Date: 20 Apr 2012


In a message dated 20/04/2012 17:01:19 GMT Daylight Time, writes: Indians in general and Hindus in particular have no leader and as a result they are in this chaotic situation.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ All Hindu organisations must come closer and togather and decide want do they want and what is their aim and decide to work for that . They have to work for unity and come out of self defeating mentality of reforming and leading the world .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Hindu leaders and intellectuals are more worried about the world because it is easy to talk of high ideals and world problems rather than working for local and regional or national problems. Shri -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Subject: Re: Do we let the Nation go to Dogs To:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\CC:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This is a fitting tribute to our exceptionally mentally retarded politician. Their priorities are secondary to everything else, but clinging to the minorityism, appeasement and also their total commitment to the art of inferiority complex. This keeps them in power through the Vote Bank tactics and thus on the life-long machine. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 20 April 2012, 4:49 Subject: Do we let the Nation go to Dogs \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ India was attacked by Pakistan in 1947-48 – India was unruffled. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ China attacked India in 1962 – India was cool. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Pakistan again attacked in 1965 – India was composed \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Pakistan attacked India, yet again in 1971 – India was serene like a saint. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In 2012, Shah Rukh Khan, a film actor was stopped for extended questioning about his programme in US. He was held back just for 90 minutes at White Plains Airport, New York (America), for routine security check by Airport security. Immediately all hell broke loose in India. Press, Media and the Govt. reacted so fiercely as though a catastrophe has befallen on the Nation. Indian mission in USA strained every nerve to get Khan Sahib “released” from the clutches of American security. Our foreign office summoned US embassy high official to lodge a protest. Lo & Behold our Foreign Minister Janab S M Krishna sahib blurted out “This has become a habit of detention and then apology, this cannot continue. We need an assurance that this won’t happen again” Not stopping at that our excelled Janab S M Krishna sahib, further observed on 14.04.2012, “The Americans should seriously look at the procedure they have in place, so that important visits like that of Shah Rukh Khan do not happen again” and he did not stop even at that, his absurdity went further when he warned America “….so that bilateral relations move forward positively” (perhaps he will cut-off diplomatic relations with USA, if America again dares to insult any Muslim visitor from India). The quotations in italics are excerpts from Times of India dated 14.04.2012. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ When the Nation was at war these politicians were neither worried nor bothered. They felt “Let the Nation go to Dogs”. Well now, who is this Shah Rukh Khan? Is he an embodiment of Indian nation, culture, civilization? Eh….? Let’s look back once and ponder \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Mar-1993 - Bomb explosions in Mumbai Dec-1996 - Bombing of Brhmaputra Mail Feb-1998 - Bomb explosion in Coimbatore Dec-2000 - Attack on Red fort Oct-2001 - J & K Assembly attacked Dec-2001 - Parliament attacked May-2002 - Jaunpur train crash Dec-2002 - Ghatkopar (Mumbai) bus bombing Sept-2002 - Akshardham temple (Gujarat) attack Jan-2003 - Bicycle bombing in Mumbai Mar-2003 - Train bombing in Mulund (Mumbai) Jul-2003 - Bus bombing (Mumbai) Aug-2003 - Car bombing in Zaveri bazar (Mumbai) Oct-2005 - Serial bombing in New Delhi Mar-2006 - Bomb attacks in Holi city Varanasi Jul-2006 - Series of 7 train bombings in Mumbai Sept-2006 - Malegaon (Maharashtra) attack Feb-2007 - Samjhauta express bombing May-2007 - Mecca masjid bombing in Bhagyanagarm Aug-2007 - Lumbini & Gokul bombing in Bhagyanagarm Jan-2008 - Rampur CRPF camp attacked \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\………..and the list is endless, there are more than 45 such terrorist attacks on our country, the latest being the attack in Delhi on 07.09.2011, and it goes on and on and on. India’s National Security Adviser said in August, 2008 “there are 800 terrorist cells operating in India” \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ As a stark contrast lets us look at America’s record being at the receiving end. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The historic attack on world Trade Center, New York on 11th September, 2001 is too well known to be repeated. Since then Islamic terrorists made several attempts to launch attacks on US but always failed. The latest attacks are Car bomb incident at Florida and Capital attack in Washington, all attempts were thwarted by: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ · An ever vigilant security forces of USA · Responsible citizens of America · \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Un-wavering government which is NOT Indecisive, Uncertain, Vacillating, Uncommitted and Irresolute · No pseudo-secularism · No minority appeasement · No sacrificing National interest for the sake of Votes · Army and Police enjoy full operational freedom · No political interference in administration. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Even in 2009, Shah Rukh Khan was routinely checked at an American airport and at that time also we made a big nuisance. An exasperated American official expressed his feelings in the following words: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“Indian visitors are needlessly huffy about routine security procedures and there is a broad cultural mismatch or misunderstanding between the two countries in their view of authority.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ “India, one official said, has too much of a “VIP culture” that gives some people a false sense of privilege and entitlement that does not sit well in a world of ever-changing security threats. Even minor delays and inconveniences are exaggerated and conflated into major protocol breaches by some Indians. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The conversations took place during the kerfuffle over, the then defense minister George Fernandez visit to the US, when, he said, a “pat down” was frequently described in the Indian media as a “strip search”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The official also while speaking to times of India correspondent said the US VIP list was much more restrictive and even Senators and Congressmen underwent security screening (page 5, Times of India, Dated 16.08.2009) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Finally, we Hindus (i.e. Indians) must understand that we as a Nation have totally and criminally failed in containing terrorist activities. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We have no business to question USA, which is just fighting to save their country. No interest is greater than National interest. When National interest is involved everything else shall take a backseat.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I fully support USA in their fight against terrorism, their defense strategies. It’s most unfortunate that: It almost always happens that India is mostly represented by one Muslim or the other. Take Art, Music, Culture, Sports or Entertainment or any field for that matter we \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ have a Muslim to represent India. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Is it a fault of America if we consider a Muslim as a God incarnate? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ So, next time when a Khan, Irrfan or Ameir happens to be stopped at some American airport for routine security verification, let’s not raise hue and cry. Let’s not make ourselves a laughing stock in the world community. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Nothing is more important than Dharma, Nation and Country….. ====================================== 000000000