Date: 17 May 2012


Please note the tragedy and irony.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ INDIA is a super power and collapsed most disgracefully to CONCEDE Pakistan and yet kept the ENEMY in our own BROKEN Bharat, too.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We proved to be weak, and the weak are always KICKED & BULLIED. Their daughters are unsafe. This is the Law of Nature which says, "Survival of the fittest", not "supremacy of the moral"! That is why MOHAMMED rules sovereign in Pakistan while the weak Hindu nation could not put our own Sri Krishna, Sri Ram and Guru Nanak in our Constitution. To CONCEDE equality with the INTRUDER & INVADER, we all have gone "secular". So is our Constitution. The Rt. Hon. Lord Phillips knows this and will go ahead with honouring the Pakistani.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In the year of DEATH of "Akhand Bharat" there were TENS OF THOUSANDS of betrayed innocent girls like Rinkle Kumari, who were abducted, raped and gang-raped and forcibly converted and married to the MOHAMMEDAN "beasts in human form".\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ While now in New Delhi there is the “Parliament of Rats” sitting in terror of SONIA MAINO from Italy, then we had stalwart JAWAHARLAL NEHRU as the prime minister. He was the bosom friend of MOHAMMED ALI JINNAH a former President of All India Congress Party. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Both men (traitors) came to an understanding that Hindusthan should be BLASTED OUT of existence by cutting off ONE THIRD of her area and then to finish off the Hindus and Sikhs who suddenly became INFIDELS and KAFIRS under the new ISLAMIC Constitution of Pakistan.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Under Koranic Law the Hindus became "rats" or mere objects, and could be kicked, beaten, SPAT ON, and even killed and converted. Hindu girls and women had NO human rights since the Muslims have their own Conventions with clear distinction between the human rights of Muslims and of the Infidels.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Did Nehru make even a phone call to his counterpart across the new frontier to BEG of him to spare Hindu lives and dignity? NO.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ So we ought to assume that even today while it is the SAME Dynasty in control of enslaved BHARAT, the policy of non-intervention in the fate and dignity of Rinkle Kumari stays the same. The irony is that the British Government was PARTY TO PARTITION and has NO love lost for the INFIDELS, too. Nehru was a dictator. His terror still prevails in the Hindu psyche. He knew it. That is why he did not give any freedom to any Hindu majority State in India to become at par with East Bengal whose sovereignty was re-affirmed by his daughter MAIMUNA BEGUM (aka Indira Gandhi) in 1972. East Bengal was BETRAYED & SURRENDERED a second time. Yet NO Hindu organisation protested or "shot dead" the anti Hindu, anti India and anti Secularism prime minister of India then.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ At the time of Partition all the HINDU STATES ought to have raised their own flag of SOVEREIGNTY when Pakistani flag went up in Lahore, Karachi and Dhaka.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ RINKLE KUMARI and all the other Hindu girls in Sindh and East Bengal would have been SAFE. Today neither Supreme Commander Pratibha Patil, nor First Lady Sonia Maino, nor even the nominal Prime Minister Manmohan Singh dare “interfere” in the internal affairs of Pakistan. It will be surprising if Rt.Hon.Lord Phillips was to pay any attention to Rinkle Kumari, a Hindu girl, when her own Hindusthan is DEAD SILENT over her fate, having surrendered the Province of Sindh unconditionally in 1947.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We, therefore, commend the brave NRIs in the U.K. feeling the pain of this wretched Hindu girl, who should be brought to Bharat and given citizenship within 24 hours. ========================================= 000000000