Date: 15 Jul 2012
This unmentionable vicious minority community that has already occupied one third of India besides North Kashmir, are now beginning to provoke and anger the natives by "tightening the screw" further on the majority community without fear or shame. To all these striking students in Bangalore the authorities should show the way to Pakistan. After establishing Pakistan they forfeited their right to stay back in "Broken" Bharat. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We have already noticed the attack on our daughters in that "Love Jihad" (URL below) whereby the Muslims show audacity while the Hindus are merely watching depletion of our numbers, dignity, daughteres and image. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Where are the Hindu LEADERS who ought to prevail upon the authorities to have ONE rule for all if they wish to avoid another Partition?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ =========== In a message dated 15/07/2012 21:44:01 GMT Daylight Time, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\writes: M’lore college hit by hijab row 14 July 2012 \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ BANGALORE, 14 JULY: Over a hundred Muslim students from the Ramakunjeshwara First Grade College in Mangalore, stayed out of their classes today as the management did not allow the female students from the community to wear hijab or head scarves in class. The boys from the community too decided to stay away in protest. The college authorities do not allow the practice of covering one’s head in class. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The college with over 200 students suddenly saw the females from the minority community mustering support for their demand. They were taken aback by the protest, sources said. “We are unable to understand the agitation and its timing,” said Mr Vasant Rao, principal of the college run by one of the local mutths. S Shareen, one of the affected students ,maintained that the minority community females were unable to participate in sports because of the restrictions. They were finding it difficult to answer to their community leaders who repeatedly questioned them for not wearing the hijab in college. A Sheeka, another student, said: “We have grown up wearing scarves over our heads and there is no justification for stopping us now.” As the protesters continued to press their demand, a beleaguered management shut the gates on 107 Muslim students today who also remained firm in pushing their plea. Students of other communities, however, were allowed into the institution. The controversy is set to spill over to other schools and colleges if not settled soon, officials in the education department fear. The protest comes at a time when the exams are barely a week away. =================================== 000000000