Date: 06 Sep 2009
FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY IN (BY THEN) PARTITIONED KINGDOM (THAT WILL BE NO MORE UNITED KINGDOM) DEMOCRACY “MOHAMMED UPON MOHAMMED” STYLE when NO Kafir or Infidel is on hand to mutilate. Taliban mutilate man for voting in Afghan election CA Online and wire services 04/09/2009 KABUL — Despite the release of a ‘Code of Conduct’ in July that forbids violence against civilians, a farmer from Afghanistan had his nose and both ears mutilated in a barbaric attack by Taliban militants as punishment for casting his vote in the country’s recent elections. Speaking to reporters in a Kabul hospital, 40-year-old Lal Mohammad said he was on his way to the polls when the Taliban found his voter identification card. He said they mutilated him and beat him unconscious. The man was one of millions of people who ignored Taliban threats against voters and set out to cast his ballot. "I saw one reaching my nose with a knife. I asked him to stop, but it was useless," Mohammad said. Mohammad described how he lay bleeding and unconscious for several hours, regaining consciousness only after a man from his village spotted him and put him on the back of a donkey. But with no proper health care facility in remote Dai Kundi province, Mohammad traveled for three days over mountain tracks and dirt roads by donkey and car to reach the capital. The Taliban vowed to disrupt the August 20 vote, with rocket attacks and bombings across the country. While those they conducted failed to prevent the election from taking place, the violence affected turnout in some areas, especially the Taliban heartland in the south. Election officials reported a number of incidents in which militants cut off voters' fingers stained with indelible ink. The ink was meant to prevent the casting of multiple ballots, but also served to indentify those who cast their ballots. A doctor said Mohammad needed plastic surgery and weeks for his treatment and recovery. Mohammad hopes the government will support his family until he recovers. [Mirror U.K.] 000000000