Date: 01 Aug 2010
Our so called political wing must learn how congress safeguards the interest of its vote bank and how they deal with the opponents. //////////Today, BJP is in doldrums. Do you know who was Nagarwala, what he did and what was his end. L.N. Misra,. People forgotten how the leaders of oppositions were treated in Jails. /////////////Lok Nayak Jay Parkash Naryan could not withstand with the torture in Jail his life ended. ///////////// Let us see the dark side of midnight with the BJP, they could not save the life of four R.S.S pracharks in Tripura, ////////////They could not book the culprits who killed the famous Kothari Brothers who furled the Bhagwa flat on top of Babri structure defying the death but killed on point blank outside their Dharmshala in Ayodhya on 31st Oct. ////////////They shed Article 370, common civil code, Ram janam bhoomi issue in cold storage for what?/////////// BJP is more responsible than the congress for the present of affairs. /////////Do you have any hope? ///////// 000000000