Date: 21 Dec 2010
Subj: US Embassy cable on MUSLIMS IN BRITAIN Embassy Row \\\\\\\\\\\ 1. MUSLIMS IN BRITAIN \\\\\\\\\\\\ By James Morrison\\\\\\\\ The Washington Times\\\\\\ Sunday, December 19, 2010 \\\\\\\\\\ MUSLIMS IN BRITAIN\\\\\\\\ Nearly one-third of Muslim college students in Britain support killing in the name of religion, while 40 percent want to live under Islamic law, according to a secret cable from the U.S. Embassy in London that reviewed public polling data and government population predictions. \\\\\\\\ A survey of 600 Islamic and 800 non-Islamic students at 30 universities found that 32 percent of the Muslims believed in religious killing, while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students felt religious murder was justified, the cable said, referring to a poll conducted by the Center for Social Cohesion.\\\\\\\\\\\ The embassy cable, released by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, said the same survey revealed that 54 percent of Muslim students want to be represented by an Islamic-based political party. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ The poll also showed that 40 percent of Muslim students endorse Islamic, or Shariah, law, which can impose the death penalty for religious heresy and adultery, often by stoning, or the amputation of hands for theft. Since 2008, Britain has allowed Muslims to follow Shariah law in civil cases, but not in criminal trials. \\\\\\\\\\ The embassy report, written in February, also noted that Muslims represent the largest non-Christian religious community in Britain. Although Muslims comprise only 3 percent of the British population of nearly 60 million, they have grown to 2 million from 1.6 million in seven years. The government projects the Muslim population will reach 2.2 million in the next census in 2011, the cable said.\\\\\\\\\\\\ Citing various government data, the cable painted a bleak picture of British Muslims, who tend to be poor, uneducated and unskilled and who live in overcrowded apartments. \\\\\\\\\\ The unemployment rate was 13 percent for Muslim men and 18 percent for Muslim women in 2004. The jobless rate was even worse for Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24, with 28 percent unemployed. More than two-thirds of Muslim households have more than five people. \\\\\\\\\\\ Although 74 percent of Muslims were of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian or other Asian backgrounds, 70 percent identified themselves as British in the last census in 2001.\\\\\\\\\\ =========================== 2. COMMENT BY ISLAM WATCH:\\\\\\\\\\ Here we have a cable from the US Embassy in London, on the Muslims of U.K. Quote: Nearly one-third of Muslim college students in Britain support killing in the name of religion, while 40 percent want to live under Islamic law, according to a secret cable from the U.S. Embassy in London that reviewed public polling data and government population predictions. COMMENT: If the Moslem students of U.K. did not support the killing of Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), they would be breaking the golden rule of Islam. Their religion ( Islam ) is influencing their conscience, and controlling their jealous rage against the hateful Kafirs. \\\\\\\\ 3. Quote: A survey of 600 Islamic and 800 non-Islamic students at 30 universities found that 32 percent of the Muslims believed in religious killing, while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students felt religious murder was justified, the cable said, referring to a poll conducted by the Center for Social Cohesion.\\\\\\\\ COMMENT: The numbers speak for themselves. Here is a difference of epic-proportions ( 40% for Moslems versus 2% for Non-Moslem Kafirs ). No wonder the Kafirs live in virtual Hell & in constant terror of Islam, in every Islamic country. Moslems call a country controlled by Islam as, Dar-Ul-Islam or the land of peace. What a Joke ?\\\\\ Moslems wash their hands of gun powder, and play out a carefully-controlled farce, by describing Islam as: \\\\\ " A religion of peace, love, and brotherhood. "\\\\\\\\ THIS DESCRIPTION OF ISLAM, IS MOSLEMS EXPERIMENT WITH UN-TRUTH ! \\\\\\\ But no make-believe story, negates the history of Islam. The 1400 year inglorious history of Islam, puts to rest any doubts about the reality that, Kafir-Murder is part of the plan of Islam. \\\\\\\\ 4. Quote: The embassy cable, released by the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, said the same survey revealed that 54 percent of Muslim students want to be represented by an Islamic-based political party.\\\\\\\\\\ COMMENT: This is because Islam is Not a religion at all, it is an Ideology. Moslems desire an Islamic -based political party, because such a party would be tailored to the needs of Islamic-Imperialism. The Islamic political party would be the main plank, in the platform of Islamic-Imperialism. \\\\\\\\\\\ 5. Quote: The poll also showed that 40 percent of Muslim students endorse Islamic, or Shariah, law, which can impose the death penalty for religious heresy and adultery, often by stoning, or the amputation of hands for theft. Since 2008, Britain has allowed Muslims to follow Shariah law in civil cases, but not in criminal trials.\\\\\\\\\ COMMENT: Shariah law, is the Penal Code of Islam. It is a weird, monostrous, crime-code, designed to make Kafirs & Jack-Moslems ( and heretics ) pay monumental price for non-adnerence to the principles of Islam, as revealed by Allah in the Quran, practised, perfected, and prescribed by the Prophet, in his own life time. The enforcers of Shaiah are Imperialist-Marauders, inspried by the Barbaric code of Islam.\\\\\\ 6. Quote: The embassy report, written in February, also noted that Muslims represent the largest non-Christian religious community in Britain. Although Muslims comprise only 3 percent of the British population of nearly 60 million, they have grown to 2 million from 1.6 million in seven years. The government projects the Muslim population will reach 2.2 million in the next census in 2011, the cable said.\\\\\\\\\\ COMMENT: This is demographic-aggression of Islam against the U.K. and is the gravest of threats to the very existence of the British society. Any attempt to push this problem under the carpet, is minimizing the enormity of this crisis. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ 7. Quote: Citing various government data, the cable painted a bleak picture of British Muslims, who tend to be poor, uneducated and unskilled and who live in overcrowded apartments. COMMENT: It is Islamic theology that is responsible for the poverty of the Moslems, as well as for their lack of education & poor work skills. All knowledge is in the Quran, any knowledge outside of Quran, is incompatible with Islam. The medium of faith-in-Mohammad, does not quality the Moslems for any skilled job, in the modern world. Page after page of Quran, even of Hadis, tells Moslems how they are superior to Kafirs, that they should not make friends with Kafirs, and they should build houses only in those places, where even the smoke from the house of a Kafir will not be seen. Is it any wonder that, Moslems live in Ghettos ? \\\\\\\\\\\ 8. Quote: The unemployment rate was 13 percent for Muslim men and 18 percent for Muslim women in 2004. The jobless rate was even worse for Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24, with 28 percent unemployed. More than two-thirds of Muslim households have more than five people. COMMENT; The disaster caused by the migration of millions of Moslems from Moslem lands to U.K. is an un-forgiveable crime. These Moslems do not have the education or work skills, to earn their livlihood in the country of England. The nation of U.K. is burdened with the responsibility of feeding millions of Moslems from Moslem lands, who have entrenched themselves in Britain. \\\\\\\\\\\\ 9. The non-challant & soft attitude of the British population, especially of their Phoney-Liberal politicians, towards this massive problem, is contributing to a calamity in the making, in the U.K, in the too distant future. \\\\\\\\\\ ============= 000000000