………………………538
265 Gopal Krishna GOKHALE on GANDHI ………………………………………………541
266 RAJAJI on GANDHI ……………………………………………………………………542
267 REVOLUTIONARIES and PATRIOTS reject GANDHI…………………………….541
268 Execution of BHAGAT SINGH and comments of Gandhi ………………………… 543
269 SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS against Gandhi ………………………………………….545
270 G misinterprets INDIAN CULTURE …………………………………………………546
271 Gandhi’s IGNORANCE about ECONOMIC MATTERS ……………………………555
272 CHARLIE CHAPLIN on GANDHI ………………………………………………… 556…
273 Mc DONALD on GANDHI …………………………………………………………….559
274 AGHA KHAN on GANDHI ……………………………………………………………559
275 Gandhi draws L.5,000 as ROYALTY from HMV ………………………………….. 560.
276 AMBEDKAR on GANDHI …………………………………………………………….564
277 GANDHI a FRIEND of BRITISH ……………………………………………………..565
278 BRITISH MAKES A BUST OF GANDHI ……………………………………………565
279 Word HARIJAN was used for the FIRST TIME by NARSI MEHTA …………………581
280 REAL STORY behind FASTING by GANDHI ………………………………………..583
281 G FASTS according to the call of the INNER VOICE………………………………….584
282 SHRI AUROBINDA on GANDHI …………………………………………………….586
283 SHRI AUROBINDA refuses to SEE GANDHI ………………………………………..592
284 G moves to WARDHA ashram …………………………………………………………588
285 GANDHI raises FUNDS for the HARIJANS ………………………………………….588-589
286 TAGORE and SAVARKAR ridicule Gandhi …………………………………………..591
287 Gandhi on EARTHQUACK …………………………………………………………….591, 610
288 BOMB ATTACK on Gandhi …………………………………………………………..596
289 12,500 miles HARIJAN TOUR …………………………………………………………596-598
290 Gandhi APPROVES FIGHT against MUSLIMS ………………………………………610
291 Gandhi ON CONVERSION …………………………………………………………….611
292 Gandhi on SEX and BIRTH CONTROL …………………………………………… 615
293 G a trustee of SANTINIKETAN and donates Rs 40,000…………………………… 620
294 Gandhi’s son EMBRACES ISLAM …………………………………………………….622
295 Gandhi on GITA………………………………………………………………………….625, 657
296 TROTSKY criticizes Gandhi ……………………………………………………………..629
297 MARRIAGE OF MANU GANDHI ……………………………………………………632
298 Gandhi on SAVARKAR …………………………………………………………………635
299 RAHUL Sankritayan on Gandhi………………………………………………………..641
301 G did not enter the PURI TEMPLE ……………………………………………………645
302 Congress DISCARDS NON-VIOLENCE ………………………………………………645, 646
303 Gandhi MEETS Viceroy LINLITHGO ………………………………………………..646
304 J. L. Nehru’s comment on VANDE MATARAM …………………………………93,.647
305 INNER VOICE OF KHARE …………………………………………………………..649
306 Ruthless SUPPRESSION of KHARE by Gandhi ……………………………………..649-651
307 Gandhi approves VIOLENCE BY THE PATHANS………………………………….655
308 Gandhi on NAZIs and the JEWs……………………………………………………….655
309 H. G. WELLS on GANDHI ……………………………………………………………656
310 GANDHI Versus SUBHAS BOSE…………………………………………………….658-663
311 Gandhi Takes REVENGE ON BOSE …………………………………………………664
312 G’s VIOLENCE on BOSE, BOSE forms FORWARD BLOC ………………………665, 669
313 Gandhi prohibits singing VANDE MATARAM ………………………………………668
314 World War – II begins on 3.9.1939; Br declares war against GERMANY ……………..670
315 GANDHI grieved for a POSSIBLE DESTRUCTION OF LONDON ………………..670
316 G to assist the British without any PRE-CONDITION…………………………………671
317 India should not wage a WAR even for protecting BORDERS for the sake of AHIMSA…..673
318 Only INDIA and Only HINDUS should practice NON-VIOLENCE……………………673, 680
319 HINDUS should not join the ARMY for the sake of NON-VIOLENCE………………..674
320 RIOT in SINDH; Gandhi prescribes NON-VIOLENCE for the HINDU victims……….674-675
321 G. D. BIRLA, closest businessman of Gandhi ………………………………………….676
322 Segaon in CP renamed SEVAGRAM on26.1.1940 (should have been ‘Lunatic Asylum’….676-677
323 SHOE THROWN AT GANDHI ………………………………………………………677
324 GANDHI AND SEX …………………………………………………….677-679, 755-756
325 ………….., as narrated by N. K. BOSE………………………………………. 759-760
326 UDHAM SINGH kills M. O’Dwyer………………………………………………..679
327 Muslim League Demands PARTITION at LAHORE SESSION on26.3.1940 ………681
328 Gandhi OKAYS creation of PAKISTAN ……………………………………………681
329 Gandhi prefers MUSLIM RULE to BRITISH RULE………………………………683
330 G vows to assist British in World War-II; CONGRESS discards GANDHISM………684
331 G requests British to remain NON-VIOLENT against GERMANY ………………….685
332 Gandhi prefers MUSLIM EMPEROR for INDIA ; SAVARKAR reacts…………..690
333 BOSE SURRENDERS to Gandhi, but GANDHI DECLINES …………………… 691-692
334 Death of TAGORE on 8.8.1941………………………………………………………693
335 G’s WRITINGS ON PARTITION in Harijan ………………………………………701
336 G’s COMMENT on BOSE & INA …………………………………………………..704
337 G requests BRITISH to HANDOVER POWER to MUSLIMS…………………… 708
338 G at AGHA KHAN’S PALACE …………………………………………………….709
339 G allows VIOLENCE in QUIT INDIA movement…………………………………711
340 G meets VICEROY LINLITHGO after QUIT INDIA movement …………… ….714
341 G and RAJAJI .s conspiracy for PAKISTAN ……………………………………… 716
342 G incites VIOLENCE through writings in HARIJAN ………………………… 719, 724-728
343 PARNA KUTIR of G …………………………………………………………………719
344 KASTURVA’s death on 22.2.1944 ……………………………………………………720
345 TREACHERY of Gandhi on PARTITION …………………………………………..724
346 G shown BLACK FLAG …………………………………………………………….725
347 PRO PAKISTAN ROLE of the COMMUNISTS ………………………………….. 725
348 L. G. THATTE’s ATTEMPT to KILL G …………………………………………..726
349 G meets JINNAH and JINNAH rejects the proposal for MOTH eaten PAK………726
350 G PAYS 19 visits to JINNAH ………………………………………………………727
351 Viceroy LINLITHGO DISCARDS the idea of PAKISTAN ……………………….727
352 BOSE Describes GANDHI as the FATHER OF THE NATION …………………729
353 G raises a fund of Rs 80 LAKH for KASTURVA’s MEMORIAL Fund of Rs 1,24,00,000 …729,731
354 G’s TREACHERY with BHANUBHAI DESAI ………………………………… 733-734
355 Trial of INA benefits the CONGRESS ……………………………………….… 737
356 G pleads for HINDUSTANI to be the NATIONAL LANGUAGE …………………739
357 G WEIGHED with SILVER ………………………………………………………..739
358 FISH EATING not VIOLENCE …………………………………………………… 741
359 JINNAH deplores GANDHI and his DOCTRINE …………………………………744
360 G on NUCLEAR BOMB ……………………………………………………………746
362 HINDUS should allow MUSLIMS to CUT THEM DOWN………………………751
363 BIHAR observes NOAKHALI DAY ……………………………………………….752
364 US MEDIA describes G and his policy a FAILURE………………………………..754
365 DAILY MENU OF G ……………………………………………………………….756
366 G rejects EXCHANGE OF POPULATION ………………………………………..757
367 G condemns PATEL for advising HINDUS to SAVE their LIVES ……………….758
368 G RUSHES to BIHAR to save the MUSLIMS ……………………………………..759
369 Many calls him MUHAMMAD GANDHI …………………………………………762
370 G tried for a UNITED BENGAL, the plot hatched SURAWARDI ………………..763
371 Lord MOUNTBATTEN returned to LONDON as G ADMITS PARTITION ………764
372 G explains Why he did not DEFEND PARTITION…………………………………765
373 G and JLN’s plan to DE-HINDUISE INDIA ………………………………………765
374 WHY INDIA , not HINDUSTAN ………………………………………………….765
376 G’s speech for PAKISTAN on 14th June, 1946 ……………………………………..766
377 G’s movement started with KHILAFAT and ENDS with PAKISTAN ……………767
378 AMBEDKAR suggests EXCHANGE OF POPULATION ………………………..768
379 BRITISH admits THREE REASONS for INDIA ’S FREEDOM ………………..768
380 GANDHISM falsified and NEGATIVED ……………………………………………769
381 G pleads for a DEFENCELESS and ARMYLESS India …………………………..769
382 G deplores TRI-COLOUR National Flag ……………………………………………769
383 BOMB Thrown at GANDHI & STOPS singing RAMDHUN …………………… 770
384 G was to live in PAKISTAN ………………………………………………………..770
385 MASSACRING of HINDUS in W. PUNJAB , G asks HINDUS not to REACT …….769-770, 772
386 TANDON deplores GANDHISM …………………………………………………….776
387 MEDIA admits FAILURE of GANDHISM, People’s REACTION …………………776
388 PATEL asks MUSLIMS to leave INDIA ………………………………………………776