Date: 03 Feb 2010
WILL KASHMIR BE BETRAYED LIKE LAHORE?///////////////// PK flays CM for asking Centre to resume dialogue with Pak////////////// Excelsior Correspondent/////////// JAMMU, Feb 1: Panun Kashmir (PK) has expressed its concern over the recent statements of the Chief Minister of the State regarding resumption of the stalled composite dialogue with Pakistan and its near unanimity with the statement of the Prime Minister of Pakistan on the subject. At a time when Government of India has begun to see merit in the assessment of the nationalist forces that the dialogue and cross border terrorism could not go together, the statement of the political leaders of the J&K pleading for a dialogue with Pakistan is intriguing, PK President, Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, its National spokesman, Virender Raina and vice president, J L Koul told reporters here today. ///////////// The Government should give a clear message that it is serious matter about tackling terror and no dialogue is possible till credible action is taken by the state of Pakistan, said Mr Chrungoo. He said its role regarding terrorism in J&K has horrifying details. The US leaders and officials are also required to make Pakistan accountable to the world community on the issues of terrorism and human rights violations because the Pakistan is one of the biggest beneficiaries of US funds and resources to eradicate terrorism from the soil under its control. He said the KPs are watching with serious concern the attempts of the Government to showcase the so-called return of the community to the Valley under the garb of economic package. In reference to the statement on sense of security, he pointed out that though it has taken long for the Government to understand the basic ingredient required for the resettlement of the community in Kashmir yet it has chosen to camouflage the issue.///////////// Mr Chrungoo made it clear that resettlement of KPs in Valley is purely a political issue and it needs not to be confused with economic rehabilitation or humanitarian issue. The resettlement of the KPs is possible only when the community is given compact, complete and full geographical, political and economic dispensation in their separate homeland, he added. ////////////// Full Text of the Brief///////////// PANUN KASHMIR ///////////// Date: February 1, 2010////////// PRESS BRIEF///////////// (Issued in the Press Conference)////////// PANUN KASHMIR expresses its concern over the recent statements of the Chief Minister of the Jammu and Kashmir State regarding the resumption of the stalled composite dialogue with Pakistan and its near unanimity with the statement of the Prime Minister of Pakistan on the subject. At a time when the government of India has begun to see merit in the assessment of the nationalist forces that the dialogue and cross border terrorism could not go together, the statements of the political leaders of the state pleading for a dialogue with Pakistan is intriguing. The government ought to give a clear message that it is serious about tackling terror and no dialogue is possible till credible action is taken by the State of Pakistan. In this context, it is important to point out that there was a deliberate attempt to confine the terror crimes committed against India to 26/11 only, thus trying to sideline the twenty years role of Pakistans abetment to the crimes against humanity. Its role in regard to terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir state has horrifying details. Here it would be important to mention that the US leaders and officials are also required to make Pakistan accountable to the world community on issues of terrorism and human rights violations because the State of Pakistan is one of the biggest beneficiaries of US funds and resources to eradicate terrorism from the soil under its control. The US, in the interests of peace in South Asia, should also persuade China to refrain from any adventurism against India. It is pertinent to mention that China is already in illegal possession of large chunks of Indian territory. ///////////// The Kashmiri Pandit community has also been watching with serious concern the attempts of the government to showcase the so-called return of Kashmiri Pandit community to the valley of Kashmir under the garb of economic packages. In reference to the statement on sense of security, it is pointed out that though it has taken long for the government to understand the basic ingredient required for resettlement of the community in Kashmir yet it has chosen to camouflage the issue. In this context, PANUN KASHMIR would like to make it clear that the resettlement of the Pandit community is purely a political issue and need not be confused with economic rehabilitation or humanitarian issues. The resettlement of the community in Kashmir is possible only when the community is given a compact, complete and full geographic, political and economic dispensation in their separate homeland. The attempts to trivialize the issue of Kashmiri Pandit genocide and ethnic cleansing by clubbing it with day to day issues of survival are negation of civilized response to human tragedy. The Kashmiri Pandit community has been the worst victim of terrorism over the last twenty years. Its genocide, ethnic cleansing and exodus are glaring instances to prove that the issues of their displacement cannot be shied away by any civilized society in the world. Any attempt aimed at to sideline the basic issues will be resisted with all might at our command. The only solution for the reversal of exodus lies in the creation of a separate homeland on the north and east of river Jehlum with Union Territory status and free flow of Indian constitution and this solution is the only appropriate representation of the aspirations of the whole displaced community of Kashmiri Pandits. ////////////// 000000000