Date: 09 Aug 2009
by Stephen Knapp
This is the thirty-third in the series (previous parts available on request)
The previous posting (No. 32) was dedicated entirely on Kashmir, the Indian paradise on earth which is bleeding due to horrendous violence and brutality of Muslims whose desire is to make it an Islamic state. These tactics are not subject to just Kashmir but it extends to other areas also, please read below…(my comment)
Unfortunately, those who are extremist and uncompromising Muslims use many of the same methods used in Kashmir to convert, manipulate, intimidate, or expel Hindus in other parts of India . Such hardline Muslims have often displayed violent reactions over any offense, and then take it out on the Hindus in whatever area seems to be affected.
….we have seen from history and in Kashmir , extremist Muslims use violence, terrorism, and coercion on a regular basis to try and get their way. Hindus have been oppressed, subjugated, forcefully converted, and terrorized by Muslims for centuries, like the recent five cowardly bomb blasts in Delhi (September 30, 2008) that indiscriminately killed 30 and injured over 100 in various market places.
One point is that only in India have Muslims been accorded special privileges and more rights than the majority Hindus, as outlined in the Indian Constitution. What other country does that? But still, whenever there appears to be a problem in the Muslim community, riots have ensued in which Hindus become the main target wherein beatings take place, Hindu homes and shops are burned and destroyed, Hindu girls raped, and the people are maimed or murdered. And in the name of tolerance, Hindus are supposed to allow themselves to be subjected to this without raising a hand? Yet, if Hindus defend themselves, the media comes out to speak of the tirades and attacks of the “fanatical Hindus.” And we are supposed to think this is balanced? …..incidents like the Gujarat riots, which was triggered by the way Muslims killed Hindu men, women, and children by burning them alive on the Sabarmati Express train car S-6 on February 27, 2002 at Godhra that was
returning from the holy town of Ayodhya.
One of the most strategic reasons for the occupation of Tibet by the Chinese is that it is very important for their military purposes. It sits on a plateau next to India and over Russia . It is reported that China has transferred over one-third of its nuclear arsenal to Nagchuka, 250 kms away from Lhassa. This region is also known for having huge caves, which the Chinese have now connected with numerous tunnels. From there, China has missiles pointed at India ’s important northern cities. So, in regard to China ’s past, and the fact that China has never forgiven India for the hospitality it has shown toward the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan refugees, it is not clear how much trust you could ever have for China . India ’s border with China is still an ongoing dispute that has not been resolved for over 50 years. Beijing still claims 90,000 sq km of Indian territory in Arunachal Pradesh and occupies 38,000 sq km more in Ladakh
(Aksai Chin).
Besides these challenges that India must face, which include both outside influences and internal issues, there are also plenty of social problems that India has to deal with. Some of these are points that India must correct if it is to proceed as a country that can take care of itself, and which will help others view it as a truly progressive nation. Such problems must be solved if India is to protect the future of its people and the culture that appeared from within its regions. The issues I discuss herein are simply those that are some of the most obvious, and which I am mentioning because of the need to do something about them for the betterment of India ’s future.
There are numerous problems and social issues that are caused simply by the general mass consciousness of the Indians themselves. And many of these will come back to haunt India and its future if something does not change in the way Indians themselves view each other and their own country.
One case in point is the general attitude toward cleanliness and the environment in India . An example of this is that while traveling, a friend of mine needed to find a toilet. He asked a man at the bus stop where the toilet was. The man responded, “Why look for a toilet when all of India is a toilet.” Now what kind of attitude is that? Things are not going to get better if people have this outlook.. The cleanliness of India can only be improved if the people of India begin to have a better approach toward their own country and start doing their part for the cleanliness of their own cities, towns, neighborhoods, and streets.
Cleanliness affects so many other areas. Right now the Ganga and the Yamuna Rivers are practically the most sacred but also the most polluted rivers in the country. Is this not the perfect paradox? The Ganga and Yamuna Rivers , where so many rites for spiritual purity take place, and where innumerable people come to take their holy bath in the sacred waters, yet parts of these rivers can no longer even support life within? Yet, we can see that the people, even the Hindus, allow for sewage and factory waste to be poured into the sacred waters, as if the spiritual purity could always overcome any amount of material contamination.
The facts are that Delhi alone contributes around 3,296 MLD (million litres per day) of sewage by virtue of drains into the Yamuna. This is more than all the Class two cities of India put together. Another concern for the cleanliness of India is that almost a million infants die of diarrhea every year. The biggest killer of children under ten years of age is simply waterborne diseases. This is not the most difficult to cure, but it is a matter of cleanliness in the environment.
We have also seen the news articles on how a sizable portion (as much as 47%) of India ’s children under five years old remain malnourished. This is a failing of its food subsidies and its distribution among the poverty stricken. This primarily affects girls. This is a major problem because not only are malnourished children often stunted both mentally and physically the rest of their lives, but the women usually pass along their deficiencies to their children.
The plague of ’94 in Mumbai showed how little people cared for keeping their city and neighborhoods clean. And, thus, many people became deathly sick. The upper classes did not care what happened to others. This sort of consciousness must change. You cannot have a progressive country with such a lack of concern. Thus, many tourist and industrial interests will be lost when they see the health dangers that are caused by this lack of cleanliness and general laziness …..
Another issue is that often it is found that the mass psychology in India is a preference for sons. It may be natural to desire a son, but it should not be at the expense and loss of its girls. And in the preference for sons, there is the increase in the method of elimination of daughters. This is done through abortions of the female fetus, or feticide, or female infanticide. ………. Figures suggest as many as a million such fetuses could be aborted every year in India .
The real problem is already showing up in places like Gujarat where we find that for every 1000 boys there are only around 930 girls. It is unlikely that nature alone accounts for this gender skew – in Delhi , for instance, only 821 girls are born for every 1,000 boys. The overall population difference between males and females, according to estimates for July of 2008, are 591,681,864 males and 556,314,034 females: a difference of over 35 million males to females. If this rate continues, then the repercussions of this trend will also get worse, wherein it may become the case that boys will have to purchase girls for marriage, or make some other arrangement to secure a girl to wed. Maybe the Dowry system will have to change from the bride’s family giving money to the groom, back to the groom securing a bride by giving money to the bride’s family.
…….. the stopping of kidnapping poor village girls, or the bribing or purchasing of tribal girls by dacoits with the promise of good jobs and then taking them to places like Mumbai where they are sold and forced into prostitution. Any decent person should be completely outraged by such occurrences. Many of the young girl prostitutes in Mumbai are not there by choice, but because they were kidnapped and then beaten, starved, or tortured into submission. This goes on not only for the profit, but because of the corruption in the local governments and police departments that allow it to continue. …This ruins the lives of many young girls and their families, helps spread HIV/AIDS throughout India , and is another point for which India receives much criticism, while the international community watches.
The concept of dowry should also be abolished, not merely by the laws that have been established, but by enforcement with stiff fines when it is found to have taken place. Dowry was prohibited by law in 1961 through the Dowry Prohibition Act. And the Dowry Prohibition Rules were established in 1985 wherein all presents between the bride and bridegroom must be listed under certain rules and conditions. ….
Dowry was originally a way of helping the newly married couple get off to a good start financially, and especially to help protect the bride if something should happen to the husband. Thus, she would have something to fall back on for her subsistence if she was alone. In the Vedic times, the husband had to qualify for marrying a bride, especially amongst the Kshatriya warriors and kings. Also, the bride’s family would provide the bride with a dowry of gold, jewels, maidservants, or whatever the family was capable of giving. This was for the security of the young newly married girl.
Somehow this custom became perverted that instead of giving money to the bride, the money and items were given to the bridegroom’s family for the bride. But now it is the payment in cash or merchandise by the bride’s family to the bridegroom’s family along with the bride, and for securing the wedding. It has become a perverted system in which it is the bride’s parents who must fork over a large dowry to the agreement of the groom and his family for the marriage. This has little to do with the bride and more in satisfying the wants and desires of the groom and his relations. The present system of dowry, if it continues, has turned the whole marriage ritual of combining two people in a loving partnership, a sacred institution of husband and wife, into a mere business arrangement between two families. This system also helps divide the classes and puts the financial burden on the bride’s family if they want to have their daughter get married. It is
especially difficult when the bride’s family is poor, or has a number of daughters that need to get married.
This system is another reason for the increased rate of infanticide and abortions when it is discovered that a woman is pregnant with a girl.
….. If the dowry is not large enough, the marriage is either canceled, or the bride is often harassed, abused, and made miserable. If that does not work to help extract a higher dowry, or if the money is being given but then runs out, it can escalate to physical abuse and even what is called bride burning by the husband or family, like the mother-in-law. This is often done by pouring kerosene on her and lighting it, usually deeply injuring her or killing her, in which case the husband can marry again. If the bride survives, she is often so injured and scarred that she becomes a nuisance to the husband or family. She often does not leave the hospital alive.
These burnings are often reported as accidental kitchen accidents, so the reporting of actual bride burnings tend to be lower than what actually happens. However, the records that are available actually show that such incidents are increasing. It is estimated that in Delhi , for example, a woman is burned to death almost every twelve hours. In 1988, dowry murders were recorded at 2,209 women, whereas in 1990, just two years later, it was listed as 4,835. That is a huge jump in just two years. Furthermore, as related in Wikipedia, the Indian national crime bureau reports that there were about 6,787 dowry death cases registered in India in 2005, which again was a significant increase over the 1995 level of 4,648. However, the increase was marginal (0.1%) over the five-year average of 2000-2004. Nonetheless, 90% of the cases of burnt women are reported as accidents, 5% as suicides, and only another 5% listed as murder. So, dowry deaths are no doubt greatly
under-reported. And convictions are rare. Nonetheless, it is a huge loss of womenfolk on an annual basis. Can any civilized person justify this for any reason? It is an embarrassment to India , which remains a crime against itself.
(More revealing facts that India faces the internal problems….to be continued)…..
© Extracts re-produced with the kind permission from the Author - Stephen Knapp.