Date: 31 Dec 2011
PANUN KASHMIR\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\BRIEF OF THE PRESS STATEMENT ISSUED DURING THE HOMELAND DAY RALLY ORGANIZED BY PANUN KASHMIR ON DEC. 28th 2011 AT PRESS CLUB JAMMU. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Panun Kashmir organized a public rally near press club Jammu on 28th December, to commemorate the Homeland Day. This day is being observed by Panun Kashmir supporters all over the country and outside as a day on which the Exiled Community of Kashmiri Hindus adopted The Margdarshan Resolution which has acted as a beacon light for the entire community to strive, struggle and reclaim their Homeland in Kashmir valley in the area north and east of River Jhelum. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ · Hundreds of Panun Kashmiris from different parts of Jammu including all the camps where internally displaced Kashmiri Hindus are living participated in the rally. The proceedings of the rally were started with a public oath taken by all the participants to dedicate their lives and the lives of their progeny to the sacred cause of establishing their Homeland in Kashmir valley. Sh Mahesh Koul a budding young scholar of Jammu University conducted the proceedings of the programme. Speakers from Camps and the non-camp areas spoke on the occasion highlighting the importance of the day and the need to intensify the struggle. Those who spoke on the occasion were Sh Shailendra Aima, vice Chairman of Panun Kashmir and Editor of Kashmir Sentinel, Sh PL Dhār, President of Nagrota Camp, Sh S L Pandita, leader of the Jagati Tenement Committee, Sh R S Sodhi, leader of the displaced Kashmiri Sikh community, Sh P L Raina, representative from Muthi Camp. Sh S K Handoo and Sh B L Marhatta senior leaders of the Panun Kashmir Organisation in Jammu province. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\· Dr Ajay Chrungoo, Chairman of Panun Kashmir, concluded the deliberations by describing the Homeland Day on December 28, as the day of true revelation –the Margdarshan , for all Kashmiri Hindus. He said that on December 28, 1991, Kashmiri Hindu representatives from all organisations and walks of life adopted the resolve to reclaim Panun Kashmir in an area north and east of river Jhelum as a Homeland for all Kashmiri Hindus as the only possible way of reversing the genocide perpetrated on them for more than seven centuries in continuity. “Since then the Homeland has become the heart throb of all Kashmiri Hindus. Homeland of Panun Kashmir is a vision of our future and the pedestal of our liberation from the ongoing tyranny. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Panun Kashmir is the beginning of the resolve to save a civilization under attack and reclaim its glory.” Coming to the contemporary times he said that an unholy alliance seems to have fructified between a section of the governments in the Centre and the State and the radical communal establishment operating in Kashmir. The protection and respect conferred to the most radical and communal leadership in Kashmir valley is a policy of suicide pursued.” He said government is perpetuating corruption in running the Relief Organisation to create a pliable leadership to work against the interests of the community and the nation. “Relief Organisation has been converted into an arm of coercion to modulate and control the opinion of Kashmiri Hindus living in exile. I compliment the people living in the camps for having risen against the corruption and harassment despite intimidation and threats from the government. I compliment the Kashmiri Hindus for spurning the various allurements offered by the government to toe its line on return to an Islamized Kashmir.” He concluded his speech by warning the governments in the Centre and the State about the imminent dangers posed by a fragile and volatile security environment in Kashmir valley, POK and rest of Pakistan to the Hindus living in Kashmir.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Sh Shailendra Aima, vice Chairman of Panun Kashmir in his opening speech dealt at length regarding the homeland struggle and its importance for the survival of the Kashmiri Hindus and the integrity of Indian Nation. ‘ Having been the original inhabitants of Kashmir from ancient times and,being the inheritors of a glourious cultural tradition of more than five thousand years, Kashmiri Pandits have as much right to live in Kashmir as any other religious group. Preservation of this community in its natural and historical habitat is a political necessity’ he said. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The rally concluded with the presentation of vote of thanks by Sh.B.L.Kaul programme coordinator of the Rally. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ JAI BHARAT JAI PANUN KASHMIR -- =================== 000000000