Date: 22 Apr 2009


February 15, 2008 by janamejayan 


Friday, 15 February, 2008 , 04:26 PM 
If there is one person in India who is above the Law of the Constitution and who has been endowed and empowered to treat the Criminal Procedure Code, the Indian Penal Code and a Civil Procedure Code with cavalier contempt it is Sonia Gandhi, the de-facto Prime Minister of India. 

all the Hindus of India have come to realize that she owes her allegiance not to the Indian Constitution (either in letter or in spirit!) but to the Pope in Rome. -----------

she filed a false affidavit to the effect that she had studied in Cambridge University in England before the Returning Officer of Rae Barellie Parliamentary Constituency in UP. --------she should be disqualified on this solid fact of her having filed a false Affidavit, -----------A three Judge Bench comprising Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and Justices B P Singh and G P Mathur acted like an Oriental Potentate when it asked Dr Subramanian Swamy: “Should the Supreme Court go into all the Affidavits to find out whether they are false or not? Further investigation is not possible into a    stale    issue and it should be dropped”. As a Gentleman, Dr Swamy replied ‘if you take such a large-hearted view then the matter should be dropped. I have nothing more to say’. ------------

people of India would continue to express such feelings of anger and despair indefinitely till the end of time or till the Supreme Court of India functions as a partisan body at the highest level by dismissing all the vital issues affecting our national integrity and national survival as  STALE  matters.------------

Now it has come to light that after giving a false Affidavit in a disgraceful manner about her own educational qualifications in 2004, Sonia Gandhi went all the way to Belgium for accepting the ORDER OF LEOPOLD from the King of Belgium in November 2006. By accepting this ‘Order’, Sonia Gandhi has shown that she not only owes her allegiance to the Pope in Rome, but also to the King of Belgium.

The Election Commission by a majority of 2:1 has decided to issue notice to the Congress President and de-facto Prime Minister Sonia Gandhi asking her as to why she should not be disqualified from acting as a Member of Parliament under Article 102 (1) of the Constitution for her having accepted the Order of Leopold from the King of Belgium.------------

Order of Leopold was no ordinary paper but a special title that demanded ‘devotion’ and ‘loyalty’ to the King and the State of Belgium in return from the person honoured with the title. -----------

in May
2007 pleading that Sonia Gandhi be removed as Member of Parliament for having acknowledged her allegiance to Belgian King and State by accepting the Order of Leopold.----------Dr APJ Abdul Kalam,  promptly sent the complaint to the Election Commission for careful consideration. ---------

-the Election Commission functions as the informal political Agent of Sonia Gandhi ------------

Now recently on 31 January, 2008, 180 MPs of the National Democratic alliance have signed a petition addressed to the Chief Election Commissioner of India (CEC) asking him to recommend the “Removal of Navin Chawla as Election Commissioner” -----------

-It is a well-known public fact that both Navin Chawla and S Y Quraishi owe their positions as Election Commissioners to Sonia Gandhi and the Congress Party.--------------both are ‘political agents’ of Sonia Gandhi within the Election Commission. -----------

King Leopold of Belgium was one of the worst mass murderers in
history. ---------Sonia’s acceptance of this monstrous order— synonymous with slavery and genocide---------give an idea of Sonia’s level of culture and education. what next? A Hitler order?” ---------

Sonia Gandhi is guilty of political treason for having accepted the ‘Order of Leopold’ from the King of Belgium. 

She is a known and established subverter of the Law of the Constitution.

She is a known and sworn enemy of the Hindus of India. Dr Subramanian Swamy, former Union Minister said.------------

Election Commission to issue a notice to Ms Sonia Gandhi to show cause why she should not be disqualified under Article 102(1) of the Constitution to be a Member of Parliament.-----------

this award is shameful and degrading because King Leopold reigned over butchery, plunder and murder of the people of Belgium Congo, an African country, now called Zaire.”

sonia chose a sikh prime-minister--manmohan singh , a muslim president--abdul klam , a muslim advisor to herself , many muslim and christian ministers of india , in 24 hours muslims regained their status as minority while muslim are not ,  unauthorised-buildings were sealed  and demolished  only of hindus none of any muslims and christians ---------etc.etc.---------- islamic terrorist muhammad aslam's hanging is nulled etc. etc.-------- prime-minister--manmohan singh went to some countries and requested their prime--ministers to be lenient  on islamic rerrorists---------------etc. etc.    

sonia is bent to convert  india  into a christian country with
the help of minorities , pope ,  belgium , other islamic and christian countries ,  the Evangelists ' fuelling  0f separatist movements , other christian churches , mother teresa-----------etc. etc.---------------taking control of  hindu--temples  not of mosques  and  churches----------------giving  hindu--temples'  money to mosques and to churches for their development----------------etc. etc.