Date: 20 May 2010


Many in Britain are concerned with a new problem. /////////////// It concerns the increasing number of young single girls/women from Lithuania who are being targeted by MUSLIMS, especially Turks, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, etc. for sex, or drugs, and in many cases marriage in order to secure the right to live in the UK by marrying a EU citizen. ////////////////// These girls, with no idea of Muslims' motivation, sincerely believe in their promises of true love, and in so doing, willingly betray their own Lithuanian boy friends left back home, their country of birth, rich culture and even Church since on marrying a Muslim they must convert to Islam. ///////////////// While growing up in freedoms in a Christian society they do not know anything about the many different communities from all the continents on eath living in England, or about the pitfalls of marrying a Muslim which means "slavery" and to be cut off from own society, and sometimes even having to live with two to three other wives of the husband. ////////////////// The future IMPLICATIONS for Lithuania are family break up, social tensions, construction of mosques with high minarets across Lithuania, women in burqa, and appearance of Muslim extremism and terrorism when their children and grandchildren come to live in Lithuania as Muslims. ////////////////// This is a problem for the future whose seeds are being sown across Europe today. Most of us show no concern about the future demography of Lithuania due to "political correctness". We should not let the victims, their parents or society to pick up the pieces when things go radically wrong. //////////////////// A solution lies in preparing the girls in Lithuania on what to expect abroad. There should be education provided at high schools and universities on the mores, manners and morals of difference races and religious beliefs and practices in Britain before young girls leave Lithuania to live or work in Engand./////////////// 20 May 10 /////////////////// 000000000