Date: 26 Apr 2011
"NOT ONLY CORRUPTION!, cries this patriot. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Not ONLY Corruption \\\\\\\\\\\ Today, India is in this mess, Not ONLY due to Corruption. \\\\\\\\\\ An undisciplined, unwieldy 1.21 Billion Population, 38.8% of which IS below Litracy & therfore Poverty Line > a mass larger than Europe OR America. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Mases of educated young, but UNEMPLYOABLE. NO JOBS & NO JOB CREATION PROGRAMMES. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Ruled by Highly Educated yet INEPT & MYOPIC Role Models, aided & abetted by a MALFIC ARROGANT babudom; "jisne neta ko sooli per, aur Janta ko bhook per chadhaya!" \\\\\\\\\ Suposedly prosperous times ? Super power ? \\\\\\\\\\\\ The Govt IS supposed to, BY EXAMPLE; convince the Janta, that Honesty is the best policy but actually the Role Models > Rulers, ENDORSE & ENFORCE, by their Example, just the opposit; & then shed crocdile tears ! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Overall, the Govt IS perceived to be TORMENTORS. To mitigate their Torment, Janta IS driven to join INSURGENCY. The Tragedy IS, India has an even WORSE Imbecile & Pathetic opposition in Parliament. \\\\\\\\\\\ NB: HINDUSTHAN, DUE TO HER HINDUS, HOLDS WORLD RECORD IN SLAVERY. THE SQUABBLING, CORRUPT AND SELFISH NATIVES CANNOT RULE THEIR OWN COUNTRY OR THEMSELVES LIKE EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON EARTH. AS A RESULT, THE NATIVES ARE FORCED TO LIVE UNDER THE YOKE OF SLAVERY. TODAY IS NO EXCEPTION. THE NATIVES ARE UNDER THE WHIP OF ITALY & ISLAM, DESPITE THE DEPARTURE OF THE BRITISH AND DESPITE CONCEDING PAKISTAN TO THE INDIGENOUS MUSLIMS. XXXXXX 000000000