Date: 20 Jul 2010


RSS is known to be a well organized vast Hindu organization in Bharat with "shakhas" (branches) all over the world./////////////// It has lifted the slave nation to levels of self confidence that were unthinkable in previous centuries when the belief in European superiority and the terror of Mohammed was ingrained deep in the national psyche. Even today, in 2010, the Hindu nation trusts an Italian female of dubious loyalty more than their own native ladies of highest merit. Some fools call her "Rashtramata". /////////////// RSS is still the only national organization in Bharat, APART FROM THE ARMED FORCES, that is upright, trusted and patriotic that can boldly DEFY Corrupt Congress and the misruling "Hindu bashing" Centre and plan seriously and ACT in order to LIBERATE the Hindu nation finally. /////////////// The Hindus are ZERO in the eyes of their own rulers, all of them are either BOGUS Gandhis or their unscrupulous stooges who profess patriotism on public platforms but in reality have proved to be the enemies of Hindus and Hindusthan. ////////////// Their first act of high treason was the unconditional surrender of five provinces (half of EUROPE in size) to the followers of MOHAMMED OF MECCA. That historic DEFEAT is neither mentioned in CONSTITUTION nor taught at schools and colleges in OCCUPIED INDIA. ////////////// It was done without referendum since Nehru, the top leader at the time, considered himself above law and the master of nation. He regarded India as his personal fief or colony. Marshal STALIN of the Soviet Union, the ruthless dictator, was the best friend of Jawaharlal Nehru. who gave the slogan "HINDU ROOSEE BHAI BHAI" to his own enslaved Hindu nation. ////////////// Thereafter the nation was rapidly brainwashed to believe in the successful end to the struggle for Independence from the British led by Gandhi and Nehru. In reality one of the duo was a downright coward and Muslim appeaser and the other a downright traitor. //////////////// Ironically Shri Nathu Ram Godse, the real patriot and a great HERO, who felt the pain of betrayed and mutilated Mother India, did not shoot dead Jawaharlal Nehru but a "naked fakir" who wanted no high lucrative post for himself. ////////////// Even the brave Indian army stood by after Nehru signed the surrender. They were supposed to DEFEND every inch of Indian territory then but like SLAVES, or MORONS, they obeyed Nehru's command to vacate the military cantonments in MULTAN, LAHORE, RAWALPINDI, PESHAWAR AND QUETTA and withdraw to East of Wagah. /////////////// There could not have been a MORE USELESS army in the whole world on August 15, 1947 when they were not ready even to push out the mischievous Muslim raiders who occupied North Kashmir, exterminating all the Hindus there./////////////// On the Darkest Day of Partition the role of Indian Army changed dramatically. Instead of a force to defend TERRITORY they became the defenders of corrupt Nehru and his DYNASTY. Thus they could be easily MISUSED to capture and then RETURN East Bengal to the ENEMY. Thus they could be used to attack the Sikhs' holiest shrine in AMRITSAR (not even in her dream would INDIRA have given the holy city the status of VATICAN in Italy!), and they could be MISUSED to cross the sea to kill the Tamils of INDIAN origin who regarded Bharat as their own land of origin, roots and spirituality. We ought to remind ourselves continuously of the Tamil's "final solution" ("Endloesung") in Sri Lanka in death and destruction while New Delhi watched. ////////////// The Army was NOT dispatched to Uganda and Fiji to defend INDIAN interests, life and businesses there. One can recall what MARGARET THATCHER, the Iron Lady, did to liberate FALKLAND ISLANDS from Argentina. Indian Prime Ministers INDIRA and RAJIV Gandhi did not advance or defend any INDIAN INTEREST either at home or abroad. /////////////// Only now has the Army woken up a bit and REFUSED to be employed against the Naxalites in the North East. They have realized their FIRST task to liberate North Kashmir and then even the whole of PAKISTAN to the West and the BOGUSDESH to the East or KICK OUT all the MOHAMMEDANS from our Partitioned India. The ONUS of "transfer of population" now rests with the Indian ARMY while traitor Nehru gave them TERRITORY and also kept them back, close to his bosom, in his India. It should be recalled that when Pakistan was carrying out the ethnic cleansing our Nehru did not lift a finger to defend the Hindus handed over to the "ISLAMIC WOLVES". ///////////// They were, and are still, shameless cowardly BHARAT'S responsibility that has yet to become brave and then issue a challenge to the followers of Mohammed of Mecca, "Either TERRITORY BACK OR THE MUSLIMS OUT!"./////////////// Indian Army is now more alert to the high treason, incompetence and corruption of their POLITICAL leadership than ever before. And that is a good thing.////////////// Back to RSS. Please STUDY the enemy. Study his IDEOLOGY. Study his KORAN to see what it says about the HINDUS (KAFIRS) and our HINDUSTHAN and please STUDY their mentality, potential for harm and destruction, their methods and their FINAL GOAL in what is left of our Hindusthan. Ensure the survival of Hindus in the (rest of) Hindusthan. Above all, please move on from infancy to manhood, from drill sticks to assault rifles. ///////////// Dump Gandhi and go for GOBIND. Learn and teach the tactics of the BATTLES fought in Sri Lanka and Kurukshetra, of the deeds of Sri Rama and the utterances of Sri Krishna, and of the conquests by brave Tamils, Marathas and the Sikhs and make them part of the national curriculum. We need to see Bollywood cleaned up of Muslim mess and statues of HINDU HEROES in all town and city centres across Bharat to show that the India that lay supine to be amputated in 1947 is now a mighty MILITARY power and is HINDU RASHTRA. If the followers of Mohammed of Mecca can have the AUDACITY to call over FIFTY countries "ISLAMIC" there has to be at least one strong HINDU country, too, on earth. ////////////// Nehru's escape from a patriot's BULLET belongs to those IFS of history like- "The world would have escaped the 50 million killings of the innocent civilians (including the SIX MILLION Jews) during World War 2 if Hitler had been assassinated within days of his troops marching into Poland on September 1, 1939. //////////////// Now we cannot play with IFS of history but deal with the REALITY unfolding before our eyes. //////////////// In the decomposing pseudo-secular treacherous ideological QUAGMIRE called Bharat, our brave and patriotic RSS will be the first movers. The second will be our gallant ARMED FORCES. Only after that the new sun will rise in Bharat. ////////////// 20 July 10 ==============/////////// 000000000