Date: 30 Apr 2011
Please see article below by Dr. Swamy how Sonia sisters are involved in decision of buying French Planes with multi-billion dollars of Indians taxpayers money. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Everyone knows that French industrial establishment is sleazy in giving bribes to get contracts whereas US on the other hand is much more transparent. Why is Sonia Gandhi sisters in decision about what planes India needs and where to buy from? Who should decide, Sonia or the the PM with critical input from experts and military? Is India a banana Republic? How much money Sonia and her family making in this deal? \\\\\\\\\\\ In 1995, M.D. Nalapat, Chief Editor of Times of India wrote many articles on Sonia and here is what it said: \\\\\\\\\ "..... the public docility of Sonia Gandhi was just a ploy, and that Sonia actually had serious political ambitions (later confirmed by her role in Congress). Also, crucially, the series said that her desire for power wasn't simply altruistic and that the wealth not only of her, but of her Italian relatives, rose stratospherically after Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister in 1984." \\\\\\\\ In spite of best brains, we are not able to take care of this cancer. We have to come together as a country, the blatant manner the whole country's institutions are manipulated just for the single purpose of looting the country to win elections and impose dynasty on 1.2 billion people need to be addressed if this country is going to be saved. If we do not wake up, this country could go into a disastrous path that will be impossible to turn around for many decades. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Please use every possible communication path to let every Indian know what we are up against and support Baba Ramadev ji movement. Wake up India for second Freedom movement. Regards, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ Subject: ‘Gandhi family has money stashed in Swiss banks’. Now, bribe for French planes? - Dr. Swamy To: \\\\\\\\ ‘Gandhi family has money stashed in Swiss banks’. Now, bribe for French planes? - Dr. Swamy \\\\\\\\\\\ April 29, 2011. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, South Block,New Delhi.\\\\\\\\\\\\ Dear Prime Minister: \\\\\\\\ I made some enquiries from well placed sources in your Government regarding the decision already taken but not yet formalized (short of the ritual of commercial evaluation and index of performance criteria)-- the choice of French planes for the Indian Air Force. \\\\\\\\\ My sources indicate that the pre-determined decision to favour the French aircraft was the outcome of several conversations between the wife of French President Ms. Carla Bruni and the Chairperson of the National Advisory Council Ms. Sonia Gandhi, and surprisingly also with two foreign nationals who are the sisters of Ms. Sonia Gandhi. \\\\\\\\\\ Based on some credible information given to me on the conversation between Ms. Carla Bruni and Ms Sonia Gandhi’s sisters, there has been an agreement of the French to pay a hefty bribe for favouring the purchase of French aircrafts. This, if documented in the future, will be a major scandal which will haunt you and may lead to criminal prosecution for no fault of yours except that you have been compliant to the mysterious system of governance in this country that has been worked out by Ms. Sonia Gandhi since 2004. The Defence Minister Mr. A.K. Antony is like you, personally honest but he is even more compliant to these rules of governance. Hence I am sending a copy of this letter to him. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Therefore you should take necessary steps to see that you are not kept out of the loop, as had been the case in the 2G Himalayan scam. The US aircraft which has been deleted from the shortlist may or may not be the best for our Air Force (it has to be determined by your experts), but the US has a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act which makes it almost impossible to give bribes. The French, however, while dealing with a foreign country have a much more relaxed attitude to bribes paid abroad to secure contracts and this attitude has become a part of their mental make up of contempt for the foreigner, especially us Indians. \\\\\\\\\\ Therefore I demand that you call for the review of the decision taken so far in the matter of purchase of aircrafts for the Indian Air Force. I would urge you to make this review as transparent as possible so that those of us who have technical expertise will give good inputs for you to come to a conclusion. \\\\\\\\\\ Yours sincerely, ( SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY ) \\\\\\\\\ Swiss Account of Rajiv Gandhi-2.5 Billion Swiss francs?\\\\\\\\\\\ In Corruption, India on January 19, 2011 at 7:18 PM\\\\\\ No comments by Congress yet.\\\\\\\ What can you expect from these people who have declared war on corruption!? ( Sonia’s speech on corruption). \\\\\\\\ Story: The November 1991 issue of Schweizer Illustrierte, the most popular magazine of Switzerland, carried an exposé of 14 politicians from developing nations who had stashed their bribes in Swiss banks. It alleged that Rajiv Gandhi was one of them, and put his figure at 2.5 billion Swiss francs. Schweizer Illustrierte is not some rag; it sells some 2,10,000 copies. Does that account still exist, if the allegation is correct?\\\\\\\\\ The Gandhi family has neither denied the allegations, nor taken legal action against the Swiss magazine or Indian politicians like Subramanian Swamy, who has charged that illicit monies are being recycled through the stock market.\\\\\\\\ An allegation does not become true simply because it is made. It must be substantiated. But as the recent exposé of the 2G spectrum scandal indicates, it is the duty of government agencies to follow up when there seems to be some substance in the charge. If there is so much smoke, they must check out the fire. But the conduct of this Government, nominally headed by Manmohan Singh but controlled by the Uncrowned Empress and her heir apparent, has invariably been dishonest. A typical example is the answer given by the Ministry of Finance in Rajya Sabha on November 24, 2009 about Indian funds in Swiss bank accounts: “Efforts have been made from time-to-time to seek such information under the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and Swiss Confederation. However the Swiss Federal Tax Administration has expressed its inability to exchange the information regarding bank deposits of Indian residents as the information was not necessary for the application of the DTAA between India and Swiss Confederation, but was required only for the enforcement of Indian internal laws.” It also replied that “such information was not at their disposal under Swiss laws in the normal course of tax administration. Further in connection with the investigation of specific cases, Directorate of Enforcement, if deemed necessary, seeks information from foreign jurisdiction in respect of accounts held by Indian nationals/entities in banks located overseas. However no roving enquiries are made. There is no verifiable information available about money deposited with Swiss banks by Indians.”\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ Related: \\\\\\\\\ A stunning exposure on Sonia Gandhi’s secret billions in Swiss banks came, surprisingly, from Switzerland itself, where the world’s corrupt stash away their booty. In its issue of November 19, 1991, Schweizer Illustrierte, the most popular magazine of Switzerland, did an exposé of over a dozen politicians of the third world, including Rajiv Gandhi, who had stashed away their bribe monies in Swiss banks. Schweizer Illustrierte, not a rag, sells some 2,15,000 copies and has a readership of 9,17,000 — almost a sixth of Swiss adult population. Citing the newly opened KGB records, the magazine reported ‘that Sonia Gandhi the widow of the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was controlling secret account with 2.5 billion Swiss Francs (equal to $2.2 billion) in her minor son’s name’. The $2.2 billion account must have existed from before June 1988 when Rahul Gandhiattained majority. The loot in today’s rupee value equals almost Rs 10,000 crore. Swiss banks invest and multiply the clients’ monies, not keep them buried. Had it been invested in safe long-term securities, the $.2.2 billion bribe would have multiplied to $9.41 billion (Rs 42,345 crore) by 2009. If it had been put in US stocks, it would have swelled to $12.97 billion (Rs 58,365 crore). If, as most likely, it were invested in long-term bonds and stocks as 50:50, it would have grown to $11.19 billion (Rs 50,355 crore). Before the global financial meltdown in 2008, the $2.2 billion bribes in stocks would have peaked at $18.66 billion (Rs 83,900 crore). By any calculation the present size of the $2.2 billion secret funds of the family in Swiss banks seems huge — anywhere between Rs 43,000 plus to some Rs 84,000 crore! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ Wikipedia says, Sonia Gandhi has $18.66 billion in Swiss Bank accounts \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ UPA Chairperson and the President of All India Congress Committee "Sonia Gandhi" has around $9.41 billion (Rs 42,345 crore) to $18.66 billion (Rs 83,900 crore)in Swiss Bank accounts, according to the article on Wikipedia. \\\\\\\\\ According to the article, Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte on 11 November 1991 revealed that Sonia Gandhi was controlling secret Swiss Bank accounts worth $2.2 billion (Rs 10,000 crore). \\\\\\\\\ If these are reports are true then India is in bigger trouble, you might have ever imagined. As, there are so many Indian politicians who are supposed to have bank accounts in Swiss Bank. \\\\\\\\\ Even if 20% of them are having bank accounts, still there would be billions of dollars of India rotting in Swiss Bank.\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ January 23, 2011 Media Watch \\\\\\\\\\\\ “$ 2.2 billion secret funds of the dynasty in Swiss banks” \\\\\\\\\\\\\ SENSATION, sensation, sensation! A most damning indictment of Sonia Gandhi has been made by S Gurumurthy in an article in The New Indian Express (January 3) that every Indian citizen should read. It accuses Sonia Gandhi of controlling a secret account with a Swiss bank that in 1988 was to the tune of $2.2 billion kept in the name of her minor son, Rahul. The charge, it appears, was originally made by a popular Swiss journal, Schweizer Illustrierte. \\\\\\\\\\ Writes Gurumurthy: “The $2.2 billion account must have existed from before June 1988 when Rahul Gandhi attained majority. The loot in today’s rupee value equals almost Rs 10,000 crore. Swiss banks invest and multiply the clients’ monies, not keep them buried. Had it been invested in safe long-term, securities, the $2.2 billion would have multiplied to $ 9.41 billion (Rs 42,345 crore) by 2009. If it had been put in US stocks, it would have swelled to $12.97 billion (Rs 58,365 crore)…. Before the global financial meltdown in 2008, the $2.2 billion bribes in stocks would have peaked at $18.66 billion (Rs 83,900 crore). By any calculation, the present size of the $2.2 billion secret funds of the family in Swiss banks seems huge – anywhere between Rs 43,000 plus to some Rs 84,000 crore”. \\\\\\\\\\ According to Gurumurthy, there has been another expose, this one from the Russian spy outfit, KGB. It seems in December 2005, KGB chief, Victor Chebrikov had asked for authorisation from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the then Soviet Union “to make payment in dollars to the family members of Rajiv Gandhi, namely, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Mrs Paola Maino, mother of Sonia Gandhi”. All this had been disclosed, according to Guruswamy, years ago by even the Indian media. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Based on leaks, The Hindu (July 4, 1992) reportedly wrote: “The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service admits the possibility that the KGB could have been involved in arranging profitable Soviet contract for the company controlled by Rajiv Gandhi family. Like The Hindu, other newspapers like The Statesman (December 31, 1988) and journals like India Today (December 27, 2010) have made disclosures about money stashed abroad by the Gandhi family. It now seems that Amal Dutta (CPM) also had raised the $ 2.2 billion issue in Parliament on December 7, 1991, but, says Guruswamy, “Speaker Shivraj Patil expunged the Gandhi name from the proceedings”. Additionally it would seem Subramanian Swamy had put out the photo copies of the pages of Schweizer Illustrierte in his web site along with the mail of the Swiss magazine dated February 23, 2002 confirming that in its articles of November 1991 it had named Rajiv Gandhi with a total of Swiss Franc 2.5 billion ($2.2 billion) in secret account. \\\\\\\\\\\ Now, several questions arise. Are these stories correct or are they lies? If they are lies, will Sonia Gandhi take both Guruswamy and The New Indian Express to court for damaging her reputation? She would have every right to. When, years ago, a former Prime Minister, Morarji Desai, was charged with working for the CIA, he filed a libel suit in an American Court seeking $ 50 million in damages. In the present case, will Sonia Gandhi file a suit against Guruswamy? Or will she pretend that the story is so stupid that it would be below her dignity to fight it out in a Court? That would be a smart thing to do, especially considering that even the vilest crime gets forgotten within the bare space of thirty days! But suppose Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul maintain a discreet silence, what will Guruswamy do? Keep quiet? What should the public do? Also keep quiet? \\\\\\\\\\\\ Consider this: according to published reports, one Hasan Ali, an alleged horse-breeder of Pune was found to have operated Swiss accounts involving over Rs 1.5 lakh crore! The Income Tax Department levied a tax of Rs 71,848 crore on. him for concealing Indian income in Swiss accounts. The case has reportedly been buried now! Guruswamy says that “some big names in the ruling circles” are reportedly linked to Hasan Ali, “and that explains why the government would not deepen the probe”. Adds Gurumurthy: “The request sent to the Swiss Government was deliberately made faulty to ensure that the Swiss would not provide details… it is Hasan Alis and the like who transport through hawala the bribes of the corrupt from India. If Hasan is exposed, the corrupt will stand naked. This is how the hawala trader and the corrupt in India are mixed up”. \\\\\\\\\\ So where do we go from here? No where. Sonia Gandhi will say that someone is deliberately trying to malign her and planting stories in the media; and the sycophants in the Congress and the party spokespersons will name BJP leaders as equally guilty. There the matter ends. Which reminds me the DNA (October 11, 2009) had published a report which said that the anti-corruption branch (ACB) Delhi had summoned more than seventy – right, seventy – journalists on charges that they were accepting bribes from a Sub-Registrar. The story said that the accused sub-Registrar (name mentioned) who was arrested in September 2009 by the ACB, was demanding a bribe for preparing a Sale Deed and other documents. The ACB, DNA reported, uncovered name of several journalists “we were on the Sub-Registrar’s pay roll and used to get paid Rs 1,000 to Rs 6,000 for not writing against him”. \\\\\\\\\\\\ According to DNA, the accused journalists belonged to various newspapers, channels and magazines. What happened to the seventy journalists? Were they released? Were they tried? The media is silent on the score. In the matter of the money stashed in Swiss Banks by Sonia Gandhi – allegedly stashed, shall we say – one shouldn’t be surprised if silence prevails in Congress circles. Incidentally, dishonest industrialists, scandalous politicians and corrupts IAS, IRS and IPS officers have allegedly deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personal accounts a sum of about $ 1,500 billion that was misappropriated, which is about thirteen times larger than the country’s foreign debt. Sonia Gandhi wishes to halt corruption. Very nice of her. The Prime Minister will support her. That is even more nice. But, as they say charity begins at home. So does admission of guilt. Charity means love of human kind. That is what Paul meant when he addressed Corinthians. Read the Bible Soniaji. Paul said: “Charity never faileth”. Please don’t fail us. \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ ‘Gandhi family has money stashed in Swiss banks’ By IANS \\\\\\ 21 Feb 2011 02:32:24 PM IST \\\\\\\\ NEW DELHI: Veteran lawyer and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Ram Jethmalani Monday said that he believed that the Gandhi family has black money stashed in Swiss bank accounts. \\\\\\\\\\ "I believe that the Gandhi family has money stashed in Swiss banks," Jethmalani told reporters outside Parliament. \\\\\\\\\\ "Swiss magazines have written, even Kent books have written...Rahul Gandhi has been getting money from Swiss Bank. A whole advertisement appeared in the New York Times where this allegation was repeated," he said.\\\\\ A task force appointed by the BJP on the black money issue recently alleged that Sonia Gandhi and her husband, former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, were among the Indians who held Swiss bank accounts abroad.\\\\\\\\\\\\ Senior party leader L.K. Advani later wrote to Sonia Gandhi and regretted the mention of their names in the booklet.\\\\\\\\\\\ Jethmalani, however, said the letter was in no way an apology.\\\\\\\ "He (Advani) did not apologise, only said that for so many years you (Sonia Gandhi) did not give a denial and now you have given one," he said. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ================ 000000000