Date: 03 Mar 2011
The British helped the INDIAN Muslims capture (occupy) our FIVE provinces overnight. The Muslims not only desecrated the Land of Sri Rama & Guru Nanak by calling it "ISLAMIC" but also slaughtered two million native Hindus and expelled 15 million from their homes in 1947. \\\\\\\\\\ JL NEHRU signed the unconditional surrender of our India (Bharat) without demanding referendum, resistance, opposition, challenge or fight. His heart was with the ENEMY. MK Gandhi, the Coward, was eliminated in the first round even before the talks on partition began in earnest. \\\\\\\\\\ Indian Army, too, betrayed the nation like despicable mercenaries by promptly evacuating the entire Western and Eastern India and leaving the Hindus trapped there to their fate (DEATH, ABDUCTION & RAPE). Like HITLER'S generals they followed the illegal orders blindly. They were supposed to REFUSE Nehru's ILLEGAL and TREACHEROUS command and defend every inch of India in those frontiers up to Khyber in the West and Chittagong in the East, or shoot him dead. \\\\\\\\\\\ After that calamity NEHRU assumed command like a dictator, his daughter ruled like an arrogant autocrat and her son Rajiv fanned CORRUPTION as the notorious BOFORS CHOR while all the time they went on brainwashing, intimidating and impoverishing the masses while plundering the nation. \\\\\\\\\\\ NEHRU DYNASTY degraded the daughters of soil (HONOUR OF BHARAT) by preferring foreign spouses (Rajiv & Rahul). \\\\\\\\\\\\ It is high time to infuse new Spirit and Confidence in the "demolished and demoralised" Hindus in order to oust the ENEMIES and dominate our own TERRITORY in a virile and manly manner. \\\\\\\\\\\\ 3 Mar 11. ========= 000000000