Date: 23 Dec 2011


THE MAN IN FRONT\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TRUE STORY 1:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ A Mogul (Mohammedan) Emperor of Hindusthan was leading his army in battle, sitting on an elephant where his soldiers could see him leading them bravely. In the ensuing battle an arrow struck the Emperor in the eye and he fell mortally wounded. Seeing him fall the soldiers lost nerve and RAN AWAY, leaving the field and land to their opponents.\\\\\\\\\ TRUE STORY 2:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ A great Hindu “neta”, frail & gentle like a lamb, revered by all as “Mahatma”, entered the dangerous field of politics where hungry wolves abound, looking for easy prey.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In order to give a lead to the nation entering a critical phase in history, he held aloft a banner that read, “AKHAND BHARA”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ He urged his followers to stand by it and declared that he would rather die than see his sacred Motherland broken up and ravaged. He seemed big and strong, a man with strong mind & soul, someone who could inspire his followers and give a heroic LEAD to smash the enemy, taking the nation to victory.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Even before the enemy could shoot an arrow or fire a gun he lost his nerve, went silent and became invisible- his courage and guts smashed.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The result? WORST EVER DEFEAT AND SURRENDER OF HINDUSTHAN.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ --------------------------------------------- Moral Of The Two Stories:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ When the man in front falls, TAKE HIS PLACE. Raise the flag. Carry on the battle. Those who RUN AWAY show lack of loyalty to the leader, conviction in the cause, contempt for their ancestors, land and themselves. They are called “despicable cowards” in all the countries on earth. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It is therefore, vital to shed the fear of bullies and the terror of their accomplices and collaborators, stick to our stand on “AKHAND BAHRAT” and TEACH THE BULLIES A LESSON not to take the Hindus for granted, so lightly and contemptuously.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It’s the slogan that must revive the vitality of Hindu nation once again after a thousand years. It’s the slogan that must reverberate across the length and breadth of Hindusthan once again till we unite, counter attack and smash the enemy.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It’s the slogan that promises us victory in peace and war, and will make us stand tall and proud. It’s the slogan that will make us look decent to our fellow Indians, and, if you live abroad, it will make us look patriotic to our fellow citizens in the UNITED Kingdom, the UNITED States and the UNITED Europe (EU).\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It’s the slogan that will make us proud in our own eyes and make us look honourable in the eyes of our children, neighbours and the rest of the world.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It’s the slogan that will make us look stalwarts in the eyes of the coming generations. It’s the slogan that will get us respect from Delhi & Ayodhya to Mecca & Medina: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ “AKHAND BHARAT, AMAR RAHE!” ==============25 December, 2011=============== .PICK UP THE FLAG AND ADVANCE! ============================================= 000000000