Taqiyya - The Muslim Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Date: 01 Dec 2011


Subject: Re: Taqiyya - The Muslim Wolf in Sheep's Clothing \\\\\\\\\\\\ To understand the Muslim mind, psyche and potential in a country, please do the UNTHINKABLE. Look at India of 1946 and look at the same country in 1947. Do you notice the disfigured map outlines, pools of blood, thousands of abducted and raped girls and women and tens of millions of fleeing refugees? \\\\\\\\\ You will discover FOR THE BENEFIT OF MANKIND that the Muslims and Islam are nothing but DECEPTION, FRUAD & SURPRISE ATTACK.\\\\\\\\\\ They creep in gently but soon expand and spread like CANCER or GANGRENE. The DISEASED limbs have to be AMPUTATED. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ To prove this wrong, please get a confession from PAKISTANI leadership THAT THEIR ACT OF HIGH TREASON AGAINST THEIR OWN LAND OF BIRTH WAS A FOLLY. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ------------ America’s answer to the Canadian CBC TV series, “Little Mosque on the Prairie,” premiered at The Learning Channel (TLC) on 13 November 2011: “All-American Muslim” is airing as an 8-part series styled as a kind of faux-reality show and follows members of five Shi’ite Muslim families of Lebanese descent in Dearborn, Michigan. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ Subject: Taqiyya - The Muslim Wolf in Sheep's Clothing \\\\\\\\\\ "All-American Muslim" : A Little Taqiyya on the Prairie Did You Know? Watch the trailer for 'All-American Muslim' U-Report \\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\\\\ While Muslim countries across the Middle East and Muslim communities around the world become increasingly radicalized, an American cable TV channel has just premiered a new reality series called “All-American Muslim”. Is this an honest attempt to de-mystify Muslims and their traditions, or does the show simply gloss over the reality of Islamic ideology, whitewashing us into believing that American Muslims are “just like you and me”? Clarion Fund Senior Fellow Clare M. Lopez takes a deeper look behind the show and the media hype. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "All-American Muslim": A Little Taqiyya on the Prairie\\\\\\\\\\\ by Clare M. Lopez \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ America’s answer to the Canadian CBC TV series, “Little Mosque on the Prairie,” premiered at The Learning Channel (TLC) on 13 November 2011: “All-American Muslim” is airing as an 8-part series styled as a kind of faux-reality show and follows members of five Shi’ite Muslim families of Lebanese descent in Dearborn, Michigan. \\\\\\\\\\ The idea is to show that these Muslims are just like any other Americans and to dispel what TLC terms “misconceptions, conflicts and differences they face outside - and within - their own community. . . ” Misconceptions about Islam do, in fact, abound; but it is not likely that “All-American Muslim” will do much to clarify how Islamic supremacism and violence against non-believers derive directly from the doctrine, law, and scriptures of Islam itself. That every Muslim believer does not behave in conformance with such fundamental tenets of the faith is obvious and to be acknowledged with relief. \\\\\\\\\\\\ Unfortunately, though, television shows that gloss over the reality of Islamic ideology not only obscure the full truth about Islam from non-Muslims who then remain unprepared to defend against its hostile elements, but also leave no space for Muslims who themselves oppose jihadist terrorism, inequality between Muslims and non-Muslims, misogyny, honor killings, the apostasy death penalty, and vicious hudud punishments. This is why the new TLC series might more accurately be called “A Little Taqiyya on the Prairie.” Taqiyya, of course, is the sanctioned Islamic practice of deceit and dissimulation to defend or promote Islam. [MORE] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did You Know... Taqiyya is Used to Deceive Non-Muslims About Islam?\\\\\\\\\\\\\ by Clare M. Lopez \\\\\\\\\\ The Arabic word Taqiyya means “deceit” or “dissimulation.” Unlike the Christian or Jewish religions, Islam not only permits its believers to lie but actually commands it in some circumstances. For the most part, Muslims are not supposed to lie to one another; but, exceptions are made for smoothing over differences between friends (“He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar,” Bukhari vol. 3:857 p.533.), lying to one’s wife, and lying in warfare. (Recall: Muhammad himself said, ‘War is deceit,” Bukhari vol. 4:267 and 269) Lying to non-Muslims, though, is another matter. In fact, Islam permits Muslims to lie anytime they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened. Taking it a step further, if there is an objective to be achieved that is desirable in Islam, then it is permissible for Muslims to lie in order to achieve that objective. [MORE] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ News & Analysis 'Lone Wolf' Terror Suspect Arrested in New York A New Wave of Violence Erupts in Egypt's Tahrir Square [with VIDEO] Blog: Saudi Women May Be Forced To Cover Even Their Eyes \\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First UReport Story\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ UReporter Mike Wilson contacted us about an event on his campus at the University of Maryland. “Undercover as a Muslim Woman” scheduled for November 22, is organized by the Muslim Women of Maryland, a student-based organization with close affiliation to the Muslim Students Association (MSA). The event’s website states that the event has been planned as a means to “dispel misunderstanding on campus about what the headscarf that Muslim women wear represents physically and spiritually.” \\\\\\\\\\\\\ In addition, the event invites female students - including non-Muslims - to “sign up and come by to pick out a headscarf and learn how to wear one” according to a posting on Facebook by co-organizer Sarah Mostafa.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The event, which will take place in the university’s student union building already has over 150 women confirmed to attend, many of whom are not Muslim. The Facebook invitation has sent out an open invitation to nearly 900 more students. \\\\\\\\\\ Mike emailed the organizers on several occasions in an attempt to determine if the event would also include a discussion of Shariah Law and its impact on women. The replies he received were obtuse, defensive and instead suggested that if Mike had a genuine interest to learn more about Islam or to have an open-minded dialogue about issues he’s concerned about, they could arrange for him to speak to their chaplain. The email, signed “the UMV Team” ended with, “if you are interested in closing your ears to the other side, then our event is not the forum for you.” \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Are events like this being run on your campus or in your community? If so, we want to hear about them. Send us an email at info@radicalislam.org \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamic Terrorist Network - America and the West's Fatal Embrace Edited by Sarah N. Stern \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Saudi Arabia influences American policy through both conventional and unconventional methods, ranging from lobbying and endowments to think tanks, policy centers, universities, and workshops for schoolteachers, all due to the petro-dollars that have been generated from America's addiction to foreign oil. With chapters written by long-time experts in the fields of national security, foreign policy, education, and law, this book uses first-hand accounts to explore the Saudis' vast grip. Sarah N. Stern is the founder and president of EMET, The Endowment for Middle East Truth, an unabashedly pro-Israel and pro-American think tank and policy shop in Washington, DC. Previously she was the director of governmental and legislative affairs of the American Jewish Congress, and prior to that she was the national policy coordinator of the Zionist Organization of America. "Understanding the sources of funding for terrorism is critical to defeating this threat to our way of life. Sarah Stern's book is required reading on this issue." - John Bolton, Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Buy the book \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\000000000