Date: 18 Aug 2011


As xxxxxxxx mentioned to you earlier, that, in our time in forces and after, it was almost an unwritten self-imposed restrictions retired officers and ranks had to stay away from politics and even when serious issues of the nation were at crossroad. Our past being a suppressed colony have had a lot to do with that. That has not changed much. This is certainly not the case in the west. An example of that General Eisenhower, General De Gaul and as recently as the case of General Dannant of the British Army are the shining examples and there are many examples of that at all the time. They all become excellent administrators and politicians without a shadow of doubt. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I am afraid, our mindset is still far from that attitude of serving the nation as once one becomes a general then his next scheming and compromising go unchecked how quickly he could then be appointed a Governor or High commissioner in an insignificant country. And if you are more closer to the politicians then you are offered the post of the Chairman of NEDMT on a platter to stay closer to the tainted politicians. I am sure you would like to read the enclosed card on the proposed LOKPAL BILL and would consider to print it. \\\\\\\\\\ You are at liberty to edit any content as you feel appropriate. With best wishes and warm regards, Vande Mataram, Sincerely yours, \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ For your education if you do not know this ---- See how Lokpal Bill can curb the politicians, Circulate it to create awareness \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Existing System System Proposed by civil society \\\\\\\\\\\\ No politician or senior officer ever goes to jail despite huge evidence because Anti Corruption Branch (ACB) and CBI directly come under the government. Before starting investigation or initiating prosecution in any case, they have to take permission from the same bosses, against whom the case has to be investigated. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Lokpal at centre and Lokayukta at state level will be independent bodies. ACB and CBI will be merged into these bodies. They will have power to initiate investigations and prosecution against any officer or politician without needing anyoneⳠpermission. Investigation should be completed within 1 year and trial to get over in next 1 year. Within two years, the corrupt should go to jail. \\\\\\\\\\\ No corrupt officer is dismissed from the job because Central Vigilance Commission, which is supposed to dismiss corrupt officers, is only an advisory body. Whenever it advises government to dismiss any senior corrupt officer, its advice is never implemented. Lokpal and Lokayukta will have complete powers to order dismissal of a corrupt officer. CVC and all departmental vigilance will be merged into Lokpal and state vigilance will be merged into Lokayukta. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ No action is taken against corrupt judges because permission is required from the Chief Justice of India to even register an FIR against corrupt judges. Lokpal & Lokayukta shall have powers to investigate and prosecute any judge without needing anyoneⳠpermission. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Nowhere to go - People expose corruption but no action is taken on their complaints. Lokpal & Lokayukta will have to enquire into and hear every complaint. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ There is so much corruption within CBI and vigilance departments. Their functioning is so secret that it encourages corruption within these agencies. All investigations in Lokpal & Lokayukta shall be transparent. After completion of investigation, all case records shall be open to public. Complaint against any staff of Lokpal & Lokayukta shall be enquired and punishment announced within two months. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Weak and corrupt people are appointed as heads of anti-corruption agencies. Politicians will have absolutely no say in selections of Chairperson and members of Lokpal & Lokayukta. Selections will take place through a transparent and public participatory process. Citizens face harassment in government offices. Sometimes they are forced to pay bribes. One can only complaint to senior officers. No action is taken on complaints because senior officers also get their cut. Lokpal & Lokayukta will get public grievances resolved in time bound manner, impose a penalty of Rs 250 per day of delay to be deducted from the salary of guilty officer and award that amount as compensation to the aggrieved citizen. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Nothing in law to recover ill gotten wealth. A corrupt person can come out of jail and enjoy that money. Loss caused to the government due to corruption will be recovered from all accused. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Small punishment for corruption- Punishment for corruption is minimum 6 months and maximum 7 years. Enhanced punishment - The punishment would be minimum 5 years and maximum of life imprisonment. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ “दर्द होता रहा छटपटाते रहे, आईने॒से सदा चोट खाते रहे, वो वतन बेचकर मुस्कुराते रहे हम वतन के लिए॒सिर कटाते रहे” \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 280 लाख करोड़ का सवाल है ... भारतीय गरीब है लेकिन भारत देश कभी गरीब नहीं रहा"* ये कहना है स्विस बैंक के डाइरेक्टर का. स्विस बैंक के डाइरेक्टर ने यह भी कहा है कि भारत का लगभग 280 लाख करोड़ रुपये उनके स्विस बैंक में जमा है. ये रकम इतनी है कि भारत का आने वाले 30 सालों का बजट बिना टैक्स के बनाया जा सकता है. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ या यूँ कहें कि 60 करोड़ रोजगार के अवसर दिए जा सकते है. या यूँ भी कह सकते है कि भारत के किसी भी गाँव से दिल्ली तक 4 लेन रोड बनाया जा सकता है. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ऐसा भी कह सकते है कि 500 से ज्यादा सामाजिक प्रोजेक्ट पूर्ण किये जा सकते है. ये रकम इतनी ज्यादा है कि अगर हर भारतीय को 2000 रुपये हर महीने भी दिए जाये तो 60 साल तक ख़त्म ना हो. यानी भारत को किसी वर्ल्ड बैंक से लोन लेने कि कोई जरुरत नहीं है. जरा सोचिये ... हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और नोकरशाहों ने कैसे देश को \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ लूटा है और ये लूट का सिलसिला अभी तक 2011 तक जारी है. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ इस सिलसिले को अब रोकना बहुत ज्यादा जरूरी हो गया है. अंग्रेजो ने हमारे भारत पर करीब 200 सालो तक राज करके करीब 1 लाख करोड़ रुपये लूटा. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ मगर आजादी के केवल 64 सालों में हमारे भ्रस्टाचार ने 280 लाख करोड़ लूटा है. एक तरफ 200 साल में 1 लाख करोड़ है और दूसरी तरफ केवल 64 सालों में 280 लाख करोड़ है. यानि हर साल लगभग 4.37 लाख करोड़, या हर महीने करीब 36 हजार करोड़ भारतीय मुद्रा स्विस बैंक में इन भ्रष्ट लोगों द्वारा जमा करवाई गई है. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ भारत को किसी वर्ल्ड बैंक के लोन की कोई दरकार नहीं है. सोचो की कितना पैसा हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और उच्च अधिकारीयों ने ब्लाक करके रखा हुआ है. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ हमे भ्रस्ट राजनेताओं और भ्रष्ट अधिकारीयों के खिलाफ जाने का पूर्ण अधिकार है.हाल ही में हुवे घोटालों का आप सभी को पता ही है - CWG घोटाला, २ जी स्पेक्ट्रुम घोटाला , आदर्श होउसिंग घोटाला ... और ना जाने कौन कौन से घोटाले अभी उजागर होने वाले है ........ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ आप लोग जोक्स फॉरवर्ड करते ही हो. इसे भी इतना फॉरवर्ड करो की पूरा भारत इसे पढ़े ... और एक आन्दोलन बन जाये Spread This Like WILDFIRE !!!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Our Nation needs us.... Please Contribute.... atleast by forwarding this.... This is not just a forward, it is the Future of our Nation & YOURS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 000000000