Date: 29 Dec 2010
WHY MANDIR WILL NOT BE BUILT! \\\\\\\\ Please note that while we are spending so much time and nerves the ENEMY is fast asleep, having rest. \\\\\\\ He said this only once: "HINDUS CANNOT BUILD THE TEMPLE HERE," and set all the Hindus RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES, giving speeches, writing articles, proving the existence of Sri Ram and paying advocates and barristers. The ENEMY is enjoying all this. We acknowledge his strength. \\\\\\\ Is it not better to study THEIR ways of getting ahead? \\\\\\\\ Brother, you may not know that when our Bapu Gandhi said, "India will be cut on my dead body," the Muslims did not go to any supreme court or consult a lawyer. \\\\\\\\\\\ They suddenly took out knives, daggers and swords and MASSACRED thousands of Hindus in NOAKHALI sending shock waves across Hindusthan. \\\\\\\\ Seeing our Bapu Gandhi still dilly dallying on the issue, they UNLEASHED another brutal MASSACRE- this time in Rawalpindi district- TEN TIMES more beastly, ferocious and bloody. \\\\\\\\\\\ Gandhi, Nehru and the whole of India immediately conceded their demand, KNEELING DOWN, and totally forgot to ask for even ONE condition in return.\\\\\\\\\\ So, what is stopping the MAJORITYI COMMUNITY from doing likewise to the Muslims what they would understand well and proper? \\\\\\\\\\ Now think of this seriously: After Partition they even do not have the constitutional or statutory right to live and procreate in PARTITIONED India! \\\\\\\\\\\ They did our ETHNIC CLEANSING in Pakistan and the "SWINE" have the bad manners to call us "infidels". \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 28 Dec 10 ========= 000000000