Date: 03 Feb 2012
WHO IS AARTI THAKUR? (SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF HINDUSTHAN, THE HONOUR OF HINDUS.)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WHO IS AARTI THAKUR?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What would have been the reaction to the news of the “unprovoked acid attack on a Hindu girl” among the Hindus? Some would have ignored it altogether as a routine daily occurrence. Others would have considered it too dangerous to “get involved,” while the rest may have said, “It’s for the police to do something about it.” But it would be a pity to ignore this one. By doing so we will be encouraging a HUNDRED more crimes of this kind across Bharat. It will only add to the climate of Hindu demoralisation that actually encourages attacks on the Hindus everywhere, not only in Bengal, Kashmir, Ayodhya and Mumbai. It will also have a negative impact on the Sikh spirit and morale. They take attack on one as attack on all.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We, therefore, need to ask, “Why is it never the Hindu boys doing seduction, abduction and acid throwing?” And, if we presume ourselves to be civilised and decent then can we let the uncouth and the savage terrorise our girls, intimidate our boys, and scare the entire Hindu community into inaction? IT’S UNACCEPTABLE. IT’S NOT ON!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here’s the news item we came across today.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (Quote) Acid attack on Hindu Girl by disappointed Muslim Love Jehadi in Mumbai.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Police nabs Muslim youth who threw acid on a Hindu girl's face.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Mumbai, Feb 1 (IANS). The railway police Wednesday arrested a youth for throwing acid on a girl's face at a suburban railway station here, an officer said.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The accused, identified as Pintoo Sheikh, has been arrested by the railway police. He had thrown acid on the victim, identified as Aarti Thakur, at Goregaon railway station (in northwest Mumbai) yesterday (Tuesday)," an officer at the Borivli Railway Police Station told IANS. A case of attempt to murder has been registered against the accused.” (Unquote) Would the Muslim miscreant have dared to attack Aarti Thakur if he feared prompt and severe retaliation by the local Hindu youth, the RSS Shakha, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, or even Aarti’s own brothers and friends? Definitely NOT. The other day 50,000 RSS volunteers held a massive rally to impress us all but we did not see even 50 to confront the Loafer who threw acid on Aarti. Grand RSS parades are like the 500,000 strong flock of cackling geese who then disappear over the horizon, having made a deafening noise and a spectacular show. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Muslims have learnt a thing or two from their prophet Mohammed. First and foremost, the attitude towards, and the treatment of, women. Secondly, to hate the Hindus regarded infidels by him. Since he also wrote it down in his “Manual of Jihad”, The Koran, this hatred will go down for ever so long as they read the word “Kafir” in the book. A logical outcome of brainwashing is their instinctive compulsion to seduce and rape Hindu girls. It gives the lowliest scum of mankind the thrill of victory over the Kafirs. It is the continuation of the same war against everyone else that he started 1400 years ago. This tradition of “degrade the Kafir’s daughter & grab his land” will end only when the KORAN is banned (not burnt).\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ On the other hand, we see that no Hindu prophet, leader, saint, seer, guru, swamy or mahatma ever showed any interest in invading and plundering other countries, killing, converting and keeping female slaves, and multiple wives in harems.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Hindu boys are brought up to be polite and courteous towards the opposite sex and respect all women. Hence in this perennial war, with or without the use of weapons, the Hindus have proved losers, the defeated side. Our girls look defenceless and remain vulnerable and easy victims. It remains a one-way traffic, always to the advantage of Mohammed and to the disadvantage of the Hindus.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Every time a Hindu girl is seduced, kidnapped, raped or attacked the whole Hindu community feels a bit of muck thrown in the face. This is coupled with guilt at our inability to defend our own daughters (“devis”), mothers and sisters, leave aside our TERRITORY (“Dharti Maata”) that was surrendered in panic, mile upon endless mile, as a result of the treacherous Islamic onslaught of 1947. One may, therefore, ask, “Why haven’t the Hindus learnt to beat off the rascals, the bullies and the Mujahideen?”\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The answer is spontaneous, “We are cowards.” It is another bit of stinking muck that we throw at ourselves.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Sikhs seem to do better in this respect. If we just look at Amritsar (Harimandir Sahib) and Ayodhya (Sri Ram Temple) the contrast couldn’t be more obvious and glaring. Recently in England a Sikh girl was seduced through deception by a crafty Mohammedan who used the Internet to fool the girl, saying that he is a Sikh by Faith.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Immediately the Sikh community rallied themselves behind the girl and her parents. Angry letters were sent to the media and MP’s. One such letter said, (Quote) “The attack on one Sikh girl is perceived as an attack on ALL THE SIKHS. We were created to defend and recover the OTHERS’ daughters. But today our own are being targeted by the same ENEMY.” An angry Sikh wrote to his Member of Parliament in London, sending copies all over the world. Please read the same:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Letter to the Member of Parliament on the “grooming” of a Sikh girl.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ A “PRINCESS” DEGRADED\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Dear….(Name of the MP)….,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ An unfortunate instance of “grooming” a minor Sikh girl by an older Muslim male, who posed to be a much younger Sikh boy, has angered the entire Sikh community in this country. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“The Panjab Radio” (Sky Channel 0130) held a two-hour discussion programme, entirely devoted to this tragedy for the community. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We believe that it is time that Her Majesty’s Government recognized a few basic facts about the Muslim community, especially the rootless schizophrenic (neither Indian nor Arab!) PAKISTANIS, who are out to provoke and hurt the feelings and sentiments of other faiths and communities living peacefully in this country.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This is not the first instance of provocation and hurt caused by the Muslims. Their indoctrination, fundamentalism, intolerance of the Non Muslims, the deeply ingrained commitment to “Jihad” (holy war) and their perpetual sense of grievance against the rest of the society make them a clearly defined hostile (misfit) “second nation” within a nation.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In India it culminated in the wretched country’s savage mutilation, resulting in tens of millions of innocent citizens fleeing their homes and towns, while over here growing Muslim numbers means the rising damp in the existing social brickwork and cohesion. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Inter communal tensions are rising in the United Kingdom due to rising Muslim numbers that, in its wake,, brings increase in the instances of seduction and grooming while the State is unable to do anything except turn a blind eye to all this.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ A Muslim, being extremely indoctrinated, has NO regard or consideration whatsoever for the Non Muslims’ sensitivities. For example, defying the feelings of the girls’ parents, and community, they continue to groom and seduce our daughters for sex whereas if a Non Muslim were to befriend a Muslim female they both would be KILLED if the Non Muslim boy refused to convert to Islam. In every country the Muslims are perceived to be the ultimate threat to security and law & order. Where they are a minority they bring tensions, hostility and clashes and where they are a majority they resort to savage ethnic cleansing of the Non Muslims.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ There are a few basic assumptions with regard to the Muslims. They do shelter and protect their own girls by prohibiting their freedom in public. Muslim girls are not allowed to speak to any male outside home and are beaten up, even KILLED, if they persist. Such murders are accepted by Judiciary and society in all Islamic republics. England, a liberal country, also has her share of such murders known as “honour killings”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Marriage among the Muslims is merely a legal contract and a man can discard one, and marry another at pleasure, whereas among the Sikhs (and Hindus) it is a spiritual bond between a man and a woman (as in the case of the Christians and the Jews) to be cherished and preserved till the end of life. Muslims are encouraged to follow the example of their Prophet to “conquer” a non Muslim female in the name of Allah. Prophet Mohammed himself married several women including minor girls. Many of them were Christian, Jew and Pagan females captured in the battles that he waged till his death. The Sikhs have NO sovereign State back home unlike the Muslims of Pakistan and Bangladesh, both carved out of India. Indian leaders like Nehru took the “teeth and guts” out of the Hindu nation by going “secular” in order to appease the Muslim bullies (second nation).\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Denied State recognition and protection back home, the Sikhs (and Hindus) living in this country can only look up to Her Majesty’s Government to defend their honour & dignity, especially of our daughters. We pride ourselves in being morally upright, industrious and loyal. We request that-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - a close eye be kept on the activities of the Muslims indoctrinated with boundless zeal of Jihad; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-“grooming” for sex and prostitution ought to be declared a punishable criminal offence. A Muslim contacting or writing secretly to a Sikh girl should know the Sikh history, traditions and code of honour; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-girls thus deceived and seduced ought to be taken into care and reconciled with their betrayed grieving parents; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-one-way marriages with Muslim males must be banned. In “mixed” marriages an equal number of Muslim spouses is expected to embrace the faith & religion of the Non Muslim girls; -polygamy must be strictly banned. A Muslim having a wife “back home” must be sent back to live with her and their children. The right to family life of the “wife back home” must be respected; -a girl escaping the Islamic trap ought to get State protection but not live in fear of death or threat of violence; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-any Muslim granted leave to stay in this country on temporary or permanent basis ought to be promptly deported back to his country of birth on committing an offence. The governments, from Morocco to Indonesia, should be allowed to treat the persons seeking asylum here according to their own laws based on the Koran. England ought to be concerned with the well-being and safety of her own citizens in countries like Afghanistan, Irak, Pakistan, Nigeria and Somalia instead of acting as the “mother” to miscreants and terrorists from everywhere. Our humane laws were meant for the people of this country, not the migratory citizens of the “Global Empire” of resurgent Islam; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-Judiciary in this country ought to be better informed & trained to see through the incorrigible devious Muslim mind & indoctrination, and not mete out pardons and light sentences; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-an apology should be offered to the betrayed parents of the victim with suitable compensation to the parents for the grave insult and hurt. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-honourable members of parliament and Judiciary ought to be informed that the Sikhs are an inspired people to defend their daughters, democratic freedoms and “way of life”, and the word “Kaur” in every Sikh girl’s name means “PRINCESS”.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This is the responsibility, we hope and pray, will be taken seriously by Her Majesty’s Government. (Unquote).\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Unfortunately, HINDUS cannot expect any sympathy or support from the Italian born President of All-India Congress Party and the despicable Lok Sabha of Dynasty’s slaves, RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena and all the other Hindu organisations must let it be known that an attack on one Hindu girl will be considered an attack on the entire Hindu nation. We have, at last, come to understand what collective HINDU HONOUR means.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ When this happens we shall see the Muslims packing up for Pakistan and Sonia Maino-Mussolini packing for Italy. Not only our girls like Aarti will be safe in Mumbai but also the Hindus in Srinagar and the Sikhs in Lahore. ============-Feb 2, 2012 ============ 000000000