“Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam"

Date: 01 Dec 2011


A book on Radical \\\\\\\\\ Islam—for our youth! \\\\\\\\\\\\\ by Brigitte Gabriel, President, ACT! for America \\\\\\\\\\\ [Editor’s Note: We’re sending out this important email again today in case you missed it yesterday.] \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\, For months, I have been anxiously looking forward to the day I could send you this email. \\\\\\\ It’s because I am so excited to be able to announce the completion of a new ACT! for America book for our youth— \\\\\\\\\ “Understanding the Threat of Radical Islam”\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Our next generation is being misled, even indoctrinated, by fantasies masquerading as “facts” in public school textbooks, that paint a false picture about the history and doctrines of Islam. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ No wonder everywhere I go I hear from parents and grandparents who ask me, “is there a good resource about radical Islam available for young people?” \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Now there is—and just in time for holiday gift-giving!! \\\\\\\\\\\\ This illustrated book covers all the essential topics needed for a young person to gain an understanding of radical Islam—without being too long or too weighty. They’ll learn about everything from al Qaeda to Khomeini, from jihad to the Muslim Brotherhood, from sharia law to Wahhabism. The book even contains a timeline and an index. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Designed for middle school and early high school ages, this book will provide your teen or grandchild, or a friend of the family, the facts they aren’t getting in school, movies or the media. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ We’re making this important book available for a contribution of just $26. For just $26 you can put this book into the hands of your teenager, a grandchild, or the friend of your family. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Simply log on here, select the “Contributing Member” option, then select the $26 gift level. It’s safe, simple, and secure. \\\\\\\\\ If you would like multiple copies, we’re offering bulk orders of six copies or more for a contribution of just $20 per copy. After you log on here, select the “Quantity Discount Orders” option, then scroll down to the $20 gift amount. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ If you would prefer to make your contribution with a check, just click here to print out an easy-to-use reply form that you can mail in with your check. \\\\\\\\\ The holidays are just around the corner, so if you’re interested, please act today. This book is a great gift for teenagers—but I’ve been told by adults who have read it that the information is packaged so well they enjoyed reading it as well. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ You can change the heart and mind of a young person today by getting a copy of this book. In doing so, you’ll be helping to shape the next generation’s understanding of radical Islam. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Thank you for your support of ACT! for America. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Always devoted, \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Brigitte Gabriel ================= 000000000