Date: 10 Mar 2010


PRESS INVITATION //////////////// ANGUISHED BY APATHETIC ATTITUDE OF GOVT TOWARDS THEIR DEMAND OF OROP, EX SERVICEMEN DEPOSIT MEDALS WITH THE PRESIDENT THE SEVENTH TIME ON 14 MAR 2010 AT JANTAR-MANTAR NEW DELHI FROM 10AM TO 2 PM : “SIGN MEMORANDUM IN BLOOD” //////////////// Dated : 10 March 2010 /////////////// Dear Members of the Media, ///////////////// 1. The Govt has not accepted the most genuine demand of ex servicemen /////////////// ‘One Rank One Pension (OROP)’. ////////////////// The committee headed by Cabinet Secretary had six more secretaries. Since the government has accepted the recommendations of the Committee, reference to that report is relevant. It was expected that the Committee members, based on their experience and wide vision would come up with a fresh approach. Unfortunately, they failed to fulfill those expectations. The Committee only recommended that the dividing line between the pre-1997 and post 1997 pensioners be removed. They equated the pre -1997 pensioners with ‘post-1997 –and-pre-2006’ pensioners, thus removing a 12 years old anomaly. But the difference between the pre and post 1.1.2006 pensioners stays untouched. It did not even touch OROP. Even the enhancement of pensions announced by the Govt on 06 Jul 2009 has not been implemented.///////////////// 2. Deeply anguished by the apathetic attitude of the Govt, the IESM has decided that ESM from all states will deposit their medals with the President of India on 14 Mar 2010 the seventh time alongwith a Memorandum signed in Blood. /////////////// 3. The event of medal deposit and signing of Memorandum in blood will take place at Jantar Mantar New Delhi on 14 Mar 2010 from 10 AM to 2 PM. Thereafter a delegation will move to Rashtrapati Bhawan to deposit the medals with the president. The Chairman IESM Lt Gen Raj Kadyan in a letter to the Supreme Commander has requested her to accept the medals of ESM personally. The memorandum will also be given to the PM & RM. //////////////// 4. All members of the media are requested to cover the event extensively to inform the people of India about the mistreatment of Military by the Govt. //////////////// With Kind Regards, /////////////// Jai Hind ////////////// Yours Sincerely, ///////// Maj Gen (Retd) Satbir Singh, SM /////////// Vice Chairman Indian ESM Movement /////////// 000000000