Date: 20 May 2011
JEWISH COMMUNITY TO PROTEST FRIDAY AGAINST PRESIDENT OBAMA AT ISRAELI CONSULATE: OBAMA MOST ANTI-ISRAEL PRESIDENT EVER \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Contact: Ronn Torossian, (212) 999-5585, \\\\\\\\\\\\\ -Protestors to Gather Waving Israeli Flags, Hold Signs – \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ NEW YORK, NY – A number of major Jewish organizations, including the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), RAJE, Jewish Action Alliance and others will gather on Friday May 20th, at Noon at the Israeli Consulate, located at 800 2nd Avenue (42nd Street) to protest President Obama’s call that Israel should retreat to 1967 borders. Hundreds are expected to gather. \\\\\\\\\\\ Obama endorsed Palestinians' demand for their own state based on the pre-1967 borders. The break with longstanding U.S. policy is a grave danger to Israel. Obama & Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are meeting Friday in Washington, DC. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Protestors will wave Israeli flags and hold signs which read: “Barack Hussein Obama: We Wont Return To Auschwitz !” “Obama: Danger To Israel” “Obama Rewards Terror” \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This rally will feature prominent rabbis, dignitaries, and public officials. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ “President Obama is a grave danger to the State of Israel and the Jewish people. He is the most hostile president to Israel ever, and this move will only cause more Arab terrorism. As Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, these borders are “militarily indefensible.” Its necessary to remember what Abba Eban, when he served as Israel’s Foreign Minister said when he appeared at the United Nations following the Six Day war, in describing the fragility of Israel's 1949-1967 map as Israel's "Auschwitz" lines,”said Rabbi Mordechai Tokarsky, Director of RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience). \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ZOA President Morton A. Klein said, “President Obama has severely harmed Israel’s interests and America’s interests. Today, we are ashamed of and frightened by America’s policy regarding Israel. President Obama is the most hostile president to Israel ever.” -- 000000000