Date: 09 Dec 2011
December 9, 2011 at 4:16 AM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ When I hear this song sung in Hindusthan by children organised by ignorant indivisuals and organisations my hear bleeds .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I thank Shri Deepak Basu who has exposed these two traitors and destroyers of Akhand Hindusthan. The seeds were planted by Sir SYED AHMED KHAN who started Aligarh Muslim University and then Iqbal while in England promoted the idea of Muslim nation Pakistan.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ P = for part of Punjab;K= for part of Kashmir\\\\\\\\\\\ s= part of Sindh,tan= for Baluchistan.=PAKISTAN\\\\\\\\\\ Later Jinnah with help of Brishraj was able to get East and west Pakistan.\\\\\\\\\\\ East Pakistan is Bangladesh now’In 1905 Bengal was divided by British raj and that was the beginning of destruction of Akhand Bharat which Duratma M.K.Gandhi and Nehru failed to understand.\\\\\\\\\ Nehru was even ready to give entire present north east along with East Pakistan but nationalist leader from Assam saved our entire N.E.\\\\\\\\\\\ Maulana Nehru gave the present socalled Azad Kashmir[ P O K ]. 000000000