Do We Deserve a Mosque at Ground Zero? NO!

Date: 18 May 2010


Do We Deserve a Mosque at Ground Zero? NO!//////////// Please say to all that building a mosque there is sheer provocation as if the Americans are either timid sheep or ignorant fools.//////////// What could have been a good gesture was to set up a MEMORIAL (like INDIA GATE in New Delhi) with the names of all those murdered in cold blood.////////// An IMPORTANT point: If a mosque is built there the souls of ALL THOSE MURDERED will never rest in peace. They will be PERTURBED and remain AGITATED over our cowardice and collapse before the Islamic ONSLAUGHT. /////////// Thirdly, we must realise that it is LAND that the Muslims are after, more and more land on ANY pretext. (Do you remember Hitler's urge for "LEBENSRAUM" after which he unleashed his mighty powerful army on unprepared Poland?)///////////// If a Muslim could call out a MILLION MEN'S MARCH a few years ago surely the free world could call out a TEN MILLION march in New York now./////////// best wishes from UK.///////// 18 May 10////////// =========== In a message dated 17/05/2010 05:17:19 GMT Standard Time, writes: The entire world is in a "do or die" situation. The evil must be stopped at all costs. I urge all who can travel to Ground Zero to join in this rally. Please encourage your neighbors, family and friends to come out in large numbers. If you have to take the day off from work please do so. I urge our leaders to coordinate coach/bus/car-pool, etc transport arrangements with the other groups/organizations so maximum numbers of people can attend not just from NY/NJ but surrounding region too..///////////// This is a major happening. If we don't speak out, who will?//////// Let us not forget that it was on the sacred soil of India that these Jihadies carried out some of the most gruesome carnage in the history of mankind. Throughout the evil reign of terror, several hundred thousand innocent & defenseless men, women and children were slaughtered- all in the name of Islam! Our daughters and mothers were hauled off to Arabia and sold as slaves. And let us never forget the sacrifices of our Padminis, Guru Tegh Bahadur & others./////////// Pamela: Kudos to you. Just is case you need it, here is a sampling taken directly from the Koran of the kind of teaching that will take place in the proposed mosque://////// Of the Unbelievers (these include Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs - all others who do not believe in Allah and Mohammad): Sura 4:89 “seize them and slay them wherever you find them: and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks.” /////////// Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Sura 9:5) ///////////// 4:101 “When ye travel through the earth, there is no blame on you if ye shorten your prayers, for fear the Unbelievers May attack you: For the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies.” ///////////// 4:102 "For the Unbelievers, Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment.” ///////////// The above is just a small sample. There is more. Much more. ///////////// Thank you////// PR////////// In a message dated 17/05/2010 02:38:55 GMT Standard Time, writes: With the U.S. military preparing its assault on the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar, there's a not-too-wild comparison to be made between the mind-blowing reality of New York City approving a mosque at Ground Zero and the unthinkable notion of Honolulu authorities, with GIs massing for the ultimately unnecessary invasion of Japan, approving Shinto shrine construction adjacent to Pearl Harbor. Both are equally outrageous. But there is a key difference. During World War II, the militaristic cult of Shintoism, the state religion of Imperial Japan, was always understood to be enemy ideology. In our irresponsibly long war, we have never, ever acknowledged that Islam, with its supremacist cult of jihad, is the enemy threat doctrine. And that's not because I say so. It's because the enemy says so, 24-7, and so do his mainstream, unimpeachable Islamic legal and religious sources. ////////// /////////////// Do We Deserve a Mosque at Ground Zero? Written by: Diana West 5/14/2010 5:21:00 AM ///////////// -------------- This week's syndicated column://///////////// The second attack on the World Trade Center is coming. It will stand 13 stories high, cost $100 million dollars and include a mosque. Known as Cordoba House -- the name echoing an early caliphate that, of course, subjugated non-Muslims -- it will be located two blocks away from where our magnificent towers crashed and burned, easy wafting distance for the Islamic call to prayer. /////////// How demoralizing is that? Let's step back for some historical perspective. With the U.S. military preparing its assault on the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar, there's a not-too-wild comparison to be made between the mind-blowing reality of New York City approving a mosque at Ground Zero and the unthinkable notion of Honolulu authorities, with GIs massing for the ultimately unnecessary invasion of Japan, approving Shinto shrine construction adjacent to Pearl Harbor. //////// Both are equally outrageous. But there is a key difference. During World War II, the militaristic cult of Shintoism, the state religion of Imperial Japan, was always understood to be enemy ideology. In our irresponsibly long war, we have never, ever acknowledged that Islam, with its supremacist cult of jihad, is the enemy threat doctrine. And that's not because I say so. It's because the enemy says so, 24-7, and so do his mainstream, unimpeachable Islamic legal and religious sources. ////////////// But we plug our ears, drowning out our better judgment with counsel from apologists for Islam, flimflam men who, like carnival hawkers, are adept at misdirecting attention away from the Islamic doctrinal motivations behind what is a global jihad, waged both openly (violently) and more subtly, to advance the influence of Sharia in the world. Indeed, we become apologists and flimflam men, too. Or maybe we just don't care. "If it's legal, the building owners have a right to do what they want," said a spokesman for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. //////////// If it's "legal"? What if it mocks the dead? ////////// Maybe we deserve such a mosque at Ground Zero. It will serve as the perfect monument to post-9/11 America, a shining reproach to a nation that long ago capitulated through loss, or worse, absence of will. Not that it will be widely seen that way. Aside from the torment and seething of survivors, both family and professional family of the 9/11 dead, aside from blog noise and tabloid venting, the phony narrative of Cordoba House as a kind of healing outreach center -- pure deception -- appears ready for chiseling into stone. And that's not because Cordoba's flimflamming Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf obfuscates everything negative about Islam (jihad, for instance), and promotes everything antithetical to Western liberty (Sharia), often with jarring Western references. ("To Muslim ears," he writes, "Sharia law means ... the conditions necessary for what Americans call the pursuit of happiness.") That is, it's not only the efforts of Imam Rauf that are the problem. It's because nearly nine years after 9/11, we are still stupid enough to buy them. //////////// Why? Why do we take it, with Rauf, for example, at his Cordoba Initiative website, still pushing the propaganda that jihad only and merely "boils down to the need for peaceful struggle for self-betterment -- the war we wage against the vices within ourselves." Please. Surely, nine years after 9/11, we know there exists "greater" jihad, the personal struggle against Islamic vice, which means nothing to non-Muslims. But we're also onto (or should be) the other jihad, the one that took down the towers. Sometimes known as "lesser" jihad, it's the first definition of jihad in the authoritative Sharia book, "Reliance of the Traveler": "Jihad means to war against non-Muslims," it says, adding that jihad is also a "communal obligation" in one form (fighting) or another (support). Defining jihad as a clean-living effort is an insult to everyone's intelligence. ////////////// Or is it? The land is bought -- with $4.85 million in unaccounted for cash -- and the project is a go. Short of colossal public outcry leading to an administrative miracle, Cordoba House will join the Manhattan skyline, a multiculti vision of togetherness. //////// Of course, that's the flimflam story. But if Ground Zero, a focal point of Dar al-Harb (House of War) since 9/11, is reconstructed with a "world class" Islamic center, the transformation to Dar al-Islam (House of Islam) becomes symbolically clear. /////////////// And that's no way to treat our 9/11 dead. /////////////// 000000000