Date: 24 Apr 2010
ISLAM IN THE UNITED KINGDOM///////////// WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT ISLAM/////////////// We have a choice, whether to hang together or be hanged separately. /////////////// -Human Rights Coalition against Radical Islam ( "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within." - Will Durant (U.S. Historian)//////////// "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralysis the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Muhammadanism is a militant and proselytizing faith." - Sir Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister)///////////// "Among religions, Bolshevism is to be reckoned with Muhammadanism rather than with Christianity and Buddhism, Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation. Muhammadanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual (doctrines), concerned to win the empire of this world." - Professor Bertrand Russell (Philosopher)/////////// “Having thus given a cursory view of the Qur'an, I lay it before the sensible persons with the purpose that they should know what kind of book the Qur'an is. If they ask me, I have no hesitation to say that it can not be the work either of God or of a learned man, nor can it be a book of knowledge. Here its very vital defect has been exposed with the object that the people may not waste their life falling into its imposition…... The Qur'an is the result of ignorance, the source of animalization of human being, a fruitful cause of destroying peace, an incentive to war, a propagator of hostility among men and a promoter of suffering in society. As to defect of repetition, the Qur'an is its store.” Maharishi Swami Dayanand Saraswati (19th Century Indian Sage and Rational Reformer) ///// "Show me just what Prophet Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Pope Benedict/Byzantine Emperor Paleogus/////////////// "I studied the Kuran a great deal ... I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammed" - Alexis De Tocqville (French Thinker/Historian) ///////////////// "Muslims are the first victims of Islam. Many times I have observed in my travels that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who maintain others in the practice of this religion by terror. To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him". - Earnest Renan (French Thinker) ////////////// "How dreadful are the curses which Muhammadanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Muhammadan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men." - Sir Winston Churchill There is more earnest interest in discovering the nature and potential of Islam than any other religion on earth. Scholars have spoken of it as war mongering ideology while the Muslims themselves call it a “religion of peace, a detailed guide for human life and conduct that covers every aspect of life.” //////////////// The Muslims are being watched with concern by every civilised, free and secular society where individual freedoms count. The fanaticism generated by its holy book, the Koran, inspired the “Believers” to spread by fire and sword from one end of the globe to the other. Ancient civilisations of northern Africa, Egypt, Syria, Persia, Afghanistan, India and Indonesia perished along its way. None except Europe could stand up to it and recover lost territory, driving it back from Spain, Austria and Greece, thus saving Christian religion and civilisation from the marauders. ///////////////// Zoroastrians in Persia, Buddhists in Afghanistan and Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh have perished, leaving no trace. Islam has the same goal, to islamise the rest of the world but has changed tactics. Demography is its new weapon. /////////////// In the United Kingdom the Muslims, a separatist minority with hardcore of fundamentalist extremist terrorist elements, are gaining ground. //////////////// With loyalty to Global Islam they cannot be loyal citizens of Her Majesty’s Government but contenders for political power. Many Muslim countries are now bursting with surplus population and few resources to sustain it.////////////// Islamic republics are badly governed under draconian Sharia Law and myopic bigoted mullahs and imams who loathe secular education but add to discontent, revolts and bloodshed. Hence the scramble to escape to the relatively rich West. Their numbers are rising rapidly due to uncontrollable immigration and overproduction. Governments are suppressing facts on Islamic rise in numbers and the consequential threat //////////////// While other newcomers to the West like the Hindus and Sikhs, with small families, are dynamic, prosperous and mobile, the Muslims have other priorities, to multiply in numbers, dreaming of power sharing and eventually overpowering the secular and democratic forces. CORE BELIEF OF MUSLIMS//////////// Muslims are conditioned & brainwashed by three factors://////// KORAN, the LIFE of Mohammed, and HADIS.///////////// Koran is not a soothing calming holy spiritual book, preaching universal love, respect for women, family values and tolerance but is a cast iron Code of Conduct for the fighters of Islam (JEHAD). It is highly discriminatory against the non Muslims using derogatory terms like “Kafir” (Infidel). ///////////// Mohammed spent most of his energy & time on Jehad (fighting) and women, not sparing even his own daughter-in-law. Muhammad had 23 wives and several of “HIS RIGHT HAND POSSESSED"- with right to have sex any time with them. Captured women were special target of his fighters besides wanton destruction, loot and plunder. (“Maal-i-ghaneemat”)./////////////// The teachings of Islam have remained “frozen” since 7th century AD. None can alter even a comma in the Koran. Indoctrination is so crippling that no Muslim is prepared to utter the word “pig” at any time or tolerate seeing a Muslim female walking with a non Muslim male. Leaving Islam means assassination. A girl making friends with a man without permission of her parents invites death by stoning or summary execution in public as a warning to the others.///////// Muslims stand against most norms and customs of modern society, for example, multiculturism, equality of sexes, monogamy, girls' education, penal reform and humane treatment of criminals and dissidents. /////////////// British judicial & social systems evolved over centuries of bloodshed, torture and trials. In contrast Islamic judicial and social systems have remained rigid due to suffocating stranglehold of Islam. Sharia Law is crude and cruel, being the same today that the barbarian Arab tribes needed to settle their disputes in 7th. Century AD when men could not be trusted sitting beside women even in mosques. Muslims wish to live by it and also impose it on the others thus negating the struggles & sacrifices through which the Western (Christian) society has passed, paying heavy price. Muslims are, therefore, completely misfit and at odds in modern European society. Even those fleeing persecution and oppression in Islamic republics do not discard Koran & Islam on finding refuge & safety in Christian lands. ////// Muslims who initially came to the U.K. in early 1960's were grateful to be allowed in and respected the laws of this society. They did not flaunt their religion either by beards or burka. But as their numbers grew, especially since early 1990’s, they have started assuming confrontational posture. ///////////// Living among the British people as equals they have shed the respect and awe of the former colonial masters but wish to Islamise Britain as they did to Western and Eastern India at Partition over the dead bodies of millions of non Muslims. ///////////////// To concede EQUALITY to those who are unable to appreciate it here and were unaccustomed to it back home is not only to ruin our own social cohesion but also invite confrontation, strife and Jihad with the result that the Muslims have established their own schools, rules, halal shops, slaughter houses, broadcasting stations, print media, numerous mosques and even an Islamic Parliament. They are now a State within State and are demanding more and more concessions, resources, attention and (political) POWER. No other community is such a drain on public money. ///////////// Muslims are not a well integrated peaceful community in the West but one that regards itself aggrieved and alienated, a part of global Islam, the 57th. (Virtual) Islamic Republic, dreaming of living by Sharia Law here as in 56 other Islamic republics. From their perspective Church of England and Westminster are small obstacles in their way if not irrelevant. One spokesman, Anjem Chaudhry, has called for Buckingham Palace to be converted into a mosque or an Islamic School or a hospital, and Nelson's Column to be destroyed like the Buddha Statues in Bamyan, Afghanistan. //////////////// While most immigrants come to work and live in peace the Muslims have a separate agenda. So self assured, they do not even conceal it. They wish to Islamise Britain by conquest, conversion or intimidation. If they succeed in their holy mission they will wreak great havoc and devastation upon this land and its people. One ought to see what happened to the non Muslims in Pakistan during 1947. Within weeks the Muslims set fire to all the libraries, girls’ schools, churches, cinemas, public houses and even places of great historic value. ////////////////// Among the 15 million, including the old, infirm and the infants, who could escape alive were the fleeing human rights champions, do gooders, the honourable judges of high courts and members of the bar (the lawyers, advocates and barristers), editors, journalists, doctors and nurses, businessmen, industrialists, farmers and shopkeepers, students, teachers and professors, prisoners, wardens and guards, the followers of “Apostle of Peace” Gandhi, military and police officers, and all the SIKHS whose prayer contains the line, "Bless them all, O God." ///////////////// I am an eye witness, one of those survivors, a refugee in my own country when Islamic volcanic ASH covered land, towns, villages, farms, lakes, forests, hills and mountains. The "Hell" that was created by Islam was given the name, PAKISTAN. She is not worth returning to any more. Every Briton is advised to go there now, taking along with him his old grandfather or grandmother who saw Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar or Dhaka before 1947 and then come back and WARN everybody here. Brainwashed Muslims, "high on the teachings of Koran", are no different from the NAZIS in book burning, political assassinations and suppression of others' freedoms. Islamic zealots in Egypt set fire to the grand library of Alexandria in 640 AD. Later they destroyed Nalanda University in Afghanistan. It was known as Dharma Gunj (Mountain of Truth) or Dharmagańja (Treasury of Truth) and was the most renowned repository of Buddhist knowledge in the world at the time. Its collection was said to comprise hundreds of thousands of volumes, so extensive that it burned for months when set aflame by Muslim invaders in 1193. In 2001 the Taliban happily destroyed the two historic Buddha statues that had stood there for a millennium and a half. In Saudi Arabia not one church, temple or synagogue escaped destruction.///////////////// The reason why Muslims will not go away or go back to their own countries of origin is the fact that all Islamic republics, under the powerful dark pull of 7th. Century AD, do crush individual liberties, ruining quality of life. They are politically backward, badly governed, socially violent & unstable, economically a mess, corrupt and stinking repugnant. The one who has escaped will NOT return.// Muslims have no concept of borders and frontiers since Islam is global. Even the poorest feed on the idea that “the sun never sets on Mohammed’s empire.” Hence they are more than willing to go and fight for Islam anywhere on earth. Drug & slave smuggling also runs smoothly across Islamic frontiers. Their Oath of Loyalty to Crown is false since total submission to Koran is paramount. Annual pilgrimage to Mecca renews and reinforces their allegiance to the highest authority in life called Allah.//////////////// Muslims threaten to overturn the demography in Europe and America by marrying more than one wife, by producing more children than the national norm and through active conversion. Their rapidly increasing presence and clout in British politics and media are worrying. Nearly all recent immigrants are MUSLIM- young and male in the prime of life with instinctive “hunting” skills (brought from abroad where rape is the norm) to identify and target a vulnerable young female “straggler” (mostly from Eastern Europe), and then marry to start producing children. Confining their own females indoors the Muslims seduce (abduct in Islamic countries!) non Muslim girls. The Parliament and civic authorities in this country have shown little interest in their subsequent plight or to notice the devastating impact on the grieving parents and families of these unfortunate girls.///////////// Marriage among Muslims is a mere contract, not a sacred commitment for life with the vow, “until death do us part.” Men can marry and discard at convenience. /////////// Most have come to the West from lands in Africa, Middle East and South Asia where they have wiped out the non Muslims with utmost brutality. Their victims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, who also happen to be living in the United Kingdom, in turn, look at the Muslims with great suspicion, trepidation and even fear. To them it is the biggest shock as to why the British public do not share their well founded concerns about the “time bomb” called ISLAM. ///////////////// Standing on thin ice of Islam the Muslims feel most insecure while discussing their Prophet or Religion. Therefore, it is impossible to engage in a rational discussion with them since they are quick to lose temper, fight back, and even threaten to kill. Salman Rushdie and the Danish cartoonists should have known! /////////////// Secular democratic forces are neither united nor committed to their core beliefs, e.g., freedom of expression, and “way of life” like the Muslims who see this as weakness. Documentation of Islamic barbarity in the rest of the world is not in public domain like the ideology and brutality of NAZIS who have “died” while the Muslims are "alive", threatening us all with extinction. /////// Although their own record of multi-culturism in any Islamic Republic is abysmal they are quick to use England’s liberal laws to their own financial advantage- in big awards for compensation. ///////////// With Christians disunited, and the Muslims claiming to be the fastest growing religion in Europe & America, what will happen to Westminster Parliament and Crown when they eventually capture them by sheer numbers? Why is the British public being made to march, blindfolded and gagged, towards that eventuality?///////////// Islam as a community is always at the bottom of economic pile due to suppression of females and over emphasis on learning the arduous Arabic language in order to pray and understand Koran. Horrendous Partition of India in 1947 that saw a culturally rich ancient country mutilated and broken up into three parts, was nothing but a war between the poor Muslims, once absolute rulers for centuries, and the prosperous Hindus, the former slaves. /////////////// India is the prime example of this monumental neglect from which England is suffering right now. Unchecked by false secularism of her leaders, Nehru and Gandhi, and tolerant attitude of the Hindus, Islam grew to be a monster that “swallowed” five provinces overnight in 1947. Tens of millions of non Muslims living there for millennia perished or fled to Middle India for safety. It is too late now for India that was once UNITED but now fragmented and bleeding. But there is time for this country that still calls herself “UNITED Kingdom”. Right now a new threat is developing to her security. It is ISLAM. ////////////////// Muslims aim for the highest, hoping for the rest to crumble automatically. That is why they launched attacks against the United States and destroyed the WTC Towers in New York. Soon after that they attacked London and Madrid. ////////////////// WHAT MUST WE DO?/////////// 1. Raise awareness of people about Radical Islam. Discuss it openly as we discuss Fascism and Nazism./// 2. Ban the conversion of Christian girls on marrying a Muslim. Alternatively, make it mandatory for a Muslim groom to embrace the religion of his non Muslim bride. ////////////// 3. Divorces among the Muslims must be closely scrutinized by courts. According to Islamic Law a man needs to say “divorce” three times, even over the phone or by sms, and it becomes legal and official. /////////// 4. Control the birth rate of Muslims. It should confirm to mainstream average, not exceed it. No child allowance for those with more than two children. (In China it is strictly one child per couple.)////////// 5. Ban further Muslim immigration in view of the forecast of Muslim numbers in future due to higher than normal birth rate of those already here. ///////////// 6. Data on Muslim population should be published once or twice every year since the Muslims, by Belief, are separatist and anti national. //////////// 7. Each Muslim must take the Oath of loyalty to Crown, at the same time accepting the British Law to be superior to the Islamic Sharia Law. ////////////// 8. On committing any crime, e.g., drug or human smuggling, there should be immediate deportation to one’s Islamic Republic where they deal with criminals fairly under Sharia Law. If we cannot approve of his trial under Islamic Law then we ought to raise our voice for the abolition of every ISLAMIC republic on earth. We cannot let the Muslims living here gain both ways through our double standards. ///////////// 9. Koran ought to be translated into the English language like the Bible. This will save too much time the young spend on learning the alien Arabic language at the cost of their school studies. ////////////// 10. Teaching of ISLAM in schools should be done by Christian or non Muslim RE teachers, /////////// 11. All Muslim charities, mosques, institutions and political and religious organizations should be under State supervision and control. At least one of those dealing with funds must be a non Muslim. ///////// 12. Those murdering any girl on the pretext of “honour killing” ought to be sent back to country of origin. British tax payer should not pay to feed and keep them in jails for years. //////////// 13. A non Muslim female sharing ride with a Muslim male foolishly makes herself most vulnerable. She should refuse to take ride with a Muslim male unless there is another female in the vehicle. This is the Law in Saudi Arabia. No country on earth knows Muslim mind & mentality better than her. 14. A would be Muslim groom should take his future non Muslim bride for a minimum stay of seven days in any Islamic Republic so that the girl knows what to expect in life as his wife. //////////// 15. “Azaan” (Call to Prayer) should be banned over loudspeakers. Neighborhoods must insist on peace from noisy disturbance. Everyone these days owns a watch and can see the time of Prayer. ///////////// CONCLUSION/////////// Future of England is in danger. Home grown Muslim terrorists are the ENEMY WITHIN. A thousand years ago brave crusaders pushed the Muslim invaders back. Today we do not see the same zeal and unity in the United Kingdom to push even the illegal immigrants back in order to make our country “MUSLIM FREE”. It is nothing preposterous or outrageous while facing a preposterous, outrageous & killer enemy who has made Arabia “CHRISTIAN FREE”, Afghanistan “BUDDHIST FREE” and Pakistan & North Kashmir “HINDU FREE”. Does it take a genius to see their designs for the United Kingdom, too? //////////// In order to ensure peace and prosperity we must ask the Muslims to delete the word “KAFIR” (Infidel) from their Koran. At present most imams and preachers of hate call Her Majesty “Kafir” and advise young men not to wear uniform of the British armed forces. ////////////// Islam is silently creeping through our foundations by deceit, fraud and surprise attack whenever and wherever an opportunity becomes available. Islam is no respecter of (English) Law, (human) Life and (multi) Culture. ///////////// If we encourage, or let, Islam grow it will spread like cancer through this land due to appeasement or cowardice. British landscape will resemble that of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The natives of these Isles will be fleeing for safety in all directions like the Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Somalis and the Indians. All the constitutional scholars, legal experts and the vocal champions of Burka and Minarets will be the first to have their throats cut. How many of them are seen in ISLAMIC lands? ////////////// IF AMERICA FALLS//////////// If the United States falls, the United Kingdom will follow suit. And so will the fragment called India. Allen West, a retired Colonel, says, “We are confronting something that is totalitarian, theocratic & political. It is an IDEOLOGY. It is not about Muslims just as not every German was a NAZI.” Watch it and be warned of the future if nothing is done right now: /////////////// ===========////////////// The first act of High Treason: When the civil war begins, in 10, 50 or 100 years’ time, the Christian defenders of these Isles will look back to determine as to who committed the first act of betrayal of Secularism. Undoubtedly, they will point the finger at the Labour Government under Clement Attlee that ensured the defeat of secular India in 1947. Then they will mention Tony Blair and Gordon Brown of the SAME Party for betraying secularism in the United Kingdom. ============================== 000000000