Date: 01 Aug 2010
WHAT (DAMN) FREEDOM ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR, MR. MUJAHID?////////// ISLAM ALLOWS NO FREEDOM, NEITHER TO YOU NOR TO YOUR (ONE TO FOUR) WIVES.////////// ----------------- Apocalyptic Jihadi Terrorists in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Palestine say they are fighting for Freedom. What Freedom? Islam forbids Freedom, Secularism, Pluralism, Democracy, coexistence and religious tolerance. /////////////Muslims are running away from freedom. Infidels fight for liberty, democracy, peace and coexistence.///////// Muslims all over the world fight for imposing Islamic tyranny. ///////////The word freedom frequently used by Muslims connote a paradox. How could we say that they are Freedom Fighters in Kashmir while Muslims are killing infidel Hindus, sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Christians.////////// Jihadis want Islamic tyranny and Koran slavery. Islamic slavery and tyranny is not freedom. Muslims are afraid of freedom and liberal thinking. They escape from freedom and love Islamic slavery and Allah's tyranny. /////////Freedom means responsible and civilized behavior. Muslims not only escape from freedom but impose, promote and practice evil. 000000000