Date: 10 Oct 2010


Kashmir is not disputed territory because UNO says so now in 2010. /////////////// J& K was made a separate entity from the rest of India in 1950 due to Article 370 in PARTITONED INDIA'S Constitution. ///////////////WHAT WAS, AND IS, DISPUTED IS THE PARTITION OF INDIA. THE HINDUS DO NOT MENTION IT WHILE IT WAS A DEFEAT AND SURRENDER. AMD WHY SHOULD THE MUSLIMS MENTION IT WHO STAND TO GAIN FROM ITS DISPUTED STATUS?////////// And, why did NEHRU give it a separate privileged status? //////////// Before answering this question one must answer the question, "WHY DID NEHRU SURRENDER FIVE PROVINCES OF INDIA UNCONDITIONALLY TO THE ENEMY IF HE WAS A PATRIOTIC INDIAN?" //////////// The real reason is acute and incorrigible HINDU aversion to applied POLITICS and at the same time devotion to futile BHAGTI & PUJA. Sikh preachers have spent a million hours extolling the virtues of VISIBLE symbols but when did one hear even one mention LAHORE or how to liberate Sri Nankana Sahib from the SHADOW of Mohammed of Mecca?/////////// The result is before our eyes. None HATES our native Indian religions more than MOHAMMED and the POPE. ////////////// Nehru was ONE OF THE ENEMY, not one of us, but the British trained barrister was too smart to be exposed or discovered. //////////// He desperately needed Kashmir DISPUTE to divert the attention of our PEOPLE from the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of ONE THIRD of INDIA. //////////// After he helped his soul mate Mohammed Ali Jinnah cut off an arm and a leg of Bharat he asked him to prick a finger of Mother India. The result was as EXPECTED. The whole nation has been looking at the oozing blood from the pricked finger, OVERLOOKING the "rivers of blood" from the amputations of major lims.////////// Nehru, being a barrister, educated and REWARDED by the British, was Master of Psychology and Deception. The gullible and naive HINDU nation has neither been able to discover the truth about his loyalty nor EXTERMINATED his Dirty (Hindu BASHING) Dynasty. /////////// Even today (2010) the Hindu masses are as TIMID, TRUSTING and IGNORANT (fools) as in 1947 when India lost an arm (West Pakistan) and a leg (East Pakistan) besides the Head (North Kashmir). /////////// Hindus are conditioned to call everyone "bapu, bhai and behen" but never encouraged to say the word "ENEMY" though we are surrounded by ENEMIES all round who are gorging themselves with our TERRITORY and multiplying in NUMBERS.////////// The Hindu nation has yet to establish an INSTITUTE OF IDEOLOGY to educate us on such unmentionable and embarrassing things like "PARTITION" though we have a million SADHUS, SANTS AND PREACHERS, each one an "institution of bhakti, divinity and devotion" to God, Gurus, Sadhus, Sants and Mahatmas. //////////// Yesterday we LOST Lahore, Now Kashmir is going. Next it will be DELHI and it will be back to 1192 AD. What a progress to be proud of? ////////////// 10.10.10 ========== //////////// UN body lists JK as separate country //////////// Now, India would not have to carry on burden of Kashmir's dreaded economy( P.O.K.also included). India then march towards Hindu nation and or the world would start forcing or compelling whatever you say asking or making all Islamic countries as total secular nations as existed in present Bharat! Indian Hindus also would start demanding heritage loss from many world countries including all Islamic countries through UNO. And Pakistan will be recognized (or declared) as Terrorist hub by all democratic countries except almost all of the Islamic countries and as a result Pakistan will be forced to dismantle itself into small different secular nations (also dismantle of dreaded ISI). /////// N.B.: India also will be free from heavy financial rewards (one sided love) to Pakistani artists! ///////////// Now it is a dream or reality, it depends upon you and also go through the whole text,later clarification and administrative & legislative working of UNO! //////////// From: Habib Yousafzai //////////// UN body lists JK as separate country///////// ‘Disputed Regions Treated As Independent Entities’////////// FAHEEM ASLAM///////////// Srinagar, Oct 8: Amid mounting international focus on Kashmir, a Untied Nations body has listed Jammu and Kashmir as a ‘separate country’ in one of its important reports on greenhouse emissions. The development comes amid talks that the United Nations was willing to use its “good offices” in resolving the Kashmir issue, if both India and Pakistan sought the assistance of the world body. The report titled “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Dairy Sector: a lifecycle assessment” has listed Jammu and Kashmir as part of East Asia, along with Arunachal Pradesh, which has been spelt as “Arunashal.”///////////// The 2010 report has been prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to assess the greenhouse gas emission from the dairy food chain. It has been published in collaboration with the International Dairy Foundation./////////// Interestingly, the Jammu and Kashmir has been spelt as “Jammu Kashmir” in the report, which is available on the FAO website www. fao.org. The other countries which have been listed in the East Asia section include Aksai Chin Arunashal Pradesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, China/India, Christmas Island, Dem People’s Rep of Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Jammu Kashmir, Japan, Kuril Islands, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Viet Nam.While the report hasn’t mentioned any more details with regard to the issue, a Delhi-based newspaper quoted the FAO Representative in India and Bhutan, Gavin Wall, as saying: “The country grouping that is carried in Annex 5 of the report titled Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Dairy Sector: A Life Cycle Assessment is based on FAO’s Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL). The GAUL aims at compiling and disseminating the most reliable spatial information on administrative units for all countries in the world; it complies with the UNSC international boundaries map. Because the GAUL is developed at global level, controversial boundaries cannot be ignored. The selected approach is to treat disputed areas as ‘independent entities not dependent from countries’. In this way, the GAUL preserves national integrity for all disputing countries. Areas are then classified from a purely geographic point of view.”////////////// The FAO issue has surfaced at a time when there is a lot of talk around that the world community, particularly the United Nations and the United States, were focusing on the resolution of the vexed Kashmir dispute.////////////// While the UN general secretary, Ban Ki-moon on October 7 expressed his willingness to intervene in the Kashmir issue if both India and Pakistan wised so, a news report last month asserted that the US president Barrack Obama would, during his upcoming November visit to New Delhi, ask India to resolve Kashmir if it wanted a ticket in the UN Security Council.////////// In August 2010, Google landed in a controversy after its maps depicted Kashmir as a disputed territory and some of its parts belonging to Pakistan. The internet giant however rectified the “error” after India said “it would give rise to integrity and sovereignty issues in the country.”////////// Interestingly, such assertions of Kashmir being a disputed territory have surfaced at various quarters, including some of the newspapers. An Afghanistan daily named The Times of Kabul also mentions Kashmir separately in the South Asian section.////////// 000000000