Date: 07 Mar 2010


Think! Is Emergency and Dictatorship NOT far away? ////////////////// More than 1,000 Email Ids from my Internet-List : rti-times@lists.riseup.net (owner: milap_choraria@yahoo.com) including those of the Members of Parliament, IAS and IPS Officers, who are having their Email ID’s from the domain: ‘nic.in’ (Owned and controlled by National Information Center, a Government Department), suddenly and simultaneously on and from 22nd January, 2010, started bouncing, contrary to my Fundamental Right of Expression, as I often raise certain very important fundamental issues having National significance in Larger Public Interest and also constitutional proprietary, since my very childhood, though at times, it may not resonate well to those having some entrenched interest. Notice of such large scale bouncing from a particular day came to my notice only on 3rd March, 2010, when I was Noticed about the bounce of a member which was beyond the fixed number of bounces. However, Issues which I am raising regoursely for some time now can be described as follows:- /////////////////// n Indian Black Money in Swiss Banks which issue I am raising since April, 2005; ///////////////// n Hiding of allegiance to the Italian Constitution by Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi, to maintain control over the reins of powers, with the help of the Establishment; /////////////////// n Indian Election System, which is based on British Module and not suitable to Indian Socio-Cultural-Economic-Milieu, as it is based on the Colonial Policy of divide and Rule. ////////////////// n Politics-Mafia-Nexus, has paralyzed the entire system, by making it insensitive to the common men; ///////////////// n Whether Shri Jawaharlal Nehru bectrayed Subhash Bose? //////////////////// n Whether transfer of Powers without any decision of partition, from June, 1948 (according to the Speech of the then UK PM in British Parliament, in January, 1947) was advanced to 15th August, 1947, under any secret agreement between Congress Party (through Shri Jawaharlal Nehru) and British Government, according to which husband of the friend of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: the Lady Erwin, Lord Mountbatten was appointed as the Governor General of India empowering him to divide India, under which ‘Subhas Bose’ was liable to be handed over to British Government as its enemy, Alive or Dead? ////////////////// n Constitution of India was based on Government of India Act, 1935, under the mandate of the Indian Independence Act, 1947 passed by British Parliament on 25th July, 1947. ///////////// Starting of Bouncing of more than 1,000 Emails from a particular date is certainly the result of some high level move, to infringe my Fundamental Right to Express, indicating that undeclared Emergency Like situation is still prevailing in the country, and if it is so, then dictatorship is not far away. This further strengthened from a News Item that PM decided to go ahead with amendments in the RTI Act, to curb Fundamental Right of Citizens to know. This needs to be highlighted world wide. ////////////////// PM, SONIA DIVIDED (This is just not a Joke? PM is her assignee thus cannot deny her dictates.) ///////////////// PM says no to Sonia, wants RTI Act amended //////////////// http://ibnlive.in.com/news/pm-says-no-to-sonia-wants-rti-act-amended/111065-37.html?from=tn //////////////// n New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi are reportedly split over amending the Right to Information Act. ///////////////// n In a rare instance, the Prime Minister has said a firm no to Sonia's suggestions and has decided to go ahead with amendments in the RTI Act. /////////////// n Singh has reportedly written a letter to Sonia saying that changes are needed in the RTI Act after the Congress President expressed her doubts and made it clear that she does not want it to be amended. ///////////////// n The proposed changes in RTI by the Prime Minister will keep the Chief Justice of India out of purview of the Act. ////////////// n Some of the amendments proposed to the RTI Act are: /////////////// n Chief Justice of India would be outside the purview of the Act. (So appointment of Judges in High Courts and Supreme Court can be ensured for the persons who can pass unconstitutional Orders to satisfy the whims of Powerful politicians, like Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi. Example: http://sonia-rahul-gandhi.tripod.com ///////////////// n Discussions on policy decisions cannot be made public. (Once decision is taken, why it should be so secret, if same are not exempted under Section 8 of RTI Act. It reflects that the intention of Dr. Man Mohan Singh's Government is to ensure the protection of the corrupt.) ///////////////// n No frivolous queries would be allowed and necessary changes in the Act would have to be made. (After such amendment each application can be described and declared as Frivolous, so through such amendment Man Mohan Singh's Government, through backdoor, is inclined to repeal the Right to Information Act, 2005, itself, by defeating its very purpose.) //////////////// n The Congress President, who is also the Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance, had written to the Prime Minister about two months ago explaining her why she does not want any amendment to the Act, which was a landmark legislation of UPA 1 and seen as her baby. ///////////////// n Her views on not amending the RTI have been endorsed by NGOs and the Left parties. ////////////////////// n But with the Prime Minister himself stepping in and saying no to her, changes in the Act seem inevitable. /////////////////// This is a very crucial issue and all the good work that has been achieved towards a transparent system is going to be negated altogether. Hence this is my earnest appeal to all the subscribers of my Internet List to send their Protest-Emails against the intended amendment to the President, Prime Minister, Leaders of Opposition in Loksabha and Rajyasabha and also heads of the various Political Parties along with as much as possible to all the Members of Parliament. Otherwise it would be just like the blackout situation of hiding, as is done in emergency or dictatorship. /////////////////////// TRUTH SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL/////////////// Milap Choraria Editor: Suchna Ka Adhikar / RTI TIMES National Convenor : Movement for Accountability to Public (MAP) http://milapchoraria.tripod.com/msp 000000000