Date: 24 Oct 2011
PARTITION OR AKHAND BHARAT? \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Please see: \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Evidentaly our fathers' geneation was conditioned to trust Nehru as a patriot and revere Gandhi as a god. But they both betrayed our "AKHAND BHARAT" for reasons well known. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Now our Bharat has a lethal problem- not only in Kashmir but something much deeper, incomprehensible and ideological. The problem is ISLAM. \\\\\\\\\\\\ In 1940 they defined themselves as the SECOND NATION for the first time (till then the Hindus had been the SECOND NATION) and persisted with this assertion right till they could murder "United" India. \\\\\\\\\\ In 1947 there were those who were enjoying the gains of victory by plundering the Hindus and occupying their homes and abducting and raping Hindu/Sikh females without fear of retribution. Even today NONE, including Ajmal Kasab, is afraid of the Hindus. \\\\\\\\\\\ All the Hindus, however, were not crushed and battered into pulp. There were those willing to fight for India and redeem her honour in that darkest hour. But it was the case of Muslim "JACKALS" being led by "Tiger" Jinnah while on our side the Hindu "LIONS" (including the SIKHS), were being led by "JACKALS". \\\\\\\\\\\\ As a result the MAJORITY community lay motionless, flat and dead on ground. The Muslim MINORITY simply walked over us, treating us like a door mat. \\\\\\\\\\\ There are Hindus (and Sikhs) who can still recall India's collapse with great regret and anguish There are those whose relatives were KILLED and daughters abducted and raped. There are those who have come to understand the grand strategy of ANGLO-ISLAMIC nexus to disintegrate and annihilate the Hindus. They also use such blankets diktat in the case of Jews while supporting the Arabs in Middle East. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Jews may be vindictively blamed by the Vatican for killing Jesus 2,000 years ago but NO Hindu can ever be blamed for killing Mohammed or raping his daughter. \\\\\\\\\\\ So why this eternal venom and enmity against the Hindus who wish to live in peace in their own country, regarding all mankind as one family? \\\\\\\\\\\\ Guru Gobind Singh rose like a Saint Warrior declaring, "We neither intimidate anyone nor let anyone terrify us." Yet the Hindu nation was made to feel extremely terrified in 1947 and, most shamefully, have felt so till date. \\\\\\\\\\\ The second spirit booster in that demoralised non-violent nation was, "I wish each one of you to take on, attack and scatter 125,000 of them." \\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Guru infused such spirit and strength that the Sikh army could defeat the Afghans and capture KHYBER Pass to block the traditional Islamic marauders' route to Delhi. They never appeared again. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Unfortunately, Mogul rule continued within India and the enemy multiplied rapidly to gain majority in several provinces. Hindu leaders were under strict surveillance by authorities and could neither speak out against slavery nor organise themselves to fight for Independence. While they remained passive it was the Muslims who organised themselves very quickly and felt brave enough to threaten the top Hindu leaders to accept their demand for the Islamic republic called Pakistan. \\\\\\\\\\\ While Gandhi went silent assuming the posture of a fake mahatma, it was Nehru who betrayed the Hindus and Hindusthan in broad daylight and stood squarely behind his friend Jinnah to concede and surrender 364,351 square miles of our territory without a single condition. \\\\\\\\\\\\ We, the present generation of Indians, KNOW that Partition was IMPOSED upon the unprepared Hindu nation. We KNOW that India accepted defeat in fear of general massacres across the country. \\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that the Muslims were not only capable of carrying out such massacres but they actually did so (NOAKHALI in Aug 1946 and RAWALPINDI in Mar 1947). \\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that Nehru and his (Congress) Party not only suppressed the details of PARTITION from their people and Parliament but also deleted the word "Partition" from public memory. \\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that the Hindu nation was BULLIED into submission by a vicious and violent ENEMY. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We also KNOW that the "rats" who happened to be our leaders went out of their way to EMBRACE the enemy, calling them "brothers", thus deceiving their folloswers further. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that "Akhand Bharat" was, and is, as dear and patriotic a concept as the UNITED Kingdom for the Britisih and the UNITED States for the Americans. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that the bully once appeased re-appears again and again. We KNOW this from the countless invasions of our Motherland just because in the very first intance our HINDU/BUDDHIST army did not pursue Mohammed Bin Qasim back to MECCA, set fire to his mosques and rape their daughters. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that what we spared the enemy they INFLICTED upon us a million times since. The last time it was in 1947 when Hindu/Sikh girls and women were stripped NAKED and marched through the towns in West Punjab- all because the Hindus never did so. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that letting the BULLY keep his ill-gotten gain is both immoral and cowardly. We KNOW that this is not a temporary enemy like those during World War 2. Then Germany was enemy. Today she is a close friend. In fact, no Briton needs visa to travel to Germany. How different from those days in 1940 and 1941? But WHEN did we have such truce or friendship with the MUSLIMS? We KNOW the answer. We KNOW that most of us with some sense of decency, character, patriotism and honour feel disgust looking at the disfigured map outline of our Akhand Bharat and huge chunks of territory taken out through deception and betrayal by the Indian Muslims. \\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW the loss of life and property in the last wars and the cost of arms and weapons to be borne in the future by our poor countries where most people have no access to clean water and good schools. \\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that feud and strife, even bloody battles and wars lie ahead if Partition is not annuled immediately. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW the mischief that the INDIAN Muslims can still do if not made civilised through de-brainwashing, or made to accept the secular way of life. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that the Hindus, the mjajority community, must become aware of their role and responsibility in securing peace in Bharat. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that India must now "twist the tail" of the INDIAN Muslims to approach Pakistan and Bangladesh to rejoin secular India where they themselves prefer to live among the Kafirs. The Indian Muslims should take advantage of the starvation, maladministration, sectarian violence and corruption there to persuade them to join the Muslim mainstream in South Asia since the Muslims in PARTITIONED India are more in number than those in Pakistan and Bangladesh put together. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW that unless Bharat is "Akhand" the Muslims across the three countries will only be scheming and acting to do more damage to India and remain engaged in wiping out the Hindus from South Asia. \\\\\\\\\\\ We KNOW the hollow and unconvincing call to duty upon the brave armed forces when neither the President nor the Prime Minister, nor even the Parliament and the Cabinet know of any higher duty that to please the ITALIAN BORN Sonia from Land of Pope & MAFIA and appease the Muslims. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We know the TREACHERY of Nehru who having surrendered 364,351 sq.miles of our India to Mohammed of Mecca then asked the Indian Army, "You must defend every inch of India." For this "TOM FOOLERY" (deception) Nehru deserved to be shot dead like a dog. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Let us wake up and REVIVE the slogans, "Akhand Bharat: Amar Rahe!" and "Down with the naked ISLAMIC aggression on Indian soil. 000000000