Date: 13 Apr 2011
NOW THE MUSLIMS HAVE ARRIVED!\\\\\\\\\\\\ They will not go away but rub against everyone's shoulders and "eye" everyone's daughter to 'seduce & reproduce', till finally it is CIVIL WAR or PARTITION of the wretched country that welcomed them in the first place like the native Americans and Columbus.\\\\\\\\\ This is no fantasy but the EXPERIENCE of India, now BROKEN UP in THREE parts. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The silent little verbal "war" that has now started in the USA will be long drawn but never end till it's either totalitarian Islam- AS PER KORAN- or liberal Secularism. It will be "them or us" in the end. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Please study carefully the advent of Islam and death of Hindus in Lahore. \\\\\\\\\\\\ 13.4.11.\\\\\ =========== In a message dated 13/04/2011 16:02:18 GMT Standard Time, writes:\\\\\\ Breaking News – Wednesday, April 13 – 2:00 pm House Intelligence Sub-Committee Convenes Hearing on Muslim Brotherhood Today \\\\\\\\ (Capitol Hill) The House Intelligence subcommittee on terrorism, human intelligence, analysis and counter-intelligence (TAHCI) will be holding a public hearing on the Muslim Brotherhood for two hours today beginning at 2:00 pm EDT. \\\\\\\\\ US Rep. Sue Myrick chairs this committee so you know this will be good. \\\\\\\\\\\ Rarely does the Intelligence Committee or its subcommittees hold public hearings, so we have dispatched our Government Affairs Director, Lisa Piraneo to the committee hearing room to tweet out the highlights and then to issue a report for our members as soon as possible. \\\\\\\\\\ To follow Lisa’s tweets and receive breaking reports like this go to We have learned that the following people will testify today: \\\\\\\\ Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour- President, The International Quranic Center (IQC) Nathan Brown- GWU Tarek Masoud- Kennedy School Robert Satloff- Washington Institute Lorenzo Vidino – RAND Will send out more info as it is available. 000000000