Date: 17 Feb 2010
Mahatma Gandhi's murderer was just that, a murderer.///////////// ------------------------------------------------//////////// COMMENT:///////////// O NO! Please note the following/////////// Godse was an ASSASSIN, not a murderer. ///////////// His was a brave POLITICAL and PATRIOTIC act for the NATION, not scam, banditry or theft like that by RAJIV "GANDHI" for his own personal benefit. ////////////// Godse was a PATRIOT who was dealing with the COWARD and DESERTER in the manner that was expected of EACH AND EVERY Hindu who related to his HINDUSTHAN in the way a Muslim or Christian CANNOT. Neither Jesus nor Mohammed was born in Bharat. ///////////// There is NO need to lower our own prophets or even equate them with the FOREIGNERS. Look, how THEY treat our own prophets. MOHAMMED'S Flag is flying over the Janmasthan of Guru Nanak and the Devils do not wish to see Sri Ram Temple raised to its original GRANDEUR & GLORY in Ayodhya while NO Hindu is allowed to enter the city of Mecca. How far can we go down to appease them to earn the certificate of being "secular"?//////////////// Mr. MK Gandhi was a "mahatma" of British creation for Imperial purpose, and thereafter used dishonestly as COVER for the treason and betrayal of NEHRU, his Dynasty and PARTY. //////////////// Gullible Hindus are conditioned by centuries of slavery to go on worshipping anyone till eternity who the RULING ESTABLISHMENT decide to deify in order to rule for ever in HIS name. ///////////// To call Godse a murderer is to DENY him his due place of HONOUR in history. People like Nathu Ram ought to be called NATIONAL HEROES to be entered as such in every school book. The nation ought to see HIS statues all over in place of those of the UNINSPIRING DEFEATIST, APPEASER Gandhi who had NO trust and confidence in his own following to stand up united to teach the DEVIL a lesson, if not push him back right up to MECCA.////////////// Sons of soil like Godse and Bose and Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Shivaji are to be adored by the nation after DUMPING crooks, cowards, bandits and corrupt (Bofors) "Chors" and MURDERERS like Indira "Gandhi". //////////////// Since we call a hero "murderer" but a coward a "hero" MIDDLE India today is under the foot and awe of an Italian born female who has surrounded herself with only FEMALES at the top (chief Minister of Delhi State, Speaker of Parliament, Supreme Commander and President of India! //////////////// What is left of native HINDU manhood has been "murdered" by the KHANS of Bollywood. ///////////////// In that land Muslims are seducing, abducting, degrading and using HINDU maidens to produce MORE Mohammeds while not raising children as HINDUS. The SPIRIT of the nation is sapped. Yet we call those, who wish to usher in HINDU RASHTRA, or keep Bharat AKHAND or teach Secularism to the MUSLIMS, "murderers. ////////// Who will stand up against this brainwashing that turns the intelligent HINDUS into submitting subservient slaves who look at our patriots through the eyes of Rashtramata Sonia Maino? /////////////// There is a big difference between murder and assassination and we need to UNDERSTAND it. //////////////////// If the Hindus could not stay in ISLAMIC Pakistan, the Muslims in MIDDLE India, too, had to be KICKED OUT, INTERNED OR WIPED OUT to teach the "butchers & barbarians" a lesson. Gandhi went along, simply went along, with the enemy chanting "Ishear Allah tero Naam," while our INDIA was shrunk radically in size and burning//////////////// 000000000