Date: 21 Apr 2011
A HINDU CAN, AND MUST, CHANGE AND BECOME A MAN \\\\\\\\\\\\\ A Muslim CANNOT change due to his KORAN where one cannot even delete or add a comma but behave like a MORON. ( ) \\\\\\\\\ A Christian CANNOT change due to his BIBLE in which he reads, "Go and exploit Nature's resources!" \\\\\\\\\\\ But a Hindu CAN change. We have GITA that INSPIRES us to FIGHT, but we have diverged & deviated from the right path by a thousand miles. \\\\\\\\\ Our leaders acquire "genes of goats" in their mothers' wombs. \\\\\\\\\\ Even our brave armed forces could NOT defend or recover those five provinces surrendered by a traitor but, instead, got stuck in Kashmir to the bogus "cease-fire" ordered by him. \\\\\\\\\\ A Hindu CAN change since a thousand years of slavery urges him, nay, asks him, day and night, to change. \\\\\\\\\\ There is neither a Holy Book leading him astray nor his stupidity that would make him behave like the sheep. \\\\\\\\\\\ A Hindu has the eyes to see how his LAND ("dharti maata") has been vanishing from under his feet and how easily his daughters are seduced and made to produce MORE of the ENEMY. \\\\\\\\\\\ A Hindu has BRAIN to comprehend that disunity, selfishness and cowardice are the causes for his enemies to overwhelm and brainwash him into submission, degradation & SLAVERY. \\\\\\\\\\\ A Hindu CAN change since he can fore-see that at this rate even DELHI will go the way of LAHORE under the flag of MOHAMMED OF MECCA one day. \\\\\\\\\\\ We all agree that the HINDU MUST CHANGE or be SLAUGHTERED in Delhi as in KARACHI, MULTAN, QUETTA, LAHORE, RAWALPINDI, PESHAWAR, NORTH KASHMIR & EAST BENGAL. \\\\\\\\\\\ Due to UNINSPIRING, LACKLUSTRE, timid and dull Hindu leaders, the land ("Dharti") under our feet is rapidly disappearing. Can't they simply find time to read the books on the lives of Bharat's great WARRIORS and HEROES in the past? \\\\\\\\\\\\ Surely, there is PLENTY in there to revive even the dead -just what Guru Gobind Singhji did on Vaisakhi Day in 1699 AD. \\\\\\\\\\\\ 21 Apr 11.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 000000000