Date: 17 Feb 2010
Story of two Pakistans////////////////// Sir, ///////////// Thanks to Mr. Prafull Goradia for his article, “Dreamland as Pakistan – A fractured State that could not have remained united”, (Pioneer, February 12, 2010). It reveals that the original demand of the Muslims League was for two Pakistans – one in the North-West and the other in the North-East./////////////// Muslim League’s Pakistan resolution of March 23, 1940 read, “Resolved that it is the considered view of this Session of the All India Muslim League that no constitutional plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it is designated on the following basic principle, viz. that geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be so constituted with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary, that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the North-Western and Eastern Zones of India should be grouped to constitute “Independent States” in which the Constituent Units shall be autonomous and sovereign…”///////////// The words “Independent States” and “Constituent Units” in this resolution leave no doubt that the Muslim Leadership knew very well the vast linguistic and cultural differences between Muslims of the two geographically separate blocs. Nevertheless, both the blocs were equally distinct and distant from their Hindu, (including Sikhs, Jains and Bouddhs), neighbours. Hindus of the West Pakistan soon realized the danger to their honour, lives and property under a Muslim rule and moved to Hindu India at the earliest. Contrary to it, Hindus of East Pakistan, barring a few well to do ones, kept on relying on their Muslim neighbours and suffered immensely. They woke up very late when it became almost impossible to migrate to Hindu India. ///////////// In spite of their vast differences, the Muslims of Western and Eastern blocs got united against their common Hindu enemy. After that enemy was removed or sub-dued, their own difference became prominent. The more aggressive Muslims of West Pakitan started exploiting the Muslims of East Pakistan. The latter too up arms to get Independence from West Pakistani dominance. ////////////// With the active assistance of the Indian government they got their separate Statehood as Bangladesh. But, as blood is thicker than water, Bangladesh and Pakistan soon became chums against Hindu India. In any major conflict between India and Pakistan, Bangladesh is very likely to side with Pakistan. /////////////////// -Ram Gopal. /////////// 000000000