Date: 21 Sep 2010
COMMONWEALTH GAMES, NEW DELHI, OCT 2010./////////// A PATRIOT WROTE FROM INDIA;//////////// Dear Friends, ///////////// India, a country with 30 Crores poor people earning Rs. 20/- or less a day is holding Commonwealth Games, 2010 by spending Rs. 72,000 Crore. More than 90% of this amount went to the pocket of ruling party politicians and persons sitting in positions in government departments. //////////// Hence we started calling Commonwealth Games, 2010 as "Corrupt Wealth Games", 2010. We are the first to call it as Corrupt Wealth Games’2010. //////// But now with each passing day, events happening daily prove that what we called is literally correct. ///////////// Today, 21st September, 2010, ( New Delhi time 09.05 P.M.) when we are going to press with this message, two things happened, which make India, shameful AND DISGUSTING. These are:- /////////// 1. A foot-bridge under construction near the main venue, Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, collapsed due to sub-standard quality OF materials and steel used for its construction. And the most shameful matter in this case is that, when a press journalist asked Delhi’s Chief Minister about the matter, her reply was, "This bridge was for normal public only:” From this statement, one can understand how much value the Government of Delhi give to normal people’s lives. ////////////// 2. In the second incident, Mr. Mike Hooper, Chief Executive of Commonwealth Games Federation, called the Games village UNFIT TO LIVE IN. According to reports coming from various quarters, quality of the Games village is far worse than that of servants' quarters. Already four countries – Canada, Scotland, Newziland and Ireland have announced that they would not send their teams to India in these conditions. /////////// We call on all educated Indians for the public trial of the Government of India and the Government of Delhi and of the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games, 2010, for corruption and misuse of Indian Tax Payers' hard earned money. ////////// XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hindu Media Monitoring, New Delhi, India. =================//////////// LETTER BY AN HONORABLE NRI IN THE U.K. /////////////// Rt. Hon. William Hague, MP///////// Foreign Secretary///////// House of Parliament///// London ////////////// Dear Rt. Hon. Hague,////////// This to request you, that, please give very serious consideration to boycott the forthcoming CWG in India for the following reasons- ////////////// 1. The security and safety of the participants and officials are at very serious risk as Pak terrorists with the alleged backing of Pak ISI and Indian Muslim terrorists (IM, SIMI etc) will try their best to strike. ////////// 2. The games villeages and sorrounding areas are so dirty and filthy, that, chronic deseases and even serious deseases like Dengue etc is not ruled out for the participants to face. //////////////// 3. The structures, the villeages and the entire preparations are in complete mess and they can not be ready in the next 12 days and that can be guaranteed. //////////// 4. Mike Fennel, the principal organiser today has expressed serious doubts, that, things will be ready before the game starts. /////// 5. Many structures are made so weak and badly that they appear to be totally dangerous and with the mevements of many people they will simply collapse. Only today, a bridge connecting the games village with the stadium collapsed causing serious injuries to many workers. /////////// The most pressing reason why this CWG should be boycotted, that, never in the history in the preparation of any international games such a degree of corruptions and imcompetence have been seen. This game was not organised to promote sports but THE RULING CONGRESS PARTY AND ITS POLITICIANS MAIN AIM WAS TO LOOT AND LOOT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THROUGH THIS GAME. The poor Indian tax and rate payers money have been looted and floundered through this forcoming game by the CONGRESS POLITICIANS, MIDDLEMEN AND THEIR CRONIE PEN PUSHERS. The entire nation is sick and tired with a such degree of corruptions but unable to do anything because the oppositions are devided or bought up with back hands. This can not be allowed any longer and the world has responsibilities to name, shame and punish the mega corrupts and offenders. /////////// The people of India have lost all their strength to fight against the corruptions of the current Congress/UPA govt. Only an international awareness might bring some changes to ever going down-hill corruptions and practices.//////////// I would also urge you to stop all aids to India until India really tighten its belts on corruptions and looting foreign ai ///////////// Once again, I urge you to give serious considerations not to send any team to CWG. ////////////// ================= PUBLIC SHOULD HANG THE UNHOLY TRINITY OF CONGRESS, DYNASTY AND FOREIGN FINGER IN PARTITIONED INDIA. ====================== GAMES IN INDIA WILL BE "CLEAN" ONLY AFTER THE CASE AGAINST THE NOTORIOUS & DIRTY "MR CLEAN" RAJIV GANDHI IS FINALLY CONCLUDED./////////////// 000000000