Archbishop criticises the killing of Bin Laden

Date: 06 May 2011


Editor The Daily Telegraph London. \\\\\\\\ Sir, \\\\\\\\ Kindly refer to the headline, “Archbishop criticises the killing of Bin Laden” on page 1 of The Daily telegraph, dated May 6, 2011. \\\\\\\\\\ All the Indians living in the UK found the remarks of Archbishop of Canterbury over the manner of Bin Laden’s death as very unwise, indeed, considering that not all the victims of Al Qaida were armed or combatant. They included the old, the young and the infants. \\\\\\\\ When men of Religion and Peace delve in matters of politics and Ideology it spells disaster for their own country. We had Mahatma Gandhi to whom friend and foe were alike. In the event, India under his leadership was forced to surrender five provinces overnight that form Pakistan today. \\\\\\\\ The massacres and migration were unprecedented in scale and suffering. \\\\\\\\\\ Yours truly \\\\\\\\\\\\ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx May 6, 2010. ====================== 000000000