Date: 24 Oct 2011


STOP TALIBANIZATION OF KASHMIR\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Appeal to Nationalist Leaders, Parliamentarians and Activists >\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Subj: Talibanization of the J&K state -- a) Massive destruction of temples in J&K amounts to state sponsored Talibanization of the state: b) These religious structures must be protected against the predatory & illegal Sales, demolition and Vandalism and a Waqf like Hindu Board be formed for their upkeep and governance, and c) A civilizational war is being forced on Hindus by Islamists for setting up a vast Caliphate across South Asia. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Aadarniya Nationalist Leaders, Aadarniya Parliamentarians, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Activists and concerned Citizens > > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1) An alarming and up-setting issue has been brought to the public attention by Mr. MK Raina, President of the Shri Jawala Ji Samiti, regarding the fate of the Hindu places of worship in Kashmir – India’s only Muslim majority state. Mr. Raina’s statement charged that "the agricultural land belonging to Shri Jawala Ji Temple, Khrew, Kashmir has been grabbed by some unscrupulous elements". Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust has in an equally strong voice expressed concern over the encroachment of land of Jawala Ji shrine in Kashmir Valley by the sale of shrine land or leasing it out, as well as over illegal mining in the shrine area; and for allowing plying of mining vehicles over the Shimshan Ghat and the Shishu Samadhia at Khrew, urging the Government to immediately stop the illegal mining around the Jawala Ji shrine and sale/ lease of the said shrine land. > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Members of the Hindu community all over the world have strongly believed that such criminal Islamist acts are an irrefutable evidence of the continuation of assault on Hindus and their religious institutions toward total Talibanization of Kashmir with the connivance of the J&K Govt. It is reprehensible that almost total violent eviction of some seven lakh Hindus from the State, destruction and rendering hundreds of their temples dysfunctional and massacre of thousands by Pakistan trained and supported terrorists in the State has been going on for decades. But the spineless rulers of India, their biased media and the so called secular political leaders, under the influence of Islamist vote bank or their possible partnership in a wave of corrupt scandals, and fear of Islamist violence, have remained silent. Most every one of them took shelter under a criminal policy characterized by indifference and inaction. > >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 2) Hindu Institutions being destroyed at an unprecedented Scale: The process of desecration, loot, vandalizing and destruction of temples has at the hands of Islamists continued in J&K under the anti-Hindu rule of Islamic groups through generations with intent to wipe out all traces of religious and cultural symbols of Hindus like the famous Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan by Taliban. The targets for destruction in this Islamist campaign besides the temples include libraries, schools, universities and ashrams. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In view of the seriousness of the situation created by the ongoing Islamist crusade The Hindu Jagran Forum (USA) had brought the issue of destruction of temples to the attention of the former J&K Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, in May, 2008. But that petition did not yield any results. (See attachment A). Disregarding the concerns of the Hindu world and like a so-called “secularist” the Chief Minister neither acknowledged our communication nor chose to take action on it. > >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 3) Massive destruction of temples & cleansing of Hindus in J&K reflects state- sponsored Talibanization by the majority Muslim state: Indian Govt.'s silence on the issue is unforgivable as it encourages fundamentalism & defeats secularism. The J&K Government's indifference towards the temple security and their functioning is a clear indication of the state’s tacit support to the policy of persecution of Hindus and denial of their freedom of religion. The central purpose of adopting such a ruthless communal policy is pure and simple – the Islamization of J&K. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What is astonishing, mind boggling and difficult to understand is when the federal as well as the state Governments showed will and determination to re-build Cherar-e-Shareef at the cost of crores of rupees, why can’t it repair and re-build Hindu temples destroyed in the wake of ethnic cleansing unleashed by the local and foreign Jihadists? And why can’t it protect the remaining temples and their estates. The Indian Parliament adopted a specific law in 1991 requiring that –“the status of religious places, as on August 15, 1947 shall be retained". Given the specific nature of this law it becomes obligatory upon the Govt. to maintain the integrity of religious entities through out the length and breadth of India as it stood in 1947. However, in Kashmir under the Islamist misrule this law has mercilessly been violated exhibiting heights of insensitivity, callousness and carelessness of both the GOI and the Indian Parliament who due to political opportunism looked the other way. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Based on the disturbingly painful communal history of the past 63 years of running the state by a Sunni dominated political system and the State administration the Hindus, as a minority community in J&K state, need & must get special safeguards and protection: A Kashmiri Hindus shrines and religious places law must be urgently passed and promulgated by the State to stop illegal sales and encroachment of temple properties. Other administrative measures like formation of a Waqf- like Hindu Board for their protection, preservation and development must also be set in motion. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The silence about the outright loot of Hindu religious places and their properties maintained by the Muslims of India, who are generally so vociferous on even minor issues concerning their religion & community, could only be interpreted as their support to Islamists agenda in Kashmir. Their unexplained silence raises may questions and one of the serious ones is: If this is how they feel about the religion and religious places of Hindus in the only Muslim majority state in India why should they get preferential treatment in jobs, educational reservations and financial support, including Hajj subsidies from mostly Hindu tax payers ? Incidentally the validity of the current GOI policy regarding the Hajj subsidy has already been questioned by the Supreme Court of India. > >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 4) Aadarniya Nationalist Leaders, Parliamentarians, Activists and Concerned Citizens: It is time that the nation unitedly stands by Shri Jawala Ji Samiti and Prem Nath Bhat Memorial trust in urging Shri Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister, Dr Karan Singh, the sole trustee, Dharmarth Trust and concerned administrative officers to look into the matter and i) book the people involved in encroachment of the Shri Jawala ji temple land in the area and recover the lands illegally occupied; ii) stop illegal mining and plying of mining vehicles over the Shimshan Ghat and the Shishu Samadhia at Khrew; and iii) Govt. must also recover and rebuild the previously affected temples, many of them detailed in Attachment A; In our opinion Kashmir, an historic place in Hindu ethos, has since been neutralized and is now speedily being Talibanized. This situation cannot be acceptable to India. Accordingly, the Indian patriots have an obligation to defeat and crush the approaching imminent danger posed by local and foreign Islamists who are busy in demolishing the traces of Hindu culture and civilization in Kashmir. >\\\\\\\\\\\\ A) The world knows that the entire Hindu community has been kicked out of Kashmir by the militant Islamists and now to complete the picture of the so-called Kashmiri secularism, Kashmiriyat, and Naya Kashmir their temples are being vandalized, robbed and demolished. > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ B) In Ladakh, Buddhist girls and women are being kidnapped and forcibly married to Kashmiri Sunnis and new colonies of Islamist settlers from Kashmir region with Govt. assistance have mushroomed in non-Muslim regions. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ C) The treatment of Hindus in Jammu region, where hundreds of new Muslim localities and colonies over the years have emerged, is not any different. They are treated as less than second class citizens. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ D) Hindus and patriots must mobilize to put an end to this persisting erosion of Hindu identity and civilizational war forced upon them. Having already lost Pakistan and Bangladesh, now is the time that Hindus and nationalists of India organize serious and vociferous public protests, possibly like Anna Hazare’s latest movement against corruption in the country, to arrest and defeat Islamist advances. Inspiring slogans like "unity through diversity, religious freedom, one Law, one Nation, one Country" could be our rallying points. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ But whatever the cost Hindus must draw line in the sand and protect the multi-cultural complexion of the last frontiers of Hindu India of which Ladakh, Kashmir and Jammu are an integral part. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ E) Furthermore, the facts highlighted above, must also be brought to the notice of the so- called interlocutors on Kashmir and foreign dignitaries whose ignorance about the Kashmir issue is seriously jeopardizing India’s national security and interests. They are either unaware or purposely ignoring the fact that Islamic Sharia laws are imposed in Kashmir. They have obviously rejected the fact that the character of the Indian democratic Constitution is secular which without exception requires adherence by the state to the principle of equality between the Republic’s citizens. > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Mr. Ghulam Nabi Fai's recent arrest in USA on charges of being Pakistani ISI's conduit for funneling money to legislators in Washington to influence US Kashmir policy raises many important questions. One of them being if the Pakistan spy agency has been so deeply involved in USA - many thousands of miles away from its home base how deeply it would be involved in India which is located just outside the Pakistan borders? Given the incompetence of India’s governing political culture isn’t it conceivable that ISI may also have found its way to influence some of the decision making right inside India, particularly on Kashmir? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ > F) Surely but steadily they want to gift away Kashmir to Pakistan, epicenter of Islamic terrorism, ironically as a reward for having trained, armed and funded Jihadis who killed tens of thousands of innocent people in India. The sinistrous plan of starting with Kashmir and unleashing a civilizational war against Hindus for setting up a vast Caliphate across South Asia must also be brought to the attention of the Indian masses. The people of the targeted nation i.e., India must understand unmistakably that the Islamist subversion in Kashmir has many dimensions and all of them aim at changing the political, territorial, ethnic, religious and social complexion of India. The recent warning by the U.S. that the Indian Mujahideen were linked to Pakistani terrorist organizations must not be allowed to fall on deaf ears. The latest developments from the region reveal that Kashmir is fast becoming the organizational, planning and operational HQ of the Indian Mujahideen. Under these circumstances the above noted suggestions and the issues brought up by Mr. Raina before the nation must not be ignored and Indian policy makers and Parliamentarians must focus on tackling the disturbing developments in Kashmir before it is too late. The policy of caving in and appeasement has placed Kashmir on a disastrous course. >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This appeal should be taken as a call to the nation to rise in defense of its cultural identity, national integrity and uncompromised sovereignty. \\\\\\\\\\\ > Thanks for your time >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Dr. Jagan Kaul Krishan Bhatnagar Hindu Jagran Forum (USA) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ October 23, 2011 > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Ref 1: J& K - Hon'ble CM :Hindu educational and religious Institutions in J&K must be protected ... (May 11, 2008) --- Ref 2: J& K - Hon'ble CM : Massive destruction of temples in J&K and Talibanization of the state (Feb. 21, 2008) -- =================== +++++++++++++++++++ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Attachment A >\\\\\\\\\ Excerpts from letter to : J& K - Hon'ble CM :Hindu educational and religious Institutions in J&K must be protected ... (May 11, 2008) --- > 1) Hindu Institutions being destroyed at an unprecedented Scale: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The process of desecration, loot, vandalizing and destruction of temples has continued in J&K under the anti-Hindu Islamic rule through generations with intent to wipe out all traces of religious and cultural symbols of Hindus. These targets besides the temples included libraries, schools, universities and ashrams. After country became free and Kashmir acceded to the Union of India in 1947 the destruction and desecration of temples under the new Islamic regimes wearing secular turbans received added impetus and acceleration. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Temple lands, cremation grounds and other such entities belonging to Hindus were usurped and utilized for expansion of the Islamic populace. The famous Bhairavnath temple of Chattabal, Srinagar was locked up by the police. The judicial case pending in court concerning this temple was never allowed to be decided. Precious lands around Hari Parbat hill, Durganag temple of Srinagar and lands at several Hindu places of worship in the Valley were slowly and steadily turned into lands under occupation of the Muslim trusts (Maqboozai-Ahali-Islam). > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ > 2) The law and order situation in the Valley since 1986 deteriorated progressively and temple desecration became the order of the day. The Islamic fundamentalist conspiracy against Hindus received unqualified support from the Pan Islamic Movement and from across the border. Here are some of the glaring examples that defy and shred into a million pieces the tall claims made by the Muslim leaders of Kashmir about their dedication and adherence to nationalism, multiculturalism, secularism, Kashmiriyat and religious freedom. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In 1967, Shivala temple, Chotta Nazar, Srinagar was desecrated. Again in 1984 Shri Hanuman temple at Hari Singh High Street was damaged and in the same year Arya Samaj temple of Wazir Bagh, Srinagar was burnt down. > >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 3) Temples desecrated and damaged in Kashmir from 1990 to December 1992 1. DASHNAMI AKHARA, SRINAGAR 2. GANPATYAR TEMPLE 3. RAGHUNATH MANDIR, SRINAGAR 4. SHIVA TEMPLE, JAWAHAR NAGAR, SRINAGAR 5. HANUMAN MANDIR, SRINAGAR 6. SHIVA TEMPLE, BARBAR SHAH, SRINAGAR 7. JAI DEVI TEMPLE, BIJBEHARA 8. VIJESHWAR TEMPLE, BIJBEHARA 9. SHIVA MANDIR, BIJBEHARA 10. RAGHUNATH TEMPLE, ANANTNAG 11. GAUTAM NAG TEMPLE, ANANTNAG 12. THREE TEMPLES OF LUKHBHAVAN, LARKIPURA, ANANTNAG 13. WANPOH MANDIR, ANANTNAG 14. SHAILPUTRI TEMPLE, BARAMULLA 15. DAYALGAM MANDIR, ANANTNAG 16. BHAIRAVANATH MANDIR, BARAMULLA 17. BHAIRAVANATH MANDIR, SOPORE 18. RUPABHAVANI MANDIR, VASAKURA 19. KHIRBHAVANI MANDIR, GANDERBAL 20. SHIVA TEMPLE, GANDERBAL 21. MATTAN TEMPLE, ANANTNAG >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ There have been reports of further destruction of some 39 temples in Kashmir after December 6, 1992 for which FIR were filed. Please note that FIRs on all destruction cases were not filed with the authorities in view of the complicity of the administration and warnings of retaliation against the complainants by the Islamic terrorists. According to local eye witnesses accounts there were additional 38 temples that were vandalized after December 6, 1992. > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ These examples represent only a fraction of the systematic mass destruction of thousands of temples in J&K after independence of India when the Islamists assumed the total and unfettered control of the state. These examples are listed in details in our letter of February 21, 2008 to the CM, J&K (may be seen on website: under the heading - “Massive destruction of temples in J&K and Talibanization of the state”). -- 000000000