Date: 30 May 2010
(SORRY, THE PHOTO COULD NOT BE REPRODUCED)///////////// THIS SON OF SOIL WAS BETRAYED BY NEHRU IN 1947 AND BY INDIRA (MRS. FEROZE KHAN) IN 1972. RAJIV, THE "BOFORS CHOR" & "SON OF A WITCH", WATCHED THE SIKHS BEING KILLED IN THEIR THOUSANDS IN THE SAME WAY IN 1984. ////////////// NEHRU IS STILL WORSHIPPED AND HIS DAUGHTER INDIRA ADORED BY IGNORANT HINDU "SHEEP" WHO ARE WATCHING THE WOLVES DEVOUR THEM IN THIS BRUTAL MANNER.//////////// After Friday prayers the DEVIL possesses the Mohammedans who go MAD. //////////// Last Friday they killed 90 (NINETY) fellow Muslims in two Lahore mosques since they could not locate a congregation in a mandir, church, synagogue or gurdwara. /////////// 30/05/10//////////// ================= In a message dated 29/05/2010 17:56:53 GMT Standard Time, writes: ///////////// Religious ritual in a Bangladeshi mosque/////////// A Hindu being beaten by Muslims in a mosque in Bangladesh. He was captured outside the mosque while going home. After Friday prayers were over, the Muslims came out and grabbed the first Hindu they could. Mr. Vimal Patak a Bangladeshi born Hindu was beaten to death with sticks as the Muslim mullahs (priests) chanted "kill the Kafir!" (non-Muslim). With folded hands he begged for his life and died a brutal death. ///////////// NOTE: IT CAN BE DIFFICULT TO WATCH.///////// -- 000000000