Date: 07 Mar 2011
March 6, 2011\\\\\\\\\\ Why the Jews are losing the battle for the campus \\\\\\\\\\\\\ by Charles Jacobs, Boston Jewish Advocate \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The warnings have been there. In 2006, the US Commission on Civil Rights found that “many college campuses thought the US continue to experience incidents of anti-Semitism.” Gary Tobin in his 2005 book “Uncivil University: Politics and Propaganda in American Education,” concluded that “anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism are systemic in higher education and can be found on campuses all over the United States.” Across the country too many Jewish and pro-Israel students are patronized, mocked, intimidated and sometimes physically attacked, while anti-Israel professors poison the minds of America’s future leaders. Yet Jewish leaders have by and large not responded effectively. \\\\\\\\\\\ How did the Jewish community, known for its rhetorical genius, lose a critically important political battle on American campuses? Here is a thumbnail sketch: \\\\\\\\\ In 1990, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, explained on Jordanian TV how the Arab Lobby can and will match Jewish political and organizational success in America (the clip is on youtube, Zogby and his allies recognized that the campus and the media, unlike Capitol Hill, are two battle grounds that Arabists could win by allying themselves with the American left. In both venues they already had beachheads and feet on the ground. The campus was in transition politically, influenced by ’60s tenured radicals who had adopted the dogma of post-colonialism, and its Palestinian version, Professor Edward Said’s “Orientalism.” Moreover, America was experiencing a significant increase in foreign born Muslim students as well as increased Muslim immigration (many from countries with a culture of vicious anti-Semitism). Zogby focused on forming alliances with Marxist professors, die-hard socialist activists, African- American student groups, gay-lesbian groups and, most importantly, Jewish progressives. He also realized that an emerging anti-Israel Left/Muslim axis on campus could be better organized and benefit from an inflow of Arab petro dollars into prestigious American universities. All this was happening while many Jewish leaders, intoxicated by the Oslo agreement, were abandoning Israel programming. \\\\\\\\\\ Today, we can see the brilliance of Zogby’s strategy: Anti-Israel sentiment suffuses the campus atmosphere. In the classroom, radical professors express the the dominant narrative that the Palestinians are right and the Israelis are in the wrong. In its mild form, the Palestinians suffer needlessly at the hands of Israeli occupiers; in its more vicious version, Israel is a racist, genocidal apartheid nation. \\\\\\\\\\ Outside the classroom, anti-Israel groups hold conferences, screen films and conduct theatrical demonstrations that portray Israel in the harshest of terms. Israel’s advocates are rudely interrupted, prevented from speaking; pro-Israel events are disrupted; Jewish students are intimidated verbally or even physically, and are excluded from pro-Palestinian events. Pathetic attempts by Jewish groups to initiate dialogue with Palestinian students are rejected. Any acknowledgement of Israelis’ humanity is seen as a validation of Palestinian oppression. Our epoch’s secular religion – political correctness and multiculturalism – judges people by who they are, not what they do. Israelis are by definition always guilty, while darker skinned, impoverished, indigenous Palestinians are eternally innocent. Far more than their parents and their community suspect, Jewish students find it challenging and often unpleasant, if not actually frightening, to support Israel on many campuses today. \\\\\\\\\\\ Through research and interviews with campus activists and students from around the country, we are developing a compilation of anti-Israel incidents and descriptions of hostile atmospheres on campuses. \\\\\\\\\ Here are just four recently reported incidents: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Hampshire College, Amherst. Last semester a pro-Israel student was repeatedly verbally harassed by individuals covering their faces. The student was called “baby killer,” “genocide lover,” “apartheid supporter” and “racist.” After receiving an email that read “Make the world a better place and die slow,” she moved off the campus. She has now returned but is still afraid to disclose her identity.\\\\\\\\\\ Rutgers University. Last month, a group of pro-Israel students and Holocaust survivors were made to pay an entrance fee to an event that likened Palestinians to Holocaust victims. The event had been advertised as free and open to the public; Palestinian supporters were let in without charge. \\\\\\\\\\\ Indiana University. Last November, five incidents of anti-Jewish vandalism were reported in one week, including rocks thrown at Chabad and Hillel; sacred Jewish texts placed in various bathrooms and urinated upon; and an information board about Jewish studies programs smashed with a stone. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Carlton University, Ottawa. Last April, a non-Jewish supporter of Israel and his Israeli roommate were attacked by an Arab-speaking mob who screamed anti-Semitic epithets. Nick Bergamini was punched in the head and chased by a man who swung a machete at his head, missing by inches. \\\\\\\\\\ Now ask yourself: What would have happened on campus, in the media or in the community if these incidents had been directed at African American, Hispanic or Muslim students? We have the answer: In October 2009, a noose was found at the University of California-San Diego library. Students occupied the chancellor’s office. The governor, the chancellor and student leaders condemned the incident. The school established a task force on minority faculty recruitment and a commission to address declining African-American enrollment, and vowed to find space for an African- American resource center. \\\\\\\\\\ All this – only to discover a few weeks later that the noose was planted by a minority student. \\\\\\\\\\ Jewish students and Jewish buildings attacked and intimidated are not a hoax, yet Jewish leaders sit on their hands. No one calls for sensitivity training for Muslim and leftist students about the use of blood libels and anti-Semitism. No one demands students be taught about proper behavior in a civil society or about principles of free speech and academic inquiry. More and more, the ugly aspects of the “Arab street” are coming to campus. With the commendable exception of the Zionist Organization of America – which won civil rights protection for California students under Title 6 – Jewish leaders have remained mostly silent. Without their protest, why should university administrations care? \\\\\\\\\\\\ Charles Jacobs, President, Americans for Peace and Tolerance \\\\\\\\\\ Posted by Ted Belman @ 8:36 pm | 35 Comments » \\\\\\\\\\ 35 Responses to Why the Jews are losing the battle for the campus DanS. says: March 6, 2011 at 9:30 pm We have taught our children the ways of the prophets, unfortunatelty, they have become Eloi. So now we are teaching them to be a bit more Morlock – EAT THE ISLAMISTS FOR BREAKFAST,LUNCH AND DINNER – ENGAGE WHEREEVER AND WHENEVER. We now teach what our parents have taught – when in a fight, take the other guy out by whatever means are available – and make sure they do not get off the ground. No mercy. Time to sharpen tongues and brains – again. Bill Levinson says: March 7, 2011 at 1:32 am My experience at Cornell in the 1980s (about 1/3 Jewish) is that the Jewish students, primarily from New York, are contemptible left-wing weaklings who will not stand up for Civilization (whether Israel’s or America’s) or even themselves. When I published an op-ed in the Cornell Sun that denounced Palestinians and Arabs for what they are–misogynist terrorists–the on-campus Palestinian support groups did not however say a word. When you get in their faces and go down their throats, they usually don’t. More recently, Cornell’s Jews did little or nothing about Ujaama’s (the Black dormitory’s) alleged propagation of anti-Semitic material; had it been up to me, the material would have been posted on the Internet with Ujaama’s name prominently underneath. Liberal Jews of course have little or nothing to say about the racist and anti-Semitic conduct of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and Abraham Foxman of the ADL effectively stamped this anti-Semitic pig “Kosher” by issuing some kind of joint statement with him. Hampshire College, Amherst. Last semester a pro-Israel student was repeatedly verbally harassed by individuals covering their faces. The student was called “baby killer,” “genocide lover,” “apartheid supporter” and “racist.” After receiving an email that read “Make the world a better place and die slow,” she moved off the campus. I’d have told these individuals that I do not care what Third World jungle animals think of me any more than I care what the insects under my feet think of me, and that I do not even regard them as human beings. I’d have also posted the name of the sender of the E-mail message all over the place, as well as a picture of the individual in question for the benefit of prospective employers and other interested parties. Basically, you have to act toward these filth the way the most arrogant members of the British aristocracy once acted toward commoners (the difference being that the commoners had done nothing to deserve it). E.g. an aristocrat might use a riding whip on any of the lower orders who so much as stepped into his path, and God help the commoner if he lifted a hand in return. Assault is of course illegal but this is the attitude one should have toward these vermin, who should in fact be referred to in terms normally reserved for animals and vermin. Sam Prince says: March 7, 2011 at 2:11 am As a Jewish student activist from 1971-1976 at SUNYaBuffalo, a field rep for American Zionist Youth Foundation thew next academic year, and a propfessional fundraiser for Israeli organizations until 1988, I believe I can say with some degree of certainty that the American Jewish Community has never known what to do on college campuses, never had the interest to spend anything but token dollars on Jewish college students, and continues to take a passionate, earnest disinterest in college campuses. There is no interest in an issue where there is no intellectual research stating its importance or political support from the wealthy. There is an eerily complacent attitude on the part of Jewish communal leadership about Jewish existance in this country that bears close examination. Propaganda in the college campus setting is specialized skill. No one wants to pay for it. That is your problem. That and the fact that a lot of Jewish kids are too busy rebelling against their parents conception of society to take anything but a passing interest in being Jewish. The appeal of far left politics to more liberal Jewish kids will continue until somebody decides to create an aggressively successful alternative to what they say. In the 10th century, or so I’ve been told, the Rabbis re-interpreted Jewish law that had stood for 3000+ years to say that the religion of the mother determined the religion of children. This was because Crusaders had a particularly unquenmchable taste for raping Jewish women. The Rabbis were concerned about the large number of children born who had these non-Jewish fathers. Fast forward 1000 years or so and it is time to take a second look at that. TYhe number of kids born to Jewish fathers whose mothers are either not Jewish or whose conversions are not recognized by the extremist psychotics who run such things in Israel and elsewhere has created a huge population of people who will not be recognized as Jewish by the extremists. Meanwhile, short of successful lobbying, the only cure for Jewish communal disinterest in their children once they granduate from High School is to make a lot of money and force change the old fashioned way. Joseph Stalinsaid it best when he said, “When you have them by the Beitzim, their hearts and minds will follow.” keelie says: March 7, 2011 at 2:44 am Jewish students, primarily from New York, are contemptible left-wing weaklings who will not stand up for Civilization (whether Israel’s or America’s) or even themselves. A writer of note indicated to me quite recently, that for all the former Jewish warrior spirit, we Jews have in general become extremely “yin” – in a way, effeminized – as opposed to “yang” which is properly masculine. He attributed this trend, which started 2000 years ago, and accelerated about 1000 years ago, with the Rabbinic forms of Judaism. I’m sure this will strike a chord (or discord) with some here, but this is his experiential and educated observation. My own observations (and readings) indicate that in contrast to this “yinnification” the Sephardic Jews had (and still have) a totally different mindset; lots of the fire of “yang”. We need this badly. Waving your university degree in the faces of savages will do no good whatsoever. There has to be physical as well as mental capability. yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 2:46 am Levinson you could save yourself a lot of useless words, emails and posters by taking a few of their leaders and beating the crap out of them. But that isn’t your style, as you are against violence and law violation. Your forte is words. Bottom line is you aren’t much different than those wuss Jews you describe from NYC. Same end results. Today I think they would laugh you all the way back to Philly . Georg von Starkermann says: March 7, 2011 at 3:22 am Years ago in Brooklyn New York, a Jewish frtend of mine told me that when religious Jews walked to their Synagogue, they were viciously attacked by Black men thinking that these Jews had money and other valuables on them. Most of the time, these Jewish worshippers came to their Synagogue bloody, and sometimes even worse things would happen to them, broken bones, smashed in faces etc. My friend said we are powerless, the police will no do anything, certainly the local Jewish population will do nothing. Then my friend introduced me to a young Rabbi named Meir Kahane. Rabbi Kahane said that the Jews should take matters into their own hands, rather than wait for the local Jewish leaders to take some action. It was at this point, that I decided to help my friend out. I got together some other Jewish friends of mine and with baseball bats we waited in the alley for the Blacks to start their weekly ritual of going after these religious Jews on their way to pray. I must have smashed in the six or seven faces and skulls of these Black thugs for several weeks before they got the message that these Jewish People should not be hampered. That’s what’s needed today. Baseball bats right in the Palestinians kisser. A few whacks and they too will get the message. Bill Levinson says: March 7, 2011 at 4:26 am Re: #3 Levinson you could save yourself a lot of useless words, emails and posters by taking a few of their leaders and beating the crap out of them. But that isn’t your style, as you are against violence and law violation. I am certainly against doing things that could get me sent to jail, which is what you are advocating. Your forte is words. Bottom line is you aren’t much different than those wuss Jews you describe from NYC. Same end results. Today I think they would laugh you all the way back to Philly My words made an end of the Million Mom March and crippled; I would have destroyed had the ADL and NJDC not used their Jewish identities to whitewash this organization. Bill Levinson says: March 7, 2011 at 4:52 am Waving your university degree in the faces of savages will do no good whatsoever. The following works much better; pretend it is against militant “Muslims” instead of Zulus. (The Zulus had a lot more class than militant “Muslims.”) HCQ says: March 7, 2011 at 9:49 am American Jews are so assimilated. There are reasons Torah forbid intermarriage…the watering down of Jewish culture and identity comes to mind. How many of the assimilated even know modern Israeli history? Look at Yamit’s aggression; he’s a total zealot. Leaving his hostility towards non Jews aside, Yamit has fire and passion, knows the real score and is the kind of Jew willing to fight for Israel’s survival. He reads between the lines far better than his liberal american contemporaries who bid Israeli Jews to make nice even if it means Auschwitz borders. Shy Guy says: March 7, 2011 at 10:56 am Sam Prince says: March 7, 2011 at 2:11 am In the 10th century, or so I’ve been told, the Rabbis re-interpreted Jewish law that had stood for 3000+ years to say that the religion of the mother determined the religion of children. You have been told bubbe meises. This is a Torah Law, handed down from G-d to Moses at Sinai. christian louboutin pumps says: March 7, 2011 at 11:54 am Through research and interviews with campus activists and students from around the country, we are developing a compilation of anti-Israel incidents and descriptions of hostile atmospheres on campuses. BlandOatmeal says: March 7, 2011 at 12:35 pm HCQ You make me laugh, saying American Jews are “assimilated”. American Jews voted 78% for Obama; Other American whites gave him more like 45%. Catholics, even Hispanic Catholics, are more assimilated than Jews. American Jews think and act like beings from another planet. They can take off their yarmulkes, but they are still very much European and very much Jewish. Shy Guy says: March 7, 2011 at 1:01 pm BlOatmeal says: March 7, 2011 at 12:35 pm They can take off their yarmulkes, but they are still very much European and very much Jewish. How so? BlandOatmeal says: March 7, 2011 at 1:42 pm Shy Guy, You said, “How so”? Have you lost your marbles? I will try to explain it to you, as though you had a sense of reason; though I know you do not. American White Protestants voted for John McCain. American Catholics and Hispanics voted slightly for Obama. American Jews voted overwhelmingly for Obama — almost as much as American Blacks. That is the evidence. Reason for yourself, whether American Jews have assimilated into Mainstream America. If anything, you might say they have assimilated to becoming like the Blacks; but they have not. They came to this country with cockeyed European Jewish ideas, and they still hold them. They have NOT assimilated. Modern Orthodox Jews HAVE assimilated, and vote much like their Christian counterparts; but the Modern Orthodox are an American-rooted sect and a very small minority here. Their conservative politics did not come from being Jewish, but from being American. Do you understand? Likely not. Shy Guy says: March 7, 2011 at 2:01 pm BlandOatmeal says: March 7, 2011 at 1:42 pm Reason for yourself, whether American Jews have assimilated into Mainstream America. Yes, they have – as uber leftists. Your problem (and AmericanEgo’s) is that you have to face the fact that leftists are – unfortunately as far as both of us are concerned – an integral part of American citizenry, society, politics and culture. Why assimilated Jews go to this extreme is a separate subject, covered by others over the last few years. Example. Do you understand? It’s YOU who obviously has some understanding to do. But thick is thick. HCQ says: March 7, 2011 at 4:23 pm Your problem (and AmericanEgo’s) Is this the same deluded American Eagle who suggested that all of Israel’s problems will dissipate with Obama leaving office? Israel’s delegitimization existed before Obammy and it will be there after Obama(unfortunately, the deceptive one has emboldened those who actively seek Israel’s delegitimization). Was it American Eagle or Bland Oatmeal who suggested that Israeli Jews would have to beg Christian Zionists for support in light of American Jewry’s cluelessness? Dear sirs, Israel shouldn’t have to beg for Christian Zionist support…we should give it freely and to suggest Jews beg for it is patently offensive. The whole problem now is that Jews feel they must ask permission for everything related to their very existence and safety. Jewish leadership admit they do not assert Jewish rights because no one asks(read: cares)about Jewish rights. How many world leaders have recently decried Jewish “belligerence”? I say Jews aren’t belligerent enough(you know the saying,”the squeaky wheel gets the grease”); Muslims get the grease because they’re willing to resort to temper tantrums in the form of terrorism to get their way; well that and the oil. Dov Stein says: March 7, 2011 at 5:35 pm The time came that all these good Jews will understand that the place for a Jew is in Israel. If we are together more and more our power is growing exponentially. Your ability to handle the hatred toward Jews is very small. Non-Jews are hating Jew in axiomatic rule. It is not new. Do not wait USA to behave to Jews like Hitler did. the present president is only the first step toward Jews in the US. On the other hand, There is no justification for the Jews to sit in Israel unless you use the Bible. G-D create the world and he gave the Israeli country to the Israeli nation. It is the best rational argument!!! This argument is written also in the Koraan. The truth is that if you are a secular Jew it will be Hierocracy. So even for this reason change your attitude to Judaism. Repentance is not a shame!! SHmuel HaLevi says: March 7, 2011 at 5:40 pm A nice thread of comments and here is one from a Jewish Gaucho at the University of Buenos Aires. I was born and raised at an adobe home in Entre Rios, Argentina and we learnt to box, handle a .32 caliber revolver, a field knife and later the family standard. A Winchester pump. Not only us Jews neede to be up to it. It was a rough life and calling the police was not good enough… After a rumbling High School I applied and was accepted to the Engineering School at UBA. Never sought violence but as it would be, there were some little ones that saw any Jew and thought all were BA stock. No so I explained to them. Two of them with broken ribs and one jaw later explained the difference to others. It did marvels for my later years personal well being there. I also entered thr Intercollegiate Boxing League and came a respectable second in the heavy Middle weight category. The School was very happy. Bottom line. US weaklings, and there are some that are not so, are easy prey and their acts to look being more anti Semites than their torturers will not help. They are sorry mess of not worth to any Nation in a pinch, regardless of how many graduation top marks they get. By the way, I was also a top level grad and got hired by Zenith in Chicage for a very much top level job right out of School. The US Jews in campus are not more self assured than their families and associates are. Pathetic and very dangerous to them! I hope they wake up in time. yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 6:57 pm Georg von Starkermann says: Baseball bats right in the Palestinians kisser. A few whacks and they too will get the message. Georg You are a real Schtarker; yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 7:06 pm SHmuel HaLevi says: No so I explained to them. Two of them with broken ribs and one jaw later explained the difference to others. It did marvels for my later years personal well being there. I also entered thr Intercollegiate Boxing League and came a respectable second in the heavy Middle weight category. The School was very happy. Another Schtarker!! Looks like all we bad ass Jews are here in G-d’s Country, the rest seem to have Kick Me signs pinned to their bottoms. yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 7:12 pm Dov Stein says: The truth is that if you are a secular Jew it will be Hierocracy. So even for this reason change your attitude to Judaism. Repentance is not a shame!! We’ll take them even without tshuva. First come repent later. yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 7:27 pm christian louboutin pumps says: March 7, 2011 at 11:54 am Through research and interviews with campus activists and students from around the country, we are developing a compilation of anti-Israel incidents and descriptions of hostile atmospheres on campuses. So christian, once you have all of your compiled data , what then? PS Nice Pumps! yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 7:39 pm BlandOatmeal says: March 7, 2011 at 12:35 pm HCQ You make me laugh, saying American Jews are “assimilated”. American Jews voted 78% for Obama; Other American whites gave him more like 45%. Catholics, even Hispanic Catholics, are more assimilated than Jews. American Jews think and act like beings from another planet. They can take off their yarmulkes, but they are still very much European and very much Jewish. Only a stupid BD AH,would use the past elections to make a determination of the degree of Jewish assimilation in America. If as you say only 45% of white Americans voted for the Black Plague and only 78% of Jews it could mean that a fair proportion of those 55% of white folks were were just plain garden variety racists and the Jews showed overwhelmingly that they are not. Racism and antisemitism is as American as apple pie isn’t it? yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 7:45 pm HCQ says: March 7, 2011 at 9:49 am Look at Yamit’s aggression; he’s a total zealot. Leaving his hostility towards non Jews aside, Yamit has fire and passion, knows the real score and is the kind of Jew willing to fight for Israel’s survival. He reads between the lines far better than his liberal american contemporaries who bid Israeli Jews to make nice even if it means Auschwitz borders. Why thank you HCQ I was influenced as a young child by this character: Enjoy! AmericanEagle says: March 7, 2011 at 7:53 pm Shy Guy writes: Your problem (and AmericanEgo’s) is that you have to face the fact that leftists are – unfortunately as far as both of us are concerned – an integral part of American citizenry, society, politics and culture. Poppycock. My problem is not with lefties, since only 20% of Americans admit to being political liberals, which is half the 40% who call themselves political conservatives. My problem is with anyone who voted for the most unqualified and inexperienced president in US history, who brazenly lied and denied his questionable background and relationships. This especially applies to American Jews, Semites who voted for the anti-Semitic Imam Obama at an astounding 78% level, after knowing his deep and long standing relationships with some of the most anti-Semitic and anti-American radicals in America. HCQ writes: Is this the same deluded American Eagle who suggested that all of Israel’s problems will dissipate with Obama leaving office? HCQ, you can run but you can’t hide by resorting to falsehoods and straw men because I will not let you. I did not say that all of Israel’s problems will dissipate once Imam Obama is booted. I did say that the pressure on Israel will be considerably reduced because he is unlikely to be replaced by anyone nearly as anti-Semitic. In fact if he would be replaced by someone like Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee the shoe would be on the other foot as far as the Palis are concerned. Those of you who oppose a two-state solution like to ignore the fact that it has been successive Israeli governments who have conceded this construct by acknowledging that the territories acquired while Israel was defending itself are “negotiable”. Then both sides impose pre-conditions the other side cannot accept, which is why the status quo will continue until hell freezes over. Israel has already screwed up big time by not annexing all the territory it acquired while defending itself, which would have made for a much better status quo, not to mention it would have made the settlements far more defensible than building these on territories that are “negotiable”, then setting a bad precedent by withdrawing from Gaza and the settlements there. Israel’s delegitimization existed before Obammy and it will be there after Obama(unfortunately, the deceptive one has emboldened those who actively seek Israel’s delegitimization). Don’t be a putz. If Israel has been delegitimized it is because of the failure of their own PR. In spite of their influence in the US media and entertainment circles – prime platforms for PR – I have never heard anyone other than a few conservative radio hosts like Glenn Beck even talk about the Hamas Charter – something that should be printed and distributed to every American. Without consciously knowing that it is the Palis who have refused to accept Israel as a Jewish state and have been trying to wipe it off the map for 64 years now, no wonder these ignorant college students – not to mention many American Jews – think the poor Palis are the ones being bullied and oppressed by Israel’s retaliation while defending itself. Dear sirs, Israel shouldn’t have to beg for Christian Zionist support…we should give it freely and to suggest Jews beg for it is patently offensive. This putz seems to specialize in building straw men. No one has suggested anything of the sort. Mostly Christians were the ones who confronted and defeated Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists without anyone begging them to do so, though they could have intervened earlier than they did. Mostly Christians were behind the creation of a safe haven called Israel as a homeland for the Jews after the Holocaust. The whole problem now is that Jews feel they must ask permission for everything related to their very existence and safety. Jewish leadership admit they do not assert Jewish rights because no one asks(read: cares)about Jewish rights. Poppycock. Sovereign Israeli governments do whatever they think is in their best interests and have often defied something some US government thought they should do. How many world leaders have recently decried Jewish “belligerence”? I say Jews aren’t belligerent enough(you know the saying,”the squeaky wheel gets the grease”); Muslims get the grease because they’re willing to resort to temper tantrums in the form of terrorism to get their way; well that and the oil. When was the last time you saw details about the Hamas Charter in the world media? When was the last time you heard Imam Obama or Madame Clinton talk about the Israeli dilemma in this context? This is a massive failure of Israeli and Jewish PR even though they have considerable influence in the media and US conservative talk show hosts. If the Hamas Charter was widely diseminated and understood most people of goodwill would see what Israel has been faced with. The anti-Semites would remain anti-Semites. Marlene Langert says: March 7, 2011 at 7:56 pm As a jew, it has been my observation that our own worst enemy are the leftist jews. Those jews who think “be nice and they will be nice”! That will never happen. I left a Jewish Renewal COngregation in my area which I had loved because the rabbi was getting more and more involved with the arabs, even having them speak at high holiday services. Of course, they would speak peace and most of the congregants believed them. Not me. Most liberal s are nice people, too nice. “Never Again” is the only way, but they don’t get it. I have gone to a couple of Christian Churches who support Israel fully. THey are stronger for Israel than the shuls are. Last year I went to Christians United for Israel’s annual dinner in Washington, DC, near my home. THere were 4,000 people at the dinner. Many black churches, many hispanic churches, many white churchs, only a few jews there. We sang Israeli songs and wved Israeli and America flags. I believe what these leftist jews are doing now is right in line with those who marched into the train cars and the “showers” quietly and willingly. There is not much difference, if any. AmericanEagle says: March 7, 2011 at 8:02 pm HCQ writes: Look at Yamit’s aggression; he’s a total zealot. Leaving his hostility towards non Jews aside, Yamit has fire and passion, knows the real score and is the kind of Jew willing to fight for Israel’s survival. You got lost in the weeds after writing “….he’s a total zealot.” To begin with why should anyone leave his hostility towards non-Jews aside because it includes mind-boggling hostility towards Christians who are Israel’s strongest supporters. Your conclusion that he is willing to fight for Israel’s survival is also bogus because Israel needs its alliance with the US to survive whereas he works tirelessly to weaken this alliance, which the Hamas guys LOVE to see because they have the same objective. Bill Levinson says: March 7, 2011 at 8:23 pm Re: #9 Look at Yamit’s aggression; he’s a total zealot. Leaving his hostility towards non Jews aside, Yamit has fire and passion, knows the real score and is the kind of Jew willing to fight for Israel’s survival. He reads between the lines far better than his liberal american contemporaries who bid Israeli Jews to make nice even if it means Auschwitz borders. The problem is that he hates everybody including people such as Christians and even the wrong kind of Jews who are on his side. Allies are generally helpful in any kind of fight. As for the militant “Muslims” on campus, e.g. those who disrupted an Israeli’s speech, I would videotape them, dub in sound like pounding jungle drums (the kind from politically incorrect movies in which natives or whatever were portrayed as mindless savages), and add captions like, “When you admit primitive jungle animals to your university, they bring the jungle with them” or “You can take the ape out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the ape.” I might even splice in the portion of “The Eternal Jew” that features scurrying rats along with the narrator’s description of rats while making sure to stop before the word “Juden” is spoken. That’s it–the rat scene from “The Eternal Jew” intermixed with photos and videos of jihad apes being themselves. The difference is that the Nazis had to get actors to portray stereotypes of Jews but we don’t NEED no stinkin’ actors; we can just let the militant “Muslims” play themselves. If the falsehoods in “The Eternal Jew” could get a highly advanced and educated nation to hate Jews, somebody ought to be able to use the TRUTH about militant “Muslims” to get all of Europe to view them as bipedal rats that should be sent to the Third World rat-holes they came from. Same for our campuses–women can be taught quite accurately that any jihad ape is a potential rapist, and that all the jihad apes are primitive savages who do not respect the rights of others and therefore should not expect anybody to respect them. evildoctor says: March 7, 2011 at 9:56 pm Georg von Starkermann says: Baseball bats right in the Palestinians kisser. A few whacks and they too will get the message. In a nutshell this alludes to the problem with the Jews. Rather than use a bat the Jews turn their heads and wait for intervention from the “authorities” or failing that, divine intervention. History has thousands of years that validate the fact that an enemy can only be defeated by force. For a few years this was working until Israel bought into the fantasy that peace could be negotiated with an intractable genocidal enemy. The fact of the matter is that the Jews are losing the battle just about everywhere as well as the campus. And should the world spiral towards a lengthy and painful depression (which regrettably is quite likely) then the Jews will be the recipients of of a more virulent and wider spread Antisemitism. karol harper-McIlveen says: March 7, 2011 at 10:47 pm Unfortunately, many Jews do not know their Torah, so have many unsubstantiated beliefs…………..since they listen to their rabbi’s rather than their God (through his inspired writings) In the Torah, Jewishness definitely passes through the Father, NOT the Mother. Rabbi’s took some obscure writings in the Book of Ezra, and manipulated the meaning, so that Jewish people would start assigning “Jewishness” according to whether the Mother was born or converted to Judaism. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 10:47 pm The problem is that he hates everybody including people such as Christians and even the wrong kind of Jews who are on his side. Allies are generally helpful in any kind of fight. I don’t hate everybody but I admit I don’t trust anyone who I am not convinced is on my side. You for example have little to say about Israel but much in support of the Republican party and the conservative movement yet on most social issues you are as liberal as they come. It seems to me at best for you Israel is a means to an end, A POTENTIAL ALLY IN YOUR WAR AGAINST ONLY RADICAL ISLAM AND OBAMA/DEMOCRATS. I get the constant impression that any feeling of support you may have for Israel is linked not to your Jewishness but to American politics and the battle against what you describe as Muslim radicals. I suppose that’s better than nothing but deep down I know when and if things get bad here for us you won’t be around to be counted especially if it puts you in any jeopardy as an American Jew. You are of those I consider American first and last. The American Jewish allies I consider of worth are those who if they had to choose between America and Israel and America or Jewish as painful as it might be would not choose America. Our parents generation were complicit in the holocaust and there is nothing I see in American Jewish attitudes that give me any reason to believe that the next threat will illicit a different reaction from American Jewry than that of the early 1940′s. Don’t get me wrong Bill I do like you and on balance you are better than most but that just shows how bankrupt spiritually the American Jewish community ( what’s left of it is. Gentiles are another matter altogether. At best I expect disinterest and apathy from them. AmericanEagle says: March 7, 2011 at 11:11 pm Yamit writes: I don’t hate everybody but I admit I don’t trust anyone who I am not convinced is on my side. You must love the Hamas guys as much as they love you, because they sure are on “your side” when it comes to attacking the Israeli-American alliance. I get the constant impression that any feeling of support you may have for Israel is linked not to your Jewishness but to American politics and the battle against what you describe as Muslim radicals. What linkage are you talking about. Bill supports Israel. You fight to weaken Israel under the guise of supporting it. You are of those I consider American first and last. That may be a good thing in a civilized country like the US that separates state and religion. Besides, most Americans support Israel. The American Jewish allies I consider of worth are those who if they had to choose between America and Israel and America or Jewish as painful as it might be would not choose America. This is rich coming from someone who pretends to support Israel but wants to weaken it by weakening the Israeli-American alliance. Our parents generation were complicit in the holocaust and there is nothing I see in American Jewish attitudes that give me any reason to believe that the next threat will illicit a different reaction from American Jewry than that of the early 1940?s. Clearly a dastardly and scurrilous attempt to insult the memory of a generation of American Jews many of whom fought to defeat the Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists. Don’t get me wrong Bill I do like you and on balance you are better than most but that just shows how bankrupt spiritually the American Jewish community ( what’s left of it is. Actually, it is moles like you who are intellectually bankrupt and we see you proving it each and every day. Gentiles are another matter altogether. At best I expect disinterest and apathy from them. The irony is that a Gentile like me supports Israel against all comers, including liberal Jews and Jews who pretend to support Israrel, whereas you work so hard to weaken Israel’s alliance with its only ally whose mostly Gentile population have poured BILLIONS into Israel’s security and pledged to stand with it against a nuclear Iran. yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 11:12 pm karol harper-McIlveen says: Unfortunately, many Jews do not know their Torah, so have many unsubstantiated beliefs…………..since they listen to their rabbi’s rather than their God (through his inspired writings) It’s you who are the ignorant one based on such a stupid statement: The Book of Proverbs warns against adding to the Divine words. Prov. 30:5, 6: “Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them who put their trust in Him. Add you not unto His words, lest He reprove you, and you be found a liar.” The Oral Law however is not an addition to the Divine Words but rather an exposition of them. The Rabbis were always careful in making their rulings to distinguish between what was written expressly and what they had learnt through studying the Hebrew expressions employed in Scripture and applying logical constructs. Their aim was always to discern the intention of the written word and to apply it. This is their duty. To learn and study the Word of the Almighty is what we are commanded to do. Joshua was commanded: [Joshua 1:8]THIS BOOK OF THE LAW SHALL NOT DEPART OUT OF THY MOUTH; BUT THOU SHALT MEDITATE THEREIN DAY AND NIGHT, THAT THOU MAYEST OBSERVE TO DO ACCORDING TO ALL THAT IS WRITTEN THEREIN: FOR THEN THOU SHALT MAKE THY WAY PROSPEROUS, AND THEN THOU SHALT HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. Adding to the commandments would appear to be contrary to a written injunction which says: Deut. 4:2 says “You shall not add unto the word that I command you, neither shall you diminish from it, that you may keep the commandments of God that I command you.” Deut. 12:32 says, “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it. In reply we would, in general terms, say that the Oral Law is not so much an adding to the Commandments but rather an explaining of how existing Commandments must be kept. The Rabbis have never really added any commandment. They have made enactments based on the Commandments. An individual Israelite had to be prepared to give up his/her life and not transgress certain commandments. Nevertheless the Bible emphasized the communal responsibility of the whole nation. They were to become, A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, AND AN HOLY NATION [Exodus 19:6]. [The word translated here as PRIESTS can also mean "rulers" but the point is the same]. The emphasis is on the nation as a whole. The Community of Israel accepted an obligation to enforce the SAME Law on all members of the Community! [Deuteronomy 29:29] THE SECRET THINGS BELONG UNTO THE LORD OUR GOD: BUT THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE REVEALED BELONG UNTO US AND TO OUR CHILDREN FOR EVER, THAT WE MAY DO ALL THE WORDS OF THIS LAW. The Torah was given to the whole of Israel as a group and they were commanded to be mutually responsible for each other in keeping it. From a common sense point of view if the Almighty said something it had a specific meaning. The Torah was given to the whole community to be kept by all members of that community. It is not logical that one person should keep Pesach on one day and someone else on another, that one person eats kosher meat and another something else, that one person considers intercourse with certain women permitted and another forbids it. This sort of behavior may be OK in a democratic secular society where everyone has different religions. Originally however the Torah was given to the Israelites as one whole. The religion created the nation, obligated every member of that nation, and if anyone publicly transgressed the commandments they were to be punished by the community. [Deuteronomy 29:9] KEEP THEREFORE THE WORDS OF THIS COVENANT, AND DO THEM, THAT YE MAY PROSPER IN ALL THAT YE DO. [Deuteronomy 29:10] YE STAND THIS DAY ALL OF YOU BEFORE THE LORD YOUR GOD; YOUR CAPTAINS OF YOUR TRIBES, YOUR ELDERS, AND YOUR OFFICERS, WITH ALL THE MEN OF ISRAEL, [Deuteronomy 29:11] YOUR LITTLE ONES, YOUR WIVES, AND THY STRANGER THAT IS IN THY CAMP, FROM THE HEWER OF THY WOOD UNTO THE DRAWER OF THY WATER: [Deuteronomy 29:12] THAT THOU SHOULDEST ENTER INTO COVENANT WITH THE LORD THY GOD, AND INTO HIS OATH, WHICH THE LORD THY GOD MAKETH WITH THEE THIS DAY: [Deuteronomy 29:13] THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH THEE TO DAY FOR A PEOPLE UNTO HIMSELF, AND THAT HE MAY BE UNTO THEE A GOD, AS HE HATH SAID UNTO THEE, AND AS HE HATH SWORN UNTO THY FATHERS, TO ABRAHAM, TO ISAAC, AND TO JACOB. Throughout the Bible God speaks to the nation and about the nation. The individual (king, prophet, etc) is important in so far as they form part of the nation and are connected to it. They occupy their positions for the sake of the Hebrew people. There is a collective responsibility. The Community was obliged to enforce the Keeping of the Sabbath. One could be put to death for desecrating the Sabbath! [Exodus 31:15] SIX DAYS MAY WORK BE DONE; BUT IN THE SEVENTH IS THE SABBATH OF REST, HOLY TO THE LORD: WHOSOEVER DOETH ANY WORK IN THE SABBATH DAY, HE SHALL SURELY BE PUT TO DEATH. But what exactly would constitute Sabbath desecration? Look in the Bible. It is not so clear. It must however have been clear to someone. The Almighty would NOT have given us commandments if HE did not expect us to keep them. Not One Inch says: March 7, 2011 at 11:12 pm ” no Jewish leader calls on sensitivity training… ” All anti~semites are extreamly sensitive to brass knuckles in the face. If you dont spreak their language, then they will never understand. yamit82 says: March 7, 2011 at 11:16 pm karol harper-McIlveen says: Unfortunately, many Jews do not know their Torah, so have many unsubstantiated beliefs…………..since they listen to their rabbi’s rather than their God (through his inspired writings) Judges and Sages Commanded to Interpret the Bible Moses was commanded to appoint seventy elders to help him rule over the people (Numbers 11:16). There also existed a hierarchy of local judges over tens, hundreds, and thousands (Exodus 18:21). Any case too difficult at one level would be passed on upwards (Exodus 18:26). As in any legal system over time a body of precedents and legal principles developed telling in detail how the Commandments were to be put into practice. [In point of fact most of the Rabbinical injunctions are hinted at in the written Scriptures according to grammatical niceties and quirks of the Hebrew Language. A good portion of the Talmud is dedicated to clarifying the Law according to what the Biblical verses indicate. Even if this was not so however we would still be obliged to do as the Rabbis say.] In case of doubt the Israelites were commanded to go to the authorities and Sages that would exist in their time. [Deuteronomy 17:8] IF THERE ARISE A MATTER TOO HARD FOR THEE IN JUDGMENT, BETWEEN BLOOD AND BLOOD, BETWEEN PLEA AND PLEA, AND BETWEEN STROKE AND STROKE, BEING MATTERS OF CONTROVERSY WITHIN THY GATES: THEN SHALT THOU ARISE, AND GET THEE UP INTO THE PLACE WHICH THE LORD THY GOD SHALL CHOOSE; In case of doubt concerning any matter of the Law and its practical implications one had to make an effort (“ARISE”) and go to the recognized authority that existed. [Deuteronomy 17:9] AND THOU SHALT COME UNTO THE PRIESTS THE LEVITES, AND UNTO THE JUDGE THAT SHALL BE IN THOSE DAYS, AND ENQUIRE; AND THEY SHALL SHEW THEE THE SENTENCE OF JUDGMENT: The Priests, Levites, and/or simple Israelite Judge, whoever was in charge at the time, would make the decision usually after consultation with the others and in accordance with accepted tradition and well know laws of logical deduction applied to Biblical verses and derived from them. This was the foundation of what later became the Talmud. [Deuteronomy 17:10] AND THOU SHALT DO ACCORDING TO THE SENTENCE, WHICH THEY OF THAT PLACE WHICH THE LORD SHALL CHOOSE SHALL SHEW THEE; AND THOU SHALT OBSERVE TO DO ACCORDING TO ALL THAT THEY INFORM THEE: [Deuteronomy 17:11] ACCORDING TO THE SENTENCE OF THE LAW WHICH THEY SHALL TEACH THEE, AND ACCORDING TO THE JUDGMENT WHICH THEY SHALL TELL THEE, THOU SHALT DO: THOU SHALT NOT DECLINE FROM THE SENTENCE WHICH THEY SHALL SHEW THEE, TO THE RIGHT HAND, NOR TO THE LEFT. Even if one went to the Sages to decide how a commandment should be carried out and did not agree with what the Sages said you still had to obey them. This was the commandment. [Deuteronomy 17:12] AND THE MAN THAT WILL DO PRESUMPTUOUSLY, AND WILL NOT HEARKEN UNTO THE PRIEST THAT STANDETH TO MINISTER THERE BEFORE THE LORD THY GOD, OR UNTO THE JUDGE, EVEN THAT MAN SHALL DIE: AND THOU SHALT PUT AWAY THE EVIL FROM ISRAEL. [Deuteronomy 17:13] AND ALL THE PEOPLE SHALL HEAR, AND FEAR, AND DO NO MORE PRESUMPTUOUSLY. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Rajput says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. March 7, 2011 at 11:46 pm \\\\\\\\\\\ ISRAEL IS A SMALL COUNTRY ALWAYS IN DEFENCE MODE.\\\\\\\\\\ SIMILARLY THE HINDUS WERE INFLICTED A GREAT DEFEAT IN CIVIL WAR OF 1947 WHEN THEY SURRENDERED FIVE PROVINCES TO THE SAVAGE MUSLIMS.\\\\\\\\\ FOR THIS REASON BOTH THE HINDUS AND THE JEWS ARE THE TARGET OF MUSLIMS WHO SMELL WEAKNESS AND THEN ATTACK.\\\\\\\\\\ THE ANSWER IS TO HIT BACK HARD AND PUSH THEM BACK TO THE HOLE IN MECCA FROM WHERE THEY ESCAPED IN 7TH. CENTURY AD.\\\\\\\\\ =============================== 000000000