Date: 28 Apr 2011
A Legendary Fleet Street Foreign Correspondent, who has spent much of her life reporting, gives her views about the Muslim youth. \\\\\\\\\ Muslim boys are told by their mothers that they are Princes of the Universe; told by their school teachers that their culture is History's First Flower, told by the Koran that they are God's chosen Warriors, told by their Imams that they are Torch-bearers of the Divine Light, told by their Political Leaders that theirs are the Greatest Nations on Earth........ \\\\\\\\\\ And what awaits them? Emptiness, Unemployment, Corruption, Broken Economies and no sex. Nothing has turned out like they have been promised. It must be profoundly bewildering like life in IVORY TOWER! \\\\\\\\\\\\ (WHAT IS LEFT IS THE SUICIDAL WISH OF ENTERING THE PARADISE IN ORDER TO FULFIL ALL THE WISHES AND DESIRES, HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS, raised in them all the time, by all and everywhere.) 000000000