Date: 15 Aug 2011


PRESS RELEASE \\\\\\\\\\ India Against Corruption \\\\\\\\\\\ Massive numbers showed in March for Anna Hazare in India Day Parade at New Jersey, USA \\\\\\\\\\\ August 14, 2011. Iselin, NJ. The Indian Independence Day Parade was greeted by torrential rain and indomitable spirit of 150 volunteers of India Against Corruption adorning Anna Topi. Bollywood stars, Major business groups, Tourism industry, Religions groups, Television channels etc. participate in this parade organized by Indian Business Association, NJ. This New Jersey Independence day parade is a major annual event that attracts about 10 thousand people for the parade. The India Against Corruption contingent was the largest group of the whole parade. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The volunteers braved severe weather and walked for about 2 hours in the rain. People from all walks of life – technologists, engineers, business men, doctors, students etc. joined the parade. Old men, women, pregnant women, kids as young as 5 years old, walked in the rain. The volunteers were drenched and cold but their enthusiasm was not dampened. Flyers were distributed to all the people watching the parade. A sample poll of about 500 people watching the parade tallied 95% support for Anna Hazare’s movement. Volunteers were carrying slogans in support of Anna Hazare and Jan Lokpal. Volunteers also sang “Hum Honge Kam Yaab” in front of the main stage. The spirit was so contagious that the passers-by joined them too. Many volunteers were carrying placards saying – “I am Anna” in various languages like Hindi, English, Telugu, Tamil, Marathi etc. The message also said “It is not one Anna. We are Thousands”. This was to symbolize the spirit of nationalism that Anna has evoked in common man. \\\\\\\\\\\ This event was covered by major television channels. The volunteers in the parade, common people who joined to IAC, were interviewed by Television and media reporters. Isha, 10 years old was asked by one of the representative in hindi what this movement was about and she said that this was about supporting Anna Hazare who was fight corruption in India. She also said she supported the movement whole-heartedly. \\\\\\\\\\\ The chants of vande maataram and Jai Hind boomed through the crowd, echoing the patriotic fervor of the participants. The message of the parade was to express the greatness of India and to communicate that the country can be the greatest if we eradicate corruption. One of successful local commercial realtor was complementing IAC volunteers after the parade and said that the economic growth of our country was great but it could be much greater if not for corruption. \\\\\\\\\\\\ One of the slogans in the parade was – “Anna Hazare – Desh Tere saath hai! Videsh Tere saath hai!!”. There are a lot of other events being held across the globe on Aug 14, 2011 to mark the Global Solidarity Day declared by IAC. The enthusiasm and support shown by NRIs for India is bound to inspire people in India. The parade ended with all the volunteers singing the Indian National Anthem drenched in rain and standing in attention. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This was an event of the common man, by the common man and for the common man – a reflection of true democracy, an event in support of Jan Lokpal bill and Anna Hazare. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Additional Video and Photo links for the event: \\\\\\\\\\ Youtube: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ Pictures: \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ######### Contact: Partha T. 201-978-1331 ( \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 000000000