Date: 20 Dec 2011
We see them as ENEMIES of Hindus, AKHAND BHARAT, Secularism and the future MURDERERS, LOOTERS & RAPISTS.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Unless the Hindus raise a BIGGER and MORE IMPRESSIVE counter force on our own TERRITORY the Rest of Hindusthan, too, will be SUBMERGED in this BLOODTHIRSTY ISLAMIC TSUNAMI. The Voice of Sri Ram, Sri Krishna and Guru Gobind Singh Ji should be LOUDER in terrified enslaved and intimidated "Broken Bharat" than the voice of KAFIR- (HINDU-) KILLER Mohammed of Mecca. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It's neither the time of "sarkari" (Congress+Italy+Islam) language nor of complacency. It is the DEATH KNELL of Hindus that we can hear loud and cleaer and see the surging sea of Mohammed with own eyes in PARTITIONED India where NO Muslim was expected to be seen since August 15, 1947. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ HINDUS have failed to keep Hindusthan nuclear free and MUSLIM FREE. WHAT IS THE FUTURE?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ========== In a message dated 20/12/2011 02:47:17 GMT Standard Time, \\\\\\\\\\\\\ writes: FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND NECESSARY ACTION. \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Home / India , Latest News , Muslim Organisations / 12,000 Muslims step out in path of Allah after ‘Aalami Tableeghi Ijtima’ at Bhopal\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 12,000 Muslims step out in path of Allah after ‘Aalami Tableeghi Ijtima’ at Bhopal BY IMO ADMIN 000000000