They KNOW We Are Vulnerable
Date: 08 May 2009
They KNOW We Are Vulnerable
Combating the EMP Threat, Part Three
by Brigitte Gabriel
“In 1962, deep in a cold war with the Soviet Union, the United States conducted 'Starfish Prime,’ a nuclear weapon test over a remote region of the Pacific Ocean. The test was successful, with one unexpected result: Fifteen hundred kilometers away in Hawaii streetlights burned out, TV sets and radios failed and power lines fused.” (EMPACT publication, “Global Single Point Failure: The EMP Threat).
The fact that we are vulnerable to a nuclear-triggered EMP threat is not some fabricated scare tactic or sci-fi fantasy. And countries including Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China know it.
In 1999 a Russian official warned a delegation from the U.S. House Armed Services Committee that if his country really wanted to hurt the U.S., it would “detonate a single nuclear warhead at high-altitude over the United States. The resulting electromagnetic pulse would massively disrupt U.S. communications and computer systems, shutting down everything.” (EMPACT publication, p. 2).
According to Senate testimony in 2005, an Iranian military journal discussed the impact of an EMP attack and stated, “If the world’s industrial countries fail to devise effective ways to defend themselves against dangerous electronic assaults then they will disintegrate within a few years.” (EMPACT publication, p. 3).
The Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack has warned us. Iran has warned us. Russia has warned us.
Now America must act. We have time to prepare and defend against such an attack, but the window to prepare is closing. North Korea is testing launch missiles that could reach Alaska. Iran is working with North Korea on its nuclear weapons program. If 70% or more of our electrical power grid were wiped out by an EMP attack, as the Commission concludes, millions and millions of Americans would die.
There is no organization in America that has more members that are informed on issues like these than ACT! for America. While most Americans are unaware of the various threats of radical Islam — you are. While most Americans are unaware of the EMP threat — you are.
That makes you and me 21st century “Paul Revere’s.” If we don’t warn and awaken America, who will? For the sake of our families, our friends, our children and our grandchildren, we must act now.
This is why I’m appealing to you today to help us launch our 2009 plan to combat the EMP threat. As you will see in a moment, some of the pieces of this plan we can implement with the staff and resources we have. But other pieces require funds we simply don’t have in the budget.
If you agree with me that preventing radical Islamists or a country like North Korea from deploying an EMP threat against us is an action we must take – and take now – then I’m asking you to do the following.
If you’re not already a monthly contributing Patriot Partner, click here to sign up. For monthly gifts of $10 to $100 we have special benefits for you. You simply select the level of monthly gift you can make, and we’ll send you the benefit(s) for that Patriot Partner gift level. Our online donation form is easy to use, safe and secure.
Click here to make a one-time gift through our “Contributing Member” program. Select the gift amount you are able to make and we’ll send you the benefit(s) for that level of gift. If you prefer to mail a check rather than use our online donation form, you can click here to print out a form to fill out and mail in with your contribution.
Your financial support today will help us quickly move ahead on our plan to combat the EMP threat. Here’s what we plan to do.
A paid advertising campaign in the top publications in Washington, D.C. These influential publications are read by members of Congress, staff, the administration, and other opinion leaders throughout Washington.
A national petition to Congress. Unlike other petitions we have launched, we want to advertise on high-traffic internet outlets such as Pajamas Media and World Net Daily. This advertising, coupled with my highlighting the petition on radio and TV interviews I conduct, will ensure that hundreds of thousands of people see it and have the opportunity to sign it.
Lobby for a restoration of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack and implementation of the Commission’s recommendations.
Push for the funding necessary to increase the deployment of missile defense technology later this year during the appropriations process in Congress.
Participate in the national EMP threat conference scheduled for September 9 and 10 in Niagara, New York.
After the national EMP threat conference, work with congressional allies to draft and push for legislation that will provide protection and replacement of critical electrical transformers nationwide as a second line of defense.
I was told recently that a member of Congress, who is chairman of a House subcommittee that would have jurisdiction over an issue like the EMP threat, wasn’t even aware of it. With Iran likely to have nuclear weapons within two years, we must begin educating people about this threat NOW!
Can I count on you to join me as a 21st century “Paul Revere”?
When you sign up to become a Patriot Partner or make a one-time gift as a Contributing Member, you will see different levels of support. For each level of support we will send you a gift or gifts as our way of saying “thank you.” (If you prefer to become a Contributing Member by mailing in your contribution, please click here to print out a reply form).
Depending on the level of gift you choose, you could receive an autographed copy of my best-selling book They Must Be Stopped, or a copy of the chilling documentary film “Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around U.S.,” or a DVD copy of my message “The Threat of Militant Islam.” There are other gifts as well.
As you help us launch our plan to combat the EMP threat, we will provide you with a gift or gifts that include valuable resources for you to become more informed and to educate your family and friends. This is how we will continue to work together to push back against the threat of radical Islam.
I’ve heard people say that an EMP attack might never happen. I’ve heard some say Iran will attack Israel, but not us. They may be right. But what if they’re wrong and we haven’t prepared? There are too many experts, who have studied this and concluded it’s a very real threat, for us to ignore.
So please ACT today! Sign up to become a Patriot Partner or make a one-time contribution, and we’ll get your gifts out to you within two to three weeks. (If you prefer to become a Contributing Member by mailing in your contribution, please click here to print out a reply form).
The first step in ultimately preventing an EMP attack is for each of us to take action today — to fulfill our role as 21st century Paul Revere’s. Thank you for everything you do on behalf of the America we love. I am grateful beyond words. And even though many of your friends and family don’t know it yet, there will come a time when they will be grateful to you as well.
Always devoted,
Brigitte Gabriel
ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591